Glad you got the USB cable issue sorted.
On the circuit safety question, I'm guessing you mean the photo with a breadboard? If the 5V power were to accidentally short directly to Teensy pin 0 (or any pin other than VIN / VUSB) your Teensy would...
Please remember we can't see your custom PCB over the internet, unless you show us. We can't see this unusual display which incorporates "A resistor is already implemented in my OLED display, which reduces the voltage from 5 volts to 3.3 volts"...
I'm looking at that library's ssd1306_128x32_spi example. It says software SPI is the default.
// Declaration for SSD1306 display connected using software SPI (default case):
#define OLED_MOSI 9
#define OLED_CLK 10
#define OLED_DC 11...
Depends on which library you're using, and for libraries like most of Adafruit's, can also depend on how your program creates the instance. Many of those libraries can use any digital pin, where you just tell it which pin. But again, this...
In Teensy Loader, click Help > Verbose Information. Clear the log (click Log menu in the Verbose Info window), then try loading code, then save the log to a file. You can share it here with "Attach files". Might need to put it in a zip archive...
This is a good sign. Teensy is probably still working.
Often this sort of problem happens because external circuitry uses too much power or has grounding problems (in conflict with ground connected through your PC) or interferes in difficult to...
But to talk seriously about the actual underlying tech, generally speaking timing in synchronous (clocked) digital circuitry is all about complying with setup and hold time requirements. If you're not familiar with flip flop setup and hold time...
Try rotating the pushbuttons 90 degrees.
Or use a multimeter in ohms or beeper mode to check which pins actually connect when you press the button. But usually it's the 2 close together, not the ones on opposite sides as you might intuitively...
Maybe I2S / SAI could be abused for this purpose? But you could get at most 4 pins because SAI1 supports up to 4 inputs. In theory it should work up to 25 MHz sample rate, or maybe faster if you're ok with overclocking SAI above its rated...
This USB isolator is the cheapest I've found which actually works.
Their earlier version 1 product, which looks identical, definitely did not work with Teensy 4.x so make sure you...
It's mostly my fault.
In the early days Teensy 4 development and beta testing, many important libraries like SPI were written with fairly conservative goals. We needed broad compatibility with all Arduino libraries. But many other libraries...
I'm not sure exactly which transistors they are using. Probably best to ask them. But when MicroMod was in development, I had recommended using DMG1012T for Q2. Main issue is you want the Vgs(th) max spec to be no more than 1V, so it's...
FlexSPI does this. But it's only available on the bottom side pads, because memory chips are the most common use for such clock speeds.
I know you're focused on ADC chips. Whether any specific ADC chip could actually work with FlexSPI (if you...
Damaged hardware is really unfortunate. We've heard a few reports like this before, where something caused just 1 or 2 pins to stop working but didn't completely kill Teensy. In the cases were the cause was known, it was momentary contact with...
No hardware needed to reproduce the problem, as it's a compile error. Just click Verify in Arduino IDE.
I tried looking at objdump disassembly (on one of the cases which does compile). Looks like _write() gets called from _write_r(). Also...
Pretty sure it's not abort() pulling in _write(). Tried this and still get the error on Teensy 3.5.
void setup() {
static char badaboum[64];
(void)snprintf(badaboum, 32, "%03d%03d", 10, 20);
void loop() {
extern "C" {...
Just to be realistic, all Teensy 3.x products are discontinued. Unless someone else comes up with a good fix, the long-term solution may be to simply use version 1.57.
But whether a good fix is even possible is uncertain. If code is added that...
Maybe this error is a case of the linker trying to be too smart about deleting unused stuff? For example, just adding any use of Serial.printf() makes this program compile on Teensy 3.5.
void setup() {
Serial.printf("test"); // delete this...
We do have the _write() function for Teensy 4.x in Print.cpp at line 93 and for Teensy 3.x in Print.cpp at line 87.
I don't know why it's getting used on Teensy 4 but gives this error on Teensy 3. Maybe someone better with C++ might have some...
This is very unusual. Something must have gone very wrong with Windows. You can reassign the COM port number, but whether it fully resolves the problem is difficult to know, because I don't understand why Windows made this mistake.
To change...
Looks like it ought to work. Maybe compare your SPI1 wiring with the photo in msg #4 on that old thread. Or try showing us a photo of how it's actually wired.
I can tell you that hardware you see connected to SPI1 in the photo definitely did work.
This thread is the best place to offer unused Teensy 3.2 for sale, since the update on the Teensy 3.2 page links here.
I've added a fresh update about your 100 leftover boards. Hopefully it helps you and anyone still needing to find extra...
Before attempting any changes on your PC, can you run a couple programs to collect more info?
First is command line "teensy_ports -L". Arduino IDE installs this in {AddData}/packages/teensy/tools/teensy-tools/{version}. Normally the AddData...
Combining them into 1 interface only works with MacOS and Linux. Sadly, Windows just does not allow them to be on the same interface. It's an intentional choice by Microsoft, documented somewhere on their old MSDN site.
We had them as a single...
If nobody offers up hardware by mid-February, remind me of this and I'll try to make something for you.
Right now PCB vendors in China are shut down or have limited operation due to Lunar New Year festival. Everything should be back to normal...
First make sure Teensy is selected in Tools > Board, or the IDE 2.x.x drop-down list of detected devices. Arduino IDE menus update based on the selected board. If a non-Teensy board is selected you won't see Teensy stuff in the menus. Then...
If you really want FreqCount to be in Documents\Arduino\libraries, just copy the working one from AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\teensy\hardware\avr\1.59.0\libraries\FreqCount. Or get the latest from github and put it in...
Yup. LittleFS_QSPI is using FlexSPI rather than regular SPI.
If you want to access the chip directly, you can, but FlexSPI is far more complex than regular SPI. Requires programming LUTs (look up tables) with instructions to create the chip...
Try a 4th cable!
Slow blink on the red LED (near USB connector) means Teensy is waiting for your PC to begin USB communication.
I know it seems unlikely, but all 3 of those cable are probably power-only cable without data wires. They're...
Look at the SD library SdFat_Usage example (in Arduino IDE, click File > Examples > SD > SdFat_Usage). The info you need starts at line 54.
Since Teensyduino 1.54 the SD library is really just a thin wrapper for SdFat, so even though you use...
If you look at the <webpage> where the MKL02 bootloader controller for the T4 is available for purchase, search for the section titled "Disabling Boot Configuration Changes". There you will find a snippet of code (see below) for locking out any...
This DFN part looks much better, and should be similar to what's on Teensy 4.0.
My quick lookup probably found a different package, with alarmingly high 277.
Still, you should pay attention to how much the thermal performance changes...
Defragster's explanation is correct. If you really want to dive into the details, you'll need the IMXRT1062 reference manual. It's linked from the Teensy 4.1 product page under "Technical Information" (scroll down near the end of that very long...
Can confirm, when you make a custom PCB using the MKL02 bootloader chip and brand new IMXRT1062 chip, it will be lockable. This is also explained on the MKL02 bootloader chip page under "Code Security" (scroll down, as it's near the end).
The line output voltage is usually plenty for ordinary computer speakers (which have an amplifier built inside).
But if you need more voltage, you can use the SGTL5000 lingOutLevel() function. It's documented here (right side panel)...
I ran your program here on a Teensy 4.1 with Audio shield.
This is the waveform my oscilloscope sees on the line out pin after it's been running for several minutes.
Before you resort to overclocking, if you're willing to share code for review here, maybe we could help you improve performance. But please understand the degree to which we can help really depends on the amount and quality of the info you...
Sure, there are 3 main lists of the features.
1: The Teensy 4.1 product page has a long list of many features. Just scroll down and start reading. For example, the Communication section explains the 8 main ways the hardware is capable of...
Sadly, pins 24 and 25 don't have FlexIO or XBAR capbility, so SoftwareSerial is looking like your only option.
SoftwareSerial has been broken on Teensy 4.x until only recently. You'll need to grab the latest SoftwareSerial from github.