Sorry for the delay. Thank you again for all of your work! Unfortunately, I adjusted the orientation in the m5 library, calibrated the atom using motioncal, inputted the values, and am still getting very sketchy results. Compass only goes...
Cannot express how thankful I am for all of your work. Tied up with kids at Christmas today but hopefully can get some time tonight or tomorrow.
Thank you again and Happy Holidays!!
I did and got the following in MotionCal:
All looks good. Also went with the six point calibration and got:
I did not use the magnetometer scale factor/bias.
However, when I show in imu3 all looks ok but after a yaw movement, it will...
Tried imu.begin(&Serial) and did not get any output. Since you ordered one, the first hangup I hit is trying to use Wire but the M5 library has it setup for external i2c devices. Wire1 works for the internal i2c.
Thank you again! I checked and the i2c addresses appear correct. I'm able to verify i2c communications and the correct chip id. However, it keeps sticking at imu.begin() .
Think it would be perfect as a small compass if it would return...
Just reread your earlier message so I'm trying to give your library a shot but it appears my skills are not up to the challenge. I'm using your examples zip file you attached to a prior message and I'm able to get them to compile but am getting...
I did not since I had other issues and the m5unified library already having the imu functions. However, I did use your example and the algorithms as a reference and greatly appreciate it.
With my poor coding abilities, I've spent quite a bit of time and have found the following: 1) had to remap axes for both accelerometer and magnetometer so that ax = ay ay = ax, and mx = my my = mx which gets me decent headings when staying flat...
Thanks so much for your help! I was unable to find the scaling factors but after doing a simple calibration of the magnetometer, I'm getting reasonable results. Now, I'm working on adding a Madgwick filter to handle the tilt compensation. I'll...
Absolutely, . Any help appreciated and completely understand there might be a delay. Also, here's some sample output of the mag x,y,z values:
mx:-211.572113 my:212.044464...
Thanks so much for the quick response. While it does have a different microcontroller, it does use a bmm150 and bmi270. The m5unified appears to provide a wrapper around the bosch library. I...
I received the m5stack atoms3r but am having a tough time getting the output correct for motioncal. Is there a way to send sample serial monitor output that goes into motioncal?