wwatson's latest activity

  • wwatson
    Implemented and pushed up...
  • wwatson
    Appears to work a lot better! Appears to work a lot better! looks like issue with ReadRect, but... Will play more later. Probably not a high priority.
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mborgerson's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
    I've been a fan of the Samtec SSQ line of sockets for a couple decades now. When I started ordering more than a few parts, I found Samtec to be very small-business-friendly. I still have a few dozen socket strips left from production runs...
  • wwatson
    Got it. Thanks...
  • wwatson
    If it worked for you it will work for me:D Thanks Kurt. I new I should not have been so quick to wire it back up again:oops: Been working on 32-bit color...
  • wwatson
    Ran into a problem with the DB5 and @KurtE DB5 shield :( On the DB5 the long female headers have two 28 pin and two 4 pin connectors. On each side is a 28 pin and a 4 pin connector. Unfortunately the point where the two connector housings meet...
    • DB5_connector_problem.jpg
  • wwatson
    wwatson replied to the thread Long time log on SD card.
    Very Interesting datalogger...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to pd0lew's post in the thread Long time log on SD card with Like Like.
    Now my meter is nearly ready it is time to show it on YouTube .... Vacuum meter use USB disk for Datalogging Thanks all for the help! Thanks PJRC for this great microcontroller! Johan
  • wwatson
    The code is reading in 16 bits at a time... The 16 bit code currently does: } else if (_bus_width == 16) { static uint8_t read_debug_count = 10; static uint16_t debug_read_data[192]; uint8_t debug_read_index = 0...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    @wwatson - @KurtE Was curious about adapting some of the existing graphics libraries like @KrisKasprzak ILI9341_t3_controls library that allows drawing of graphs, bar charts etc, found here https://github.com/KrisKasprzak/ILI9341_t3_controls...
  • wwatson
    Looks like the one I ordered, made it today to the United State (Los Angeles)... So probably by the end of the week. For what it is worth, I updated one of the BuyDisplay ILI9488 boards to be 16bit flexIO and I am updating the library to work...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to jmarsh's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
    It's because both the threading library and the sdram library use startup_middle_hook. I submitted a PR for this (to allow multiple hooks) and was told libraries shouldn't use the startup hooks at all, but there is no other feasible option to...
  • wwatson
    @jmarsh - Finally got to test your latest USBHost library on the MicroMod and DevBoard 5 with device type set to Micromod in Arduino. It works on both boards:D LUN 0: 241660916 sectors of 512 bytes each LUN 0: 241660916 sectors of 512 bytes each...
  • wwatson
    On the MCU interface side of the RA8876 supports 8/16-bit bus and on the TFT side it supports 8/16/24-bit bus. Internally 24-bit color is only available in 16-bit MCU mode. I personally have not tried using 24-bit mode on the RA8876. In the...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    argh - just finished synching :) Just joking no problem
  • wwatson
    Ok, I just updated both TeensyRA8876_SPI and TeensyRA8876_8080 on GitHub. There should be no conflict if both libraries are in the same folder together. If anybody downloaded these check that the config files are named RA8876_Config_SPI and...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    Just cloned and created links to these and was able to modify my picture viewer to run it on DB5 16 bit mode. and on a T41 SPI mode and they both run :D
  • wwatson
    Realized I need to rename RA8876_Config.h to RA8876_Config_SPI.h and RA8876_Config_8080.h to avoid conflicts when both 8080 and SPI libraries are in the arduino/libraries folder together. That's what happens using two PC's to develop and keeping...
  • wwatson
    FInished setting up the three separate RA8876 libraries: TeensyRA8876-GFX-Common TeensyRA8876-8080 TeensyRA8876-SPI TeensyRA8876-8080 and TeensyRA8876-SPI are now separate drivers that use TeensyRA8876-GFX-Common and they each have their own...
  • wwatson
    Maybe "RA8876_SPI" and "RA8876_Parallel" or "RA8876_8080"? EDIT: And RA8876_GFX?
  • wwatson
    @KurtE @mjs513 - I have been experimenting with the library layout a little bit. So far I have eliminated the examples folder in RA8876_t3 and tested all of the examples in RA8876_t41_p. Both SPI and 8080 modes. So far so good. Just need to...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    So far I have not noticed any problems with the +5v coming over USB not being sufficient. I know that my first RA8875 was configured for 3.3v and running that was problematic.
  • wwatson
    I ran into trouble when not using a powered HUB or external PS when I was working on DiskIO. I was running the display and on USBHost connector I was running a HUB, keyboard, mouse and up to three USB sticks. Things got a little unstable and hot...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    Been running the SPI version of the RA8876 on a T4.1 without issue, just as a note. Ran the Parallel version on the t41 without a problem as well. Kind of surprised me.
  • wwatson
    Another quick note. I find that I do not have to run an external 5V power supply or powered HUB when using USB C connector on my two desktop PC's with the Dev boards. The DB4.5 is running the SPI display and the DB5 is running the parallel...
  • wwatson
    UPDATE: Got my NT35510 in a few days ago - wired it up and got 16 bit polling working in minuets| Played around with DMA settings (my LSB's and MSBs were swapped) and could not get it to play ball, so I copied the DMA config from the RA library...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    Just synched up with your changes and runs like a charm at 1024x600 cam resolution :) Although for some reason writeRect seems slower at when running VGA. Have to double check that one EDIT: never mind about vga - noticed the delay(500) :)
  • wwatson
    Just merged, downloaded and tested. Works perfectly in 8-bit and 16-bit modes:D Also tried pushPixels16bitAsync(sdram_image, 0, 0, 1024, 600); and it works. I'll test some of the other DMA examples but not expecting any problems...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    I think I have a version that is working now... Need to cleanup the debug stuff and will do a PR back to you to look at and test.
  • wwatson
    I think you are right. That was going to be my next test. Finding the largest single transfer. I have to go out for a bit but will test when I get back. Unless you beat me to it:D
  • wwatson
    @KurtE @mjs513 - Today has been a real eye opener. First I never noticed that the examples were still in the Ra8876_t3 folder. They all work perfectly on the SPI display. The reason I was getting the 2D errors was: #if defined(USE_SPI) #define...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    Just gave it a try and can confirm. Also if you do have a OV5640 I just pushed a couple changes that add FRAMESIZE_1024X600 and the changes I made to increase framerate
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    For the fun of it, I was setting up a resolution for the camera of 1024x600 and tried the above sketch with it. It does display the image properly using writeRect, however the tft.pushPixels16bitDMA(pframeBuffer, start_x, start_y...
  • wwatson
    Backed up and did the PR. Downloaded and will test tomorrow. I will probably create another WIP branch for the SPI stuff. It has problems with 2D errors. Need to investigate what is going on or who is calling who;)
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    I pushed up another change to the PR to fix: The issue is the writeRect for rotation 2 was trying to allocate a full size duplicate buffer w * h * 2 bytes, which in this case was 800*600*2 bytes which failed... But the code actually only used...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    Did a bit of tweaking and now when I do an 'F' I can get up to 11fps, up from 8.
  • wwatson
    Might as well. Then we can test. I'll finish testing on this end and put it up and then do the PR...
  • wwatson
    Setup setup the RA8876 SPI version. Running into a few issues. Got tired of commenting and un-commenting "use_spi" so I created a config header file to stick the defines like that in: /* RA8876_Config.h A file to place user defines and configs...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    Fine with me
  • wwatson
    @KurtE - Decided to try your FB version of testDMA.ino. After updating my version of MemoryHexDump and setting busSpeed to 12MHz it worked great in 8-bit and 16-bit modes:D If it is ok with you I would like to add it to the testCases folder...
  • wwatson
    Quick update, As I mentioned yesterday, have been playing with the HX8357D display I purchased several years ago from Adafruit. I updated the wiring to use 8 bit. I had/have it partially working using this library, but have now split it off to...
  • wwatson
    Thanks @all - helpful info. Keep getting to help others - neighbor's poor phone on the porch moving pictures to a Flash drive as it had NO SPACE left - Android OS was even throwing a 'NO SPACE' warning. 4,500+ photos on a 24 GB phone ... moving...
  • wwatson
    @defragster - If you are not using @KurtE's adapter board you can wire it up using this (not sure if it will interfere with camera usage): Dev Board 5 RA8876 PIN# PIN# D0 40 ---------------------> 15...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    Been there and done that on more than one occasion :)
  • wwatson
    @defragster - The wiring has changed alot since P#1 and since the introduction of variants. If you check out RA8876_t41_p/src you will find RA8876_t41_p_default_pins.h which shows the default pins for various boards. The last section is for the...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    @KurtE - @watson Think there may be an issue with using DMA for the camera and CSI at the same time. Modifying one of our test sketches that uses both the 5640 and the RA8876 (OV2640_display_RA8876) to use pushPixels16bitDMA instead of...
  • wwatson
    Well I finally got 16-bit async mode working on the DB5 and RA8876. Here is a a picture of both DMA and async IRQ working together: The image in the lower right is 16-bit async. The image in the upper left is 16-bit DMA as well. There does not...
    • DMA_ASYNC_8bit_16Bit.jpg
  • wwatson
    Cool - good to see the link - I added to github desktop and will do mklink to make it easy to keep up to date. then to figure out the usage details in coming days ...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    I will ditto what @KurtE said. Just synched up and gave it a try. 8 bit worked as well
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to KurtE's post in the thread RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing with Like Like.
    I did a quick run with bus_width = 16 and it appears like it worked. :D