For a eurorack project I was looking at different options to have four different mono audio outputs.
Initially I thought something like two PT8211 chips but I don't think this is possible.
Does anyone know an efficient way to do this...
Ah thank you, perfect!
So now I understand how to connect D+ & D- (and also GND), what would be the best port to connect V? VUSB or 3.3V?
Thanks again! I'm a noob in USB things so I'll definitely check out the specification you sent :)...
Hello, I found a Teensy 4.0! Would you say it is possible to connect a micro USB -> USB hub to the primary USB interface?
Then I could use one USB port for powering the Teensy and the other for MIDI keyboard input.
The alternative would be...
For a project I am building a polyphonic karplus-strong instrument with audio input, as it is supposed to use audio input I cannot use the string option in the audio design tool. Aside from that I'm used to working with audio with a JUCE...
Hello, I was wondering what would be the best way to get MIDI input in the Teensy so it could work as a standalone synth.
The best options I could think of are:
- using 5-pin DIM connector for MIDI and using a library to control it
- making a...