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  1. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Well....when All Else Fails.....I installed a fresh copy of the Arduino IDE and the Teensyduino software.....and....Lo and Behold....the US Host Memory Stick demo programs are now working as advertised. I would like to extend much Hearty Thanks to all Forum members who took the time to give me...
  2. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Commenting out the wait-loop enables the ListFile and USB_Logger programs to move forward, but they cannot find any files on the USB stick. I will check the Fat32 formatting....I've become convinced that this is not a USB issue, but a file system format issue... Thanks!
  3. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Received new USB cables with same (non-working) result ListFiles program hangs at: // Start USBHost_t36, HUB(s) and USB devices. myusb.begin(); Serial.print("\nWaiting for partition to..."); while (!firstPartition) { myusb.Task(); } Serial.println("initialization done.")...
  4. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Cable is oriented correctly....but thanks!
  5. cgeber24

    Teensy 4.1 IrDA Serial Port Mode?

    How does one enter IrDA mode for Teensy 4.1 Serial Ports? The HW document indicates that the processor Serial Ports have this capability....
  6. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Thanks to everyone for the helpful replies....jmarsh helped me identify my cranial/rectal inversion problem whereby I forgot to open the Serial Monitor; that got the USB_Host +5V turned on, but the various example sketches are still not recognizing my USB Thumb Drive. At this point I am...
  7. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Hi All: I ran the ListFiles sketch on another Teensy 4.1 in an existing system and it also is not turning on the Host +5V, so something must be amiss in my sketch build... The ListFiles.ino file starts with: MSC USB Drive basic directory list example created Nov 2010 by David A. Mellis...
  8. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Thanks Mark - that call certainly exists in the ListFiles sketch: USBHost myusb; . . . . . . myusb.begin(); Is KD5RXT a Ham Radio call sign? 60 years ago I was K3UXJ... Chuck
  9. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Thanks for the reply! I had purchased the same type of cable elsewhere - it is a few inches longer but the exact same pinout (based on the wire colors). The fact that I can't see +5V on the pin closest to the USB connector makes me suspicious of the Teensy 4.1 that I used - I will try another...
  10. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    I have not been successful getting the Teensy 4.1 Host USB Port to talk to a connected USB drive. I am running the "ListFiles" sketch, and have observed that the Host USB Port's +5V pin is not getting energized (no +5V to GND). Am I missing something here? The "ListFiles" sketch is using...
  11. cgeber24

    USBHost_t36 on Teensy 4.1?

    Does the USBHost_t36 library run on the Teensy 4.1? I am just looking to access a USB memory stick... Thanks, Chuck Geber
  12. cgeber24

    BlueFruit LE Virtual COM Port?

    I have figured out how to get Windows to allocate a Bluetooth Virtual COM Port, but can't figure out how to get the Bluetooth 'Connectin' t Thanks Paul! - the lack of SPP is the root cause of my problem. My PC-based application assumes a COM port for communication.
  13. cgeber24

    BlueFruit LE Virtual COM Port?

    I have successfully paired my Windows 10 laptop with a BlueFruit LE UART Module; the Windows Device Manager indicates an Adafruit BlueFruit LE device in the "Bluetooth" category. I would also like the device to appear as a Virtual COM Port in the Device Manager "Ports" category - is there a way...
  14. cgeber24

    Teensy 4.1 SPI Clock Rate

    Thanks Joe for providing this reference! It all makes sense... Chuck Geber
  15. cgeber24

    Teensy 4.1 SPI Clock Rate

    The sketch is a demo program from an LCD vendor which is overly complex to demonstrate this problem... I have increased my requested SPI Data Rate from 100KHz....after I get up to 1MHZ the resulting clock waveform tracks my requested value. Thus it seems that for Teensy 4.1, 1MHz is the lowest...
  16. cgeber24

    Teensy 4.1 SPI Clock Rate

    I am starting an SPI transaction on a Teensy 4.1 with: SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(100000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); I am expecting that the SPI clock rate would be 100KHz, as specified. However, my scope and Logic Analyzer both indicate an SPI clock rate of 934KHz. Changing the specified...
  17. cgeber24

    EEPROM.h compile error

    Many thanks, Mate!
  18. cgeber24

    EEPROM.h compile error

    I recently installed Arduino 1.8.19 and Teensyduino Version 1.57 on a new Windows 10 PC. My compile produces this error (and others) for EEPROM,h: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\EEPROM/EEPROM.h:171:14: error: 'String' does not name a type inline const String...
  19. cgeber24

    FlexCAN-T4 Events

    I have successfully integrated CAN reception into my Teensy 4.1 application, receiving callbacks with the following configuration: CAN_Device.enableFIFO(); CAN_Device.enableFIFOInterrupt(); CAN_Device.setFIFOFilter(ACCEPT_ALL); CAN_Device.onReceive (FIFO, CAN_RxInterrupt)...
  20. cgeber24

    Windows 7 USB Serial Driver

    Thanks so much for the prompt reply, Paul! I had not noticed that link on the Downloads page; this is exactly what I need to send to my Consulting client. From your '27,009 Posts' I see I'm not the first newbie that you've helped....;) Chuck Geber P.S. These Teensy CPUs are fantastic - I...
  21. cgeber24

    Windows 7 USB Serial Driver

    My Windows 10 system correctly recognizes my Teensy 4.1 configured with a USB Serial Port; it assigns Windows driver usbser.sys to the device. When plugged into a Windows 7 system, however, the Device Manager recognizes that a USB Serial device is attached but complains that no driver is...
  22. cgeber24

    CAN Bus Not working Teensy4.1

    The MCP2561 is a 5V part (4.5V minimum) with 5V I/Os....not a good match for the Teensy 4.1's 3.3V IO levels!
  23. cgeber24

    Teensy 3.5 DAC Reference Select

    Thanks Wassabi - I have also found thru experimentation that the callable function analogReference(INTERNAL), which is usually used for the ADC, will also accomplish the desired function for the DAC, thus removing the need for source code modification.
  24. cgeber24

    Teensy 3.5 DAC Reference Select

    How does one configure the Teensy 3.5 12-bit DAC to use the internal reference voltage? Or is this the default configuration? The CPU datasheet indicates that the DAC reference voltage can be either VDDA or VREF_OUT.