I am going to assume at this point that some small piece of debris caused some sort of connection that popped something on my teensy. Thanks to everyone for their time and responses.
You cut the track under the board, supply 5v to the vin. You do not supply 3.3v to the teensy though this is possible WITH MODIFICATION. You are able to program via usb so long as the 5v supply is provided. This will provide power to the onboard...
As stated the shift registers had been working fine for 5ish days. Probably about 30 hours of active use in that time. The last shift register works because pin 10 of shift register 3 goes to pin 9 of shift register 2 adding 8 bits to the bus.
I agree it seems like a short on the board. I did physically check all of my header pins. I also brushed the board with a toothbrush in case there was small solder debris that found its way between pins. I am going to revisit it later. Thank you...
Hi Paul thanks for the response. Yes, I did. So for clarity, the schematic was the configuration when the board failed. I then removed the board and reconnected the 5v from USB so I could A. confirm that the board failed and that It wasn't being...
Attaching Schematic. I am less concerned with repairing the board an more trying to figure out if there is something that would cause this to fail. I am happy to buy another board but I want to avoid this failure occurring again.
Hello everyone!
I have just been developing a little project and my teensy appears to have died. I am trying to figure out if it is salvageable and what I may have done wrong.