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  1. R

    Teensy 4.0 power by LiPoly

    My bad i didn't get that. So the connection from LBO from board to teensy is through some level converter but what pin of teensy 4 reads this as i want to log the results to sd card plugged to teensy 4.
  2. R

    Teensy 4.0 power by LiPoly

    Thanks for suggestion. I see this product is out of stock will try searching from other sites. So, does this product allow teensy to read the charge state of battery. If so what are the pin connections?
  3. R

    Teensy 4.0 power by LiPoly

    Hi, I have few question regarding powering teensy 4.0 with LiPoly battery. 1) I have this mini LiPoly charger from adafruit (Charger link) and is it possible to use the 5V, GND and Bat to connect to teensy to power teensy 4.0 and also read the charge state of the battery? The reason i am asking...
  4. R

    Write .txt file to Sd Card on audio shield using Teesny 4.0

    Appreciate it, will keep these things in mind when I make the switch connections.
  5. R

    Write .txt file to Sd Card on audio shield using Teesny 4.0

    Sounds good. Thanks for advise about resistor, will try it and see if it works.
  6. R

    Write .txt file to Sd Card on audio shield using Teesny 4.0

    I see, appreciate your quick replies helped a lot. Is there a tutorial link or article that you suggest for connecting button to my quad channel teensy setup. Even 2 channel links works for me if i can simply extend the connections. I am not very familiar with circuits
  7. R

    Write .txt file to Sd Card on audio shield using Teesny 4.0

    Thank you so much. But is there a way to use this to re-run the program again every time I press it?
  8. R

    Write .txt file to Sd Card on audio shield using Teesny 4.0

    Hi All, I am working on this toy project where i want to write a text file to sd card on audio shield (Rev D) sd card holder through teensy 4.0. The goal: Every time I press the reboot button on teensy board the data should be written to the Sd card (without printing anything to monitor)...
  9. R

    Teensy 4, 4-channel audio project

    Yes, I got teensy 4 quad-channel to work with the above connections. Yes, I removed capacitors on both rev D boards.
  10. R

    Teensy 4, 4-channel audio project

    I got the teensy 3.2 Quad channel working and thanks to @PaulStoffregen for his quick replies. I want to cross-verify my teensy 4.0 quad-channel connections before I go ahead and solder them. After reading your previous instructions and the blog picture here on Teensy 4.0. I will connect as...
  11. R

    Teensy 4, 4-channel audio project

    That makes more sense why its not working. I will implement the changes and try again. Thank you Paul for the quick reply.
  12. R

    Teensy 4, 4-channel audio project

    Thank you, Paul and Mark, for your quick replies. I will try these with my teensy 4. The reason why I asked for Teensy 4 is that I was working on Teensy 3.6 ( unfortunately that's the only piece of Teensy 3.6 I have as they are discontinued ) following the Sparkfun tutorial and have made all...
  13. R

    Teensy 4, 4-channel audio project

    Hi All, I am new to Teensy boards and want to develop a 4-channel audio output using 2 audio boards (similar to the Teensy 3.2 tutorial from sparkfun). I want to know if there is any comprehensive guide/tutorial to achieve the same with Teensy 4.2. Please suggest to me the links or tutorials...