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      theboot900 replied to the thread DIy board on 3.3v.
      So while im waiting for the correct flashmem to arrive to run Dogbones Board i've designed a 4 layer board with SDram using the BGA 12x12 chip (Thanks Dogbone for the memory connection schematic). I've managed to get the dimensions at 60mm x...
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      Yes that will do it. I can't believe I over looked that.
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      Dog bones boards arrived today. I've soldered the bootloader chip on and on pressing the button I'm getting 3 red blinking lights. According to pjrc store link that means it's not recognising the flash chip. Realised I've used W25Q128JVPQ...
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      theboot900 replied to the thread DIy board on 3.3v.
      Thanks! Q1 is DMG2305UXQ-7 Q2 is RUE002N02TL So final question. Supplying 3.3v to USB1_VBUS and USB2_VBUS must be enough to get the whole process working? And USB communication/serial still works with 3.3v on Vbus?
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      theboot900 replied to the thread DIy board on 3.3v.
      G Thanks Paul. Do you know what transistors are used for Q1 and Q2? I'm struggling to work out the sequence from Q1 to Q2 and PMIC From my understanding we need power on USB_VBUS to get 1.1v output on PMIC. I don't see anything like that on...
      • Screenshot_20250131_155029_Gallery.jpg
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      Hi Paul. On a DIY board to go exclusively powered by 3.3v, would this work? VIN would be 3.3v This would go into USB1_VBUS and USB2_VBUS. Is 3.3v enough to drive these? In place of the 3.3v regulator in the circuit. If i changed that to a...
      • Screenshot_20250131_104900_Dropbox.jpg
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      I'm guessing it wouldn't be safe powering the 8-32v input whipe plugged into usb
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      A Ahh yep. I'm trying to work put how the power delivery goes (I don't have the schematic but have exported the board to kicad board viewer) I though Vin and Gnd dual pin might be a battery port. They connect to an IP6520 which I think is a...
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      Thanks! Are you powering the board through usb or exclusively through the battery port?
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      Is that C29? BOM is showing c29 as 10pf. It connects to B7 which is EMC_39
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      Thanks. I decided to go the easy route and get your board premade. Will be a bit before it gets here. As for the sdram and extra pin support. Do yiu have a downloadable copy of your micromod setup? (Perhaps you should link that into the first...
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      I'm finally finding the time to try and make an sd ram board. I've been using the teensy 4.1 schematic and have managed to open up dogbones Gerber files in kicad to look at the routing. @Dogbone06 would I be able to get a copy of your...
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      That's an impressive bit of code! How's does that compare to sequential qspi reads?
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