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  1. M

    Using teensy 4.1 to generate square wave at precise frequency

    Another possibility is to use a programmable clock generator chip. Or a DDS tone generator like the AD9850? That's going to have more than enough precision and low jitter too.
  2. M

    Recommendations for 10" TFT Display with touchscreen for Teensy 4.1

    This is the 8080 interface? just /WR to write (command or data), just /RD to read data. D/C has to be correct too. However this chip seems to have separate address and data busses, so no D/C pin? I think the diagram that confuses is because it is two diagrams superposed. There is one trace...
  3. M

    Help with resources for synthesizer project

    What type of synth? Additive, subtractive or FM?
  4. M

    Piezo Vibration help

    Can you provide a diagram of the geometry - buzzers simply have electrodes on either side so the electric field strength is high with low voltage due to the thinness of the plate. So I don't understand the comment "The film also has to be a decent size so a lot of voltage+high frequency?". The...
  5. M

    Teensy 3.2的建议编程环境是Arduino IDE吗?

    I'd agree, randomized user ids are suspect...
  6. M

    Play Teensy 4.1 Audio through 6.35mm Output

    1/4" to 3.5mm adpators are available in both directions...
  7. M

    URGENT Quecetel EG915NEUAP-N06-SGNSA and Teensy 4.1

    This is a cross-post, see thread:
  8. M

    UART logic level

    Are you needing duplex serial or only simplex? There are some chips that can do 1.8V->3.3V level translation, but maybe someone does a module that can level shift in both directions 1.8V <-> 3.3V these days? Perhaps some of the 3.3V <-> 5V also work at lower voltages? Its worth checking if...
  9. M

    ws2812 multiple strips, one signal

    Whoops, I meant HCT in fact, sorry about that.
  10. M

    Teensy 4.0 Audio Shield - Line In Microphones

    The sensitivity pattern of a microphone is due the the mechanical design mainly. Some condener mics are actually two diaphragms back-to-back that can be switch-selected to add or cancel to provide several different patterns.
  11. M

    ws2812 multiple strips, one signal

    If you use a 74HC14 to buffer the signal, feed it to one inverter, then use that to drive the 5 others in parallel (net result no inversion and very strong 5V output drive). [ The 74HC family is powered from 5V but its inputs work with TTL thresholds which are 3.3V CMOS compatible ]
  12. M

    Problems with UART communication with ESP32-S3

    Baudrate, parity, stop bits all match? You have ground return?
  13. M

    Teensy 4.0 Audio Shield - Line In Microphones

    Perhaps go back to basics with the FIR filter example?
  14. M

    Synchronizing teensies (again)

    Ironically this would be so much simpler using analog microphones wired to a central logger...
  15. M

    Synchronizing teensies (again)

    The different Teensy's will be clocking at slightly different rates as well, since there is variability in crystals. Why not synchronize by injecting a small short electrical pulse into the microphone analog signal simultaneously for each of them - then you have that in the audio data stream as...
  16. M

    Optimizing performance with Teensy 4.1

    Its the CMOS power consumption equation, P = nfCV^2, where n is the number of signals, f is the frequency they change at, C is the capacitance per signal, V is the supply voltage. So 8 signals at 100MHz driving 20pF at 3.3V must dissipate at least 175mW or so. This is why LVDS is used for fast...
  17. M

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    Which makes perfect sense when you realize the low impedance headphone amp will take significant current from the supplies under load, imposing a current signal on them. The resistance of the bond-wires and on-chip power distribution metalization means this translates to a voltage signal (which...
  18. M

    Pyro channel circuit validation

    Surely the kick-back suppression (free-wheel) diode doesn't need to be a fast one. All diodes switch _on_ before the forward voltage reaches even 10's of volts - you're not going to see destructive voltage spikes even with a lowly 1N4001. Reverse recovery delays only apply to a diode switching...
  19. M

    Inexplicable error T4-1

    Or put more concisely a callback is a function, not a method. If you are using classes and methods you always need some global variable holding a pointer to an instance if you want a callback (or interrupt come to that) to run a method - there is no implicit instance when calling from such a...
  20. M

    Spi display,audio adapter and teensy 4.1.

    Please provide details of your display, the way you have wired everything up.
  21. M

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    Capacitive pickup, or perhaps some breakthrough via the power rails? BTW you really ought to scale the axes properly so the numbers are sensible. Also where does the 900000 high peak come from even with 16 bit values where the range is +/-32767? The maximum amplitude should be 32767!, which...
  22. M

    Audio lineIn reading data from SDplay output without any connections

    What happens if you short the line inputs to ground? I'd expect almost no breakthough in that condition. Leaving them floating will allow a little 10kHz pickup through capacitive coupling.
  23. M

    Bad audio quality using teensy 4.0 and audio shield rev D

    I hope you have connected headphones to the headphone output of the Audio adapter... Its the only output capable of driving a heavy load like that. Conversely if you want to pass a signal to an amplifier or other audio input, _never_ use the headphone output, its only for headphones as its...
  24. M

    Teensy 4.1 w/ Zephyr, VSCode, and PlatformIO HOWTO?

    Its a common mistake to use too much solder with SMT - less is indeed more. For flux on the otherhand more is better, so long as you later remove it... Google seems very broken, only throws up a handful of matches for "peg and paste" for some reason. Perhaps there's an official term that's...
  25. M

    Fast 8 bit parallel I/O for T4.0

    You need to read the reference manual about such things as memory operations on memory mapped registers, different rules apply from cached SRAM or whatever as the address-decode logic is not necessarily common between different types of memory mapped resource... In general if an I/O register is...
  26. M

    Teensy 4.1 w/ Zephyr, VSCode, and PlatformIO HOWTO?

    These are peg&paste connectors - they have large pads on the top to hold enough solder paste so it can wick down into the plated holes by capilliary action - the fact the top pad is bare of solder means this has happened successfully and the peg is solidly soldered into the hole! Pegs do not...
  27. M

    Teensy 4.0 Audio Shield - Line In Microphones

    The coefficients are fixed point, not integer, the entire audio library works with q15_t style fixed point in fact, where 1.0 is represented by 0x7FFF, not 1. Under the hood the heavy lifting is done by the CMSIS DSP function 'arm_fir_fast_q15'
  28. M

    Read uart status register Teensy 4.1

    Probable this one:
  29. M

    Audio Glitching while Playing WAV from SD card using the Audio Shield on a TEENSY 4.0

    It could be that your SDcard has long housekeeping events - try using a lot more AudioMemory, say 200 blocks, so such drop outs are buffered. Such housekeeping delays depend a lot on the card you are using - which card are you using? Have you tried others?
  30. M

    Audio Glitching while Playing WAV from SD card using the Audio Shield on a TEENSY 4.0

    You won't get anyone helping you with that code unless you post it as code. An image can't be compiled/loaded onto a Teensy! Use the code tags, the </> button at the start of the posting icon menu.
  31. M

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    I provide the information for that, 192kSPS, 256k point FFT, so ~1.3653s = 1365.3 cycles at 1kHz, +/- the error of two crystals...
  32. M

    How about an emulator/simulator that runs on your computer and emulates/simulates the Teensy itself?

    The problem with a microcontroller compared to a microprocessor is that it has a whole lot of peripherals on the chip, dozens and dozens of them for something like the iMX RT1060, making an emulator a much weightier endevour than just an instruction set - and the peripherals run in real time in...
  33. M

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    I wholeheartedly dispute this, have you used a modern S.A. with FFT mode? Here's a plot of a 1kHz DDS oscillator recorded by a QA403 with no window: And the same with a lowly Hann window: Which one is useful? No contest at all. Without the window spectral leakage _completely_...
  34. M

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    They are, almost always, way better! Basically a discontinuity spreads a wide skirt across the entire spectrum, hiding the noise floor completely and many small peaks too... Post #10 seems to have such a skirt, albeit fairly modest, I suspect a window will simply lose it. Read this document...
  35. M

    Teensy 4.1 and 23LCV1024

    SPI states you should read synchronous to one clock edge and write synchronous to the other (which edges depends on the mode) Since you can't do these simultaneously by simple bit banging your waveforms will be out on the timing, and if slow enough can just happen to work (or just happen to be...
  36. M

    Teensy 4.1 and 23LCV1024

    The transaction defines the clock state so should be the outermost thing I think - then if the clock needs to be idle-HIGH that is setup before the #CS line is active?
  37. M

    How about an emulator/simulator that runs on your computer and emulates/simulates the Teensy itself?

    To simulate audio lib code only needs a framework to mimic the audio lib framework, not the whole board and processor.
  38. M

    Missing pin descriptions for Teensy 4 on web site documentation...?

    So if in two places, that means both are wrong...
  39. M

    How about an emulator/simulator that runs on your computer and emulates/simulates the Teensy itself?

    You realize the processor reference manual is 3520 pages...?
  40. M

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    Well its pretty clean, unlikely to be a software artifact in that case. The large values suggest you are not using norm='forward', which is correct for spectral analysis (scipy.fft defaults to norm='backward' alas, not very intuitive). The skirts on the peak are due to not using a window...
  41. M

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    Its always much more informative to plot a spectrum logarithmically, there's probably clues in the data you cannot see in a linear plot...
  42. M

    Possible ringing issue

    Need to see the circuit, it looks like you have inadequate groundplane or something like that that's contributing a lot of inductance, I'd try adding 100R on the output of the 74LVC14 to dampen it down a bit. Ah, that's why then. You can improve things by using flat wires against the...
  43. M

    Custom Teensy 4.1 board

    Do you have a hot-air rework station? If not I wouldn't imagine you would be successful trying to transplant those chips.
  44. M

    Help requested with FlightSimControls add-on

    Did you download the .xpl file for your operating system from that directory? There are versions for Linux, Windows and MacOS. I'd imagine you can specify plugins from within XPlane somehow - I've not got this I just assume its like other plugins for other software.
  45. M

    Read 3.3 volts via analog read pin???

    No because the 3.3V is the analog reference as well, so it will always read full-scale. You need a voltage divider from the battery and measure that with the analog input. BTW I've not seen a 5V lithium battery, do you mean a power bank? If so its voltage won't drop until its exhausted anyway...
  46. M

    Problems with 433 Mhz relays

    Because a 600MHz processor is a strong source of EMI if you don't take careful measures to contain it such as shielded enclosure and ferrites on cables.
  47. M

    Teensy 4.0 I2C Bus issue (solved)

    The pull up resistors need to be to 3.3V, since that's the T4's IO voltage. Vin on the MPU6050 might not be 3.3V from what I know, so check that. 5V direct will kill the T4 immediately, so care is always needed with such things, though 4k7 resistors will happen to protect in this instance as...
  48. M

    Directional change in joystick

    Whoops, yes you're right... Its much easier in 3 dimensions with quaternions (!)
  49. M

    Custom Teensy 4.1 board

    Post an image or PDF if you want more people to look at your circuit, not everyone uses Kicad, nor wants to fire it up just to look at a diagram. If its more than one click people may simply skip the post...
  50. M

    DS1820 rod sensor

    Yes, a single 4k7 pullup at the far end ought to be enough, and 100nF decoupling capacitor on each sensor will help ensure reliable operation (the datasheet claims this isn't really necessary, I'm sceptical). Don't use parasite power mode, its very fragile in a long string of sensors like that...