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  1. houtson

    CS42448 board ( 6 audio inputs / 8 outputs ) ?

    Hi Rich, The standard USB input object is only 2 channel. There is some experimental work for multi channel - check out this link if interested. Cheers, Paul
  2. houtson

    Mixer module to provide 4 in 2 out input to Audio Shield???

    may be a bit more than you need with 6 ins and 8 outs but worth checking if your looking for something pre-built and relatively cheap cheers, Paul
  3. houtson

    Issues with custom audio object

    That's great you've found the problem - looks like an interesting effect. A couple of minor additional comments On the USB tick issue - I don't have much experience with the USB audio but I know it doesn't work well if you change AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES away from the default - don't know if this is...
  4. houtson

    JLCPCB Teensy Headers?

    Not quite answering our question....but if you are going to make more than a few boards at JLC you might also want to look at the Sparkfun MicroMods. The micro mod connector I use at JLC with their assembled service is C7498141 cheers, Paul
  5. houtson

    Issues with custom audio object

    Haven't had a chance to fully review the code but from the description can you check how your update() deals with null blocks i.e. same as you are checking the outblocks, check blockLeft & blockRight before processing them.
  6. houtson

    Dalek Synth

    very cool, love it
  7. houtson

    DAC80501 Help

    Hi, I was just typing what @joepasquariello said.. A couple of other points you might want to look at: - have you got the right SPI_MODE? The data sheet says it clocks the data on falling edge (SPI_MODE 1 or SPI_MODE2?) - in loop you're sending full output then zero output straight after it...
  8. houtson

    CS42448 - Teensy Audio lib hookup how-to?
  9. houtson

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    wow - sounds great. love the sequencer also
  10. houtson

    Debouncing MCP23017 - i2c 16 input port expander - any need?

    @BriComp never tried that one but looks good (inc. led driver & level shifter) and stocked at jlcpcb so maybe try it soon.
  11. houtson

    Debouncing MCP23017 - i2c 16 input port expander - any need?

    Hi @AntiLoop In the end I used a modified version of the Bounce2 library (modified to let it access the MCP23017 port expander as the buttons aren't connected directly to the Teensy pins but connected via I2C). cheers, Paul
  12. houtson

    Debouncing MCP23017 - i2c 16 input port expander - any need?

    @bossredmam - sorry to re-open an old thread - did you find a way of using Bounce with the MCP23017? Cheers Paul
  13. houtson

    Neotrellis + Audio Board I2C Lock Up

    Hi @Leetut a quick one to try - can you make the delay in the loop a bit longer and see if that helps, I found neotrellis locks up if polled any quicker than 12ms. I used a loop of 20ms for reading the keys and let everything else run as quick as possible rather than using delay() in loop()...
  14. houtson

    Micromod + Teensyduino firmware upload question

    @UHF - I use the micromods. I use TyUploader for user firmware updates - I only have to very occasionally do the boot button otherwise it happens as expected. If you can I'd recommend breaking out the boot button as useful if thing get really screwed up and it needs a complete reset.
  15. houtson

    "External" delay with modulation inputs

    Hello from here. Which of the files would I need to pull across to try this on a bare Teensy 4 (no external memory) - the effect .ccp +.h and extreme.h + .cpp - any others? cheers, Paul
  16. houtson

    Can i modulate the delay time?

    Yes, that's the one - I'll jump across to your other post "External" delay with modulation inputs
  17. houtson

    Can i modulate the delay time?

    I'm sure the original has a dedicated echo feedback tap but you might be right that you could double duty one of the reverb taps. That's nice on the negative modulation, a couple of questions on your modulated delay object: would it work on a teensy without external memory? what sort of...
  18. houtson

    Can i modulate the delay time?

    I sample at 44.1 and use this - a port of a part of the Mutable Instrument Plait euro rack module to simulate the sample rate + some extra bit crushing. On the topology you need another tap on the main delay for feedback (you'll see why I made it 10 taps!) and the LFO pairs run in anti-phase...
  19. houtson

    Can i modulate the delay time?

    It's an unusual architecture there are 8 main taps and then for the reverb there are 16 modulated taps (modulated in anti-phase pairs to try and cancel out pitch change) - it doesn't sound like a modern realistic reverb, its got it own character! Nice write up here if interested
  20. houtson

    Can i modulate the delay time?

    yes that's it - fade over specified number of milliseconds or smooth scrubbing through the buffer at a set rate. both of them really just for making delay time changes musical without pops or clicks but both methods sound very different. I use a version of these on a re-make of a vintage musical...
  21. houtson

    Can i modulate the delay time?

    @h4yn0nnym0u5e - to avoid any confusion, the AudioEffectDelay10tap isn't intended as a modulated delay, it was written just to be able to change the delay taps in real time (like with a pot.) without any pops or clicks. it either cross fades between the current and desired time (delayfade()) or...
  22. houtson

    Can i modulate the delay time?

    @M4ngu sorry I'm not familiar with the alternative dynamic lib. Just checking a couple of basics have you copied both the .h and .cpp files into the same directory as the sketch and have you included the next object in your sketch with #include "effect_delay10tap.h"? Can you include your...
  23. houtson

    Next step after successful prototyping?

    An in-between option is the Sparkfun Teensy MicroMod which might help depending on the volume you are looking at and just how small you need it to be. Also note there have been some quality issues and at the moment the Sparkfun site is showing it as on Backorder. Cheers Paul
  24. houtson

    CS42448 board ( 6 audio inputs / 8 outputs ) ?

    @alfa66 I've experimented with one of those boards from ali express, they work fine with Teensy. I captured a few details of the connections on my board - it look exactly the same as your board. I have it running with the 6 ins and 8 out with breadboard wiring (you'd want to tidy up the...
  25. houtson

    MIDI Disconnects unless connected to powered hub

    could be that it is drawing too much current, if it's over 500mA the MBP will cut power to it. if you have a multi meter can you measure the current? or can you put up an schematic of the circuit you are using (how many sliders, what value, anything else in the box etc) cheers Paul
  26. houtson

    Midi interface giving extra messages

    @balu027 i don't know how you have it routed on the pc/computer but are you inadvertedly setting up a midi loop? ie. Reaper>teensy>Reaper>teensy>Reaper etc. causing the extra notes? cheers Paul
  27. houtson

    Guitar Distortion Effect using waveshape and Teensy 4.0 with Audio Shield

    AudioStream.h lists following as problematic with lower block sizes - AudioInputUSB, AudioOutputUSB, AudioPlaySdWav, AudioAnalyzeFFT256, AudioAnalyzeFFT1024
  28. houtson

    Guitar Distortion Effect using waveshape and Teensy 4.0 with Audio Shield

    @Isrichard - changing AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES shouldn't change the way the pedal behaves or the sound of your effect at all (other than latency). By default the library processes sound in blocks of 128 samples (128 samples at 44.1kHZ = 2.9ms) reducing this just means that audio is processed in...
  29. houtson

    Guitar Distortion Effect using waveshape and Teensy 4.0 with Audio Shield

    6ms is a bit high if you are mixing in a dry signal elsewhere. If you want to reduce the latency cut the number of samples in an audio block down from the default 128. Edit .../cores/teensy4/AudioStream.h and change AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES to 16, recompile and re-measure the latency cheers, Paul
  30. houtson

    Mixer with more than 4 channels

    @phjanderson - I modified the AudioMixer4 for a 10 channel AudioMixer10, files below if you interested, Cheers, Paul
  31. houtson

    New Teensy 4.1 DIY Synthesizer

    @MrCanvas - good experience with Grawart on a short run of 10 custom cases, I used FreeCAD and the SheetMetal workbench to work out a design.
  32. houtson

    Can i modulate the delay time?

    Hi @M4ngu - GitHub was set to private for some reason, should be ok now. Cheers Paul
  33. houtson

    Binaural beats

    Hi Katya your map statement is the problem - if you pass the map function an integer it will return an integer (so either 0,1 or 2 in your case rather than a float between 0.5 and 2.0). if you change the map statement to - float pitch = map((float)pitchValue, 0, 1023, 0.5, 2.0); // Map the...
  34. houtson

    Teensy 4.0 WS2812 slow.

    works for me on simple set up with chain of ws2812bs, was 640ms a cycle now 130ms typo on link above should be
  35. houtson

    Teensy 4.0 WS2812 slow.

    I use WS2812Serial.h along with FastLED.h might be worth trying. Cheers, Paul
  36. houtson

    No audio with gain below 1.0

    try changing: void SetGain(int value) to: void SetGain(float value) cheers Paul
  37. houtson

    Polyphonic FM Synthesizer Clipping when >2 Voices

    Hi liv In you’re setgain, your setting i-1 - is that correct, looks like it should i void setGain(){ float divA = 1/(carrierCountA); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++){ if(carriers[i]){ mainMixer[0].gain(i-1,divA); mainMixer[1].gain(i-1,divA)...
  38. houtson

    Teensy / Launchpad sequencer (update)

    Looks & sounds great - love your Sidmaster - 4 SID chips!
  39. houtson

    Modulating sample rates for realtime audio processing

    I'm looking at these for ADC, MCP3201, surprisingly available and look straight forward. Any obvious reasons not to use these as a starting point? As an alternative, I'm using Teensy 4, any thoughts on using the on-chip ADC with and external timing circuit to sample the audio. I've read a few...
  40. houtson

    Modulating sample rates for realtime audio processing

    @MarkT Emulating a delay but not bucket brigade, early digital (think lexicon Super Prime Time or Deltalab Effectron). In these models they are clocking in and out samples direct to ram at variable rates (to get more delay time with limited RAM) and modulating the clock rate to get desired...
  41. houtson

    Modulating sample rates for realtime audio processing

    I'm starting a project to emulate a vintage digital music effects and looking for advice. A key element of project is being able to change and modulate the rate sample rate smoothly while processing the audio in real time. I've experience using the audio library and have built a few custom...
  42. houtson

    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    I've had similar experience with the PJRC teensy over the years - rock solid and wouldn't even cross my mind to test them before use, no need to. I really hope the Sparkfun guys work through the MMod issues, such a convenient format if it can be made to be reliable.
  43. houtson

    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    Of the 6 that were replaced with new boards 2 of them have failed pins. I got them through Digikey so they may not be from the latest batches.
  44. houtson

    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    Replying to my own post here, Digikey got in touch today - their product specialist has told me to scrap the six that are defective, they don't need them returned and have offered to ship 6 replacements at no charge or credit onto credit card. I'm going to get them replaced and see if they are...
  45. houtson

    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    @Rezo - apols, a bit off topic but you mention above that you got some boards assembled at JLC, I use JLC for boards but would like to try their smd assembly. Can I ask - were you able to find the M2 connector in JLC's part lib or did you supply it yourself? Cheers, Paul
  46. houtson

    New Teensy MicroMods defective

    Just tested a batch of MM bought from Digi-Key in Feb, of the 15, 6 either don't boot or have pins not connected. Thanks for the scripts and detective work. Any advice on getting them replaced - direct to Sparkfun or through Digital-key? Cheers, Paul
  47. houtson

    Using Teensy Audio Library function generators as Control Voltage Sources

    @blakeAlbion I could see how that could be useful. For control purposes (flashing leds etc) could you live with an average of that audio block (128 samples per block by default so updated every 2.9ms)? If you could live with it, it'd be very easy to do a custom object to return that...
  48. houtson

    Teensy 4.1 crashing when closing SD card file after read.

    @defragster @PaulStoffregen I've been getting the same with breadcrumbs (random values in unused breadcrumbs). I'm using 1.57 on a MicroMod. It looks like the breadcrumb bitmask might not get initialised to zero on powerup? The bitmask does get zeroed after the report is printed meaning...
  49. houtson

    Modifying Synth parameters on-the-fly creating timing issues (T 4.1 + Audio shield)

    Another thing to try - rather than checking all 5 encoders in one call to pollEncoders() every 5 ms try cycling around each of them, 1 every millisecond.
  50. houtson

    T4 CrashReport Debugging on a Mac

    @defragster mentioned the breadcrumbs in version 1.57 - they are super useful to use along with crash report. I sprinkle the breadcrumbs in areas that I'm interested, typically on entry to key functions e.g. void audioboard_initialise() { CrashReport.breadcrumb(1, __LINE__); ... The...