A Teensy3.0 is perfectly capable of doing I2C transactions. There is still a lot of support and knowledge on this forum.
But if you want to expand your circuitry/design in the future and need more processing power, or move your project to large...
Yes, 5V from Teensy Vin pin to the encoder 5V VCC. And no, no external pullups to 3V3 - just use pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); to enable Teensy's internal pullup.
Right, that thought crossed my mind.
That capacitor is there as a bulk capacitor to...
You may want to have close look at this page where all the information about the audio adapter is available [schematic, wiring, mounting, reference to the Audio library, etc].
The audio adapter can be used for both the Teensy 4.0 and the Teensy...
You don't need to use a levelshifter since the output stage of the encoder you referenced above has "NPN open collector output circuit". See this thread for more info. So just power it by 5V.
But do I correctly understand that you want to drive a...
Woah! Woah! Slow down there. You're shorting Ground to 5v!!! Remember that the numbered rows on a breadboard are electrically connected. No wonder your Mac ain't liking it. Remove that ground wire next to the cap, and just put the capacitor...
Using the Encoder library has never failed me. Did you include INPUT_PULLUP to the inputs?
Here is a little setup and piece of code that reads the number of encoder clicks every 1 msec and prints them out.
Direction of the encoder is shown by...
I hope you do have a multimeter. If so, what does it read at the orange line when the error ocuurs?
Is your 0.1uF capacitor indeed a capacitor?
What does "it winds up shutting down" exactly mean? Teensy runs fine but when you connect the...
From your description of 4 wires I assume that you have one those 600 or 800 ppr encoders, like this one below?
And you want to measure how many pulses per second?
I was about to advice the Encoder library as well. It's not that much effort to...
C29 is a 10uF decoupling capacitor that could be omitted for getting the Teensy to work again.
L3 is a filtering coil. You could "replace" that part by shorting the 2 corresponding PCB pads.
You're welcome.
Feel free to share your schematic (preferably in PDF format) and code for review when you come to that point.
There is also a ready-to-go library for the ADG731: here.
A lot of information can be found at https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy40.html.
The ADG731 multiplexer information can be found here. It is controlled by SPI. More info on SPI and Teensy can be found here.
Teensy 4.0 Eagle library here.
Probably 'midi' is used already in the Teensy MIDI library, so instantiating like this USBMIDI_Interface midi_usb; gets rid of the compilation error.
Also got rid of the CCButton 'brace-enclosed initializer list' error by changing Channel_1 to...