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      syvo replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 - Corrupted Serial Data.
      Envisioned solution: - 2 threads on Teensy: one for Serial Tx in the main loop, another one for Serial Rx in a second loop, e.g. yield(), serialEvent(), or TeensyThread. - synchronization between Teensy and Processing Tx buffers: either...
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      syvo replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 - Corrupted Serial Data.
      The forum threads I meant were: https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/teensy-4-0-serial-buffer.61474/ https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/use-of-yield-in-teensy-cores-and-libraries.69550/...
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      syvo replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 - Corrupted Serial Data.
      I read some older threads, and tried to use yield() (with the wrapper attachYieldFunc() from this library). It did not help. Then, I tried serialEvent() and it seems not to help either. I am posting my most recent Teensy code. #include...
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      syvo replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 - Corrupted Serial Data.
      Thank you. The issue is not with serial Rx itself, where cpb is used. Serial Rx always receives correct data. The issue is with serial Tx which gets interrupted by serial Rx. I made cpb a global variable, not to recreate it in each loop. I also...
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      syvo replied to the thread Teensy 4.0 - Corrupted Serial Data.
      I narrowed down the problem with the following code. The issue is that both Processing and Teensy send data asynchronously. I am looking for a solution on how to eliminate the data shift. In most cases, right after I send some data from...
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      Technology stack: Processing (Java), Arduino IDE/Teensy4.0 with the FlexCAN_T4 library Issue: Teensy sends a burst of data over Serial to Processing. All good with that. When a Processing code sends a small amount of data (14 bytes) to Teensy4.0...
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