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      Did you change the PID/VID? Might be worth posting the config of your custom USB device, just in case there could be an issue there.
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      submo replied to the thread Teensy without seremu interface.
      I did ask the same question recently: https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/how-do-i-disable-the-seremu-usb-interface.75849/ It seems that a lot of other places rely on SEREMU_INTERFACE (or CDC) being defined in usb_desc.h or you will get...
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      submo reacted to MarkT's post in the thread Suitable Buffer IC's for Midi Out Circuit. with Like Like.
      Do you need the hysteresis that a 74HC14 provides? If so you might want to keep it as-is, if not, then consider the 74HC245/74LVC245 which has a more logical pinout for an octal buffer...
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      Hello.. I'm working on a Teensy based Midi device, and I'm looking for suitable buffer IC's for the Midi out circuit. Typically for prototyping I'd just use a 74HC14 inverter, and just double up on the inputs, but I'm potentially gonna have 8...
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      I can confirm you're on the right path. The code was not designed or tested for what you're trying to accomplish, so you're almost certainly going to have some errors to resolve. The good news is the code is open source, so you can try to...
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      My goal is to have just a USB MIDI Device, without any other additional interfaces added. The SEREMU interface (HID) gets added automatically when selecting the USB type as Midi. Like I said I've already tried just commenting out the #define...
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      NO USB is an option - though that must not be desired. Looking at arduino-1.8.19\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy4\usb_desc.h: There are a number of the USB options that do not include "SEREMU_INTERFACE" Like this one and others: #if...
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      I'm working on a Teensy4 USB MIDI device, and I would to disable the SEREMU USB interface, but I'm not sure what's the best way to do this? I've tried commenting out #define SEREMU_INTERFACE in the usb_desc.h file, but that will cause lots of...
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      Also spotted another slight discrepancy between Teensy4's MIDI descriptor & MIDI 1.0 In this file, on lines 931 & again at 1945: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/cores/blob/master/teensy4/usb_desc.c LSB(7+(6+6+9+9)*MIDI_NUM_CABLES), //...
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      So I noticed that this file (on line 122): https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/cores/blob/master/usb_midi/usb.c It says that adding the AC interface has caused MIDI to fail on Linux. So I guess the AC interface has continually been omitted...
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      Had a quick look at the schematic for the OLED, and I don't think you should be powering it by 5v at VIN. The i2c lines are connected to VIN via a resistor, and I'm pretty sure the Teensy won't like that. That OLED can be powered by 3.3v (at VIN)...
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      Do you have a link to the OLED display that you have? Might be a powering issue. You're also using software i2c (SW_I2C), not hardware (HW_I2C). Is that intended? Also: Pin 18 is usually data. Pin 19 is usually clock. Not sure if that would...
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