Let me clarify:
The "PSRAM failure I originally noted." refers to a data corruption problem using the updated core code, not a hardware problem.
In my project code I set up my array of structures and then initialise it to all zeros:
The standard...
Okay, so my MRAM has arrived and I have fitted one to an unused Teensy 4.1.
Testing my project with the updated code fails with MRAM in a similar way to the PSRAM failure I originally noted.
So, my conclusion is that either I am not configuring...
He gives the GitHub project reference at the end of this thread ...
Not too expensive so I ordered mine before Christmas, so they are due now (Monday as FedEx don't normally deliver at the weekend).
As I said, I tried the updates with the...
Moving my queries to a more relevant thread since PROGMEM was not the problem ...
I did a search and found this thread, which contains a link to a GitHub project.
This project contains a number of updates to enable the use of MRAM and varying...
The device I have ordered is a 3V one AS3004204
Yes, I have looked at the existing core code and see that there are many issues but Michael MacDonald has seemingly addressed them in his (untested?) GitHub project.
I realised, after posting, that I had gone somewhat off topic from my original enquiry so I did a search on PSRAM alternatives and found a 3 year old thread about using MRAM : by Michael MacDonald The MRAM he uses is of similar speed to the PSRAM...
I have taken another look at implementing LittleFS and it seems rather involved for what I want to do so I started to consider other possible? solutions.
Battery backup for the QSPI_PSRAM and use EXTMEM for non-volatile storage ... Not a...
Thanks Paul.
I should have realised that there is a lot going on for storing in flash, I did it many years ago in a works project.
Since this project is an upgrade to a previous version and a step towards a far more complex version, implementing...
This is the current working version of the project with the array of structures in RAM.
teensy_size: Memory Usage on Teensy 4.1:
teensy_size: FLASH: code:97532, data:298632, headers:8312 free for files:7721988
teensy_size: RAM1...
Thank you.
That would explain why I could not find anything defining the size of PROGMEM.
I am using PlatformIO in VScode so the term 'sketch' does not apply, not that that has any effect.
I shall recheck the error message I got on compile and...
Thanks for your reply.
I was hoping that there would be something like a definition of PROGMEM somewhere within the core files which could be changed to allocate more flash but maybe this is not considered a wise move.
I had looked at...
My project uses a large array of complex structures which I would like to retain in non-volatile memory.
Rather than setting up a LittleFS Filesystem to load and save the data, is there a way in which the PROGMEM section could be remapped to use...