Hello everyone, I try with new teensy4.1, I got the output without any noise, But I don't know what is the exact problem in the previous teensy4.1 (which I tried before), Once I found the Issue, I will let you know guys, thank you for your replay...
I disconnect the 5V of PAM8403 from the teensy4.1 and powered up with 5V power bank, but still the noise is there,
and in this setup,But if i short both R G of PAM8403 and then power up the PAM8403 by using power bank, in this case I did not...
I disconnect the input signal and short both L and R inputs on the PAM8403 module to GND, But Still the noise is there.Here I will attach the exact connection detail for your reference.
I couldnt stack the Audio shield and Teensy4.1, So I...
This Noise is what i am receving even without SD-card playback. With SD Card playback , I do get the sound but along with noise.
Right now i have checked only with class D amp.
I’ve already tried the methods you’ve mentioned, including adding large capacitors (100-200uF) to the power supply, shortening the wires from the amp to the speakers, and minimizing the length of the power rails. I’ve also made sure to connect...
When I connect the power supply from the Laptop USB port noise will occurs and Other setup is that the connection between the teesny4.1 and the pam8403 through the audio shield.
-> for the teensy4.1 I am using laptop USB port
-> for Audio shield...
Hi everyone,
I’m working on a Teensy 4.1 audio project using the Teensy Audio Shield (SGTL5000) and a PAM8403 amplifier. The system plays audio from an SD card, but I’m consistently getting noisy output on the speaker connected via the PAM8403...