Thanks for the link!
The online calculators also give the same result.
So the 20 ohms for R2 mentioned above in thread 5 aren't correct after all?
What is the correct value - what is correct now?
Hello everyone,
Thanks for the info!
Then in the extreme case at an input voltage Ue = 10V, with R2 = 20 Ohm, R1 Tank sensor = 40 Ohm, 167mA would flow... quite a
lot in my opinion.
With R1 = 283 Ohm, 33mA still flows.
In another forum, I was...
Hello everyone,
thanks for your answers!
Unfortunately I can't provide a data sheet or a product page - the vehicle is over 40 years old.
The only information that could be found is that of the fuel sender itself.
It is a variable resistor...
Hello forum,
I would like to read a tank sensor with the Teensy 3.5.
The sensor is 2-pole and outputs 40 Ohm (+/-1) when the tank is full and 283 Ohm (+/-6) when the tank is empty.
It is powered by a fixed, stabilized 10 V.
As far as I know, I...