The line connections include inputs and outputs, if you are only using the outputs only three wires is needed to ground and the L/R outputs. If you want to use both the inputs and outputs use two cables each with a 3.5mm plug on the other end.
On the audio adapter the pinouts are set up so the 3 pins across are for a combined L/R speaker (i.e. the middle pin is the shared ground between the left and right signals). If you had two separate speakers, then the other two pins would be the...
Excellent, thank you both! Yes, there's an amp in the droid, but the line-in on the amp is a 3.5mm socket so I need a 3.5mm plug. And the headphone jack is not implemented in the code - which is, admittedly, a little annoying since it...
Hi, this is a very basic question, but: I need a 3.5mm plug on an Audio Adapter Rev D, to upgrade an existing system (an R2 unit). All the existing audio uses 3.5mm plugs and I'm just trying to replace the old sound generator with one based on...