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      @KurtE - Thank you for the example code, this is helpful for getting started @jmarsh - this is super disappointing but it makes sense why I couldn't find examples of people doing this @PaulStoffregen - thank you, XBAR does seem pretty simple...
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      jmarsh, Thank you for the quick reply. I now see the conversation in the SRAM thread about leaving it disconnected so I will fix my problem that way...
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      Hello All, I'm laying out a new circuit based on the Teensy 4.1 design and want to access more of the features available on the iMXRT1062 including a 16-Bit LCD interface. The challenge I'm having is that the LCD_DATA09 pin (GPIO_B0_13) of...
      • PJRC Question.png
      • PJRC Question2.png
      • PJRC Question3.png
      • PJRC Question4.png
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