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  1. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hi everybody, hi MatrixRat, I connected the footcontroller including the teensy with a second Roland GP-8 that I could get hold of. It worked and I can confirm that MatrixRat‘s code is verified now. The RRC optocoupler on the original GP-8 is non-functional or damaged. I am going to swap it...
  2. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks for your answer, MatrixRat! X marks the spot where I have inserted the teensy. I am going to open the Roland GP-8 at the end of the month, I suspect that's the culprit. Right now I haven't got time to work at the project.
  3. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    I have modded the section to provide MIDI THRU for both RRC and MIDI IN. Bear in mind that RRC is MIDI, just a proprietary DIN jack!
  4. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    More confusion! If I patch the USB2MIDI interface + MIDI-OX between footcontroller and Roland GP-8 switched to MIDI IN position (instead of RRC in see schematics above), the GP-8 receives program changes and responds correctly. Program changes, MIDI CC and active sensing are sent correctly by...
  5. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Good idea! That‘s a 47R resistor: yellow - violet - black - gold ? That will take a few days since I am quite busy jobwise ...
  6. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    I changed the timing of the active sensing to 250ms to no avail. Right now I haven't got time to do it, but tomorrow: I am going to connect the modded Ibanez footcontroller with the teensy to the MIDI IN of my USB2MIDI interface, then I am going to connect the MIDI out of the USB2MIDI interface...
  7. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    I take it that the timestamp in MIDI-OX is in HEX and DEC is in ms. Here are some readings: Roland FC-100: min. 236ms, max. 263ms Teensy: min. 189ms, max. 201ms The teensy is more consistent putting out "Active Sensing" every 201ms on average. That's amazing because I typed into the code...
  8. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    I compared the original footcontroller and my modded one. I reduced the active sensing to 200ms in your code. Judging by the flashing LEDs of the USB MIDI interface and the speed of the Active sensing coming up in the MIDI-Ox input monitor I would say that the two timings are close ... but I...
  9. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    I see your point, it doesn't make sense to add just another 74LS05 or transistors. The proprietary Roland RRC jack just has a few more pins for Vcc and the signal for the guitar tuner. Here's the receiving MIDI in:
  10. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hi MatrixRat, the code works with my DIN to USB MIDI interface in a lab environment! Thank you very much for helping a beginner! Codewise the job is done thanks to you! The 1987 Roland GP-8, however, does not recognize the MIDI data. Maybe the old optocoupler PC910 of the MIDI in needs more...
  11. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Sorry, as I said, I'm a complete beginner to programming and have been trying to find a programming tutorial covering the braces and fomatting and so on. Thanks for your advice!
  12. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hi MatrixRAT, I actually used a 470R, because I didn't have a 420R. Right now I can't compile this code, I haven't understood the overall structure of a sketch yet: ///************LIBRARIES USED************** #include <MIDI.h> MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial1, MIDI); #include...
  13. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hi MatrixRat, thanks a million! Your code works like a charm! I really appreciate your effort and your contribution! I had to add a 1K pull-up resistor in front of the 420R series resistor, maybe because of the open collector output of the 704LS05. I have got two devices in the MIDI chain, as...
  14. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    I don't know if the baud rate should be set for Serial1? #include <MIDI.h> MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial1, MIDI); void setup() { MIDI.begin(MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI); Serial1.begin(31250);
  15. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hi everyone, hi MatrixRat, I have installed the new 74LS05. If I bypass the T2 Midi in and out , program changes are sent and the devices connected change their patch numbers accordingly. Line check successful! Once the T2 is inserted it neither transmits program changes (Midi merge) nor does...
  16. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks MatrixRat! I‘ll wait for the 74ls05 to arrive and try the resistors you suggested.
  17. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    That‘s the schematics of the original foot controller. I highlighted the MIDI out path. X marks the spot where I inserted the Teensy. I desoldered the original R2 220R and soldered wires into each PCB hole. I just connected pin 8 of 74LS05 (plus 1k pullup) to Pin 7 (RX) of the Teensy 2.0 using...
  18. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hello MatrixRat, I'm back and I have to say you have been quite right. I replaced the voltage regulator and 7-segment LEDs and current dropped considerably so that the unregulated input DC rose to healthy 8 volts. The CC value changes as intended and is received. I can see the changing...
  19. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    I have ordered low drop voltage regulators 5V and some high efficiency 7 segment LEDS. I am going to raise the common anode resistors of the LED significantly. I hope these measures will lower the current draw so that there are no more power supply interferences.
  20. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hi MatrixRat, you are right! The malfunction is caused by an unstable power supply or too much current draw. The footcontroller is powered by a Roland GP8 which supplies unregulated 10VDC to the controller via a special cable (MIDI and DC). In the original Roland controller FC100 (Current draw...
  21. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hi MatrixRat, the incoming signal should be clean since it comes from the output of the footcontroller that used to work with my equipment, it's the output of a 74LS05 inverter plus 220R pull-up resistor, no optocoupler required because T2 and footcontroller share the same power supply (7805...
  22. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks MatrixRat for your code, program changes only get through intermittently before I touch the expression pedal which kind of freezes the teensy thru function. I get undefined status on CC and MIDI notes instead of MIDI program changes in MIDI-OX once in a while. I used my CME U2MIDI...
  23. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hello again MatrixRat and oddson! I have inserted the teensy into the footcontroller. The teensy gets the MIDI output from the footcontroller at TTL level (74LS05). This is how I did it: I de-soldered the 220R resistor (that goes to DIN jack) at the inverter, pulled this end of the resistor out...
  24. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks to everbody! Where exactly do I have to insert MIDI.begin(MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI); in oddson's code (post#21)?
  25. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks, Pieter! @MatrixRat: I connected VCC, GND and A0 to the expression pedal, opened the "Many_button_knobs" example and changed the code here: // define the pins you want to use and the CC ID numbers on which to send them.. const int ANALOG_PINS[A_PINS] = {A0}; const int CCID[A_PINS] =...
  26. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    If I delete the blink code now, I can copy & paste exisiting code that reads 0-5V at the analog input F0/21 A0 next to the VCC pin and turns it into CC16 (0-127) MIDI commands without jitter. The expression pedal is a Roland EV-5 with a 50k linear pot. Which code should I use? I only need to...
  27. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks MatriXRat! How stupid of me using C! By now I have installed the Arduino software and the teensy loader and everything works as it should. I can edit the blinking time of the LED, compile and upload the code. The LED blinking rate changes accordingly. Obviously, I am able to edit, compile...
  28. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    I got the teensy today. the onboard LED blinks, turns off when I press the button. Teensy Loader 1.48 recognizes the device. Downloaded latest version of WINAVR. I'm running it on Windows 10 64bit laptop. Tried to compile blinky, but failed:
  29. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks, MatrixRat. I'll try setting up the teensy for MIDI thru first, as soon as the teensy has been delivered. Then I'll come back here when I 'm about to include the library ResponsiveAnalogRead(). Thanks to oddson as well.
  30. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks, oddson! I've ordered a teensy 2.0 locally and not in China, so it's going to arrive here pretty son. I am going to connect the teensy to a DIN output jack. The original foot controller only generates program changes, no sysex. In real life you don't change MIDI patches and use an...
  31. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks, oddson! I guess I'll go for the teensy 2.0 then. The foot switcher is DIN MIDI only. I'm using a Roland EV-5 expression pedal. Thank your for the advice on the library. ResponsiveAnalogRead(). Do you know a MIDI merge routine or does the teensy merge incoming MIDI data (program changes)...
  32. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Thanks Xfer! I need a serial (DIN Cable) MIDI out interface. I guess I can do with 0-3.3V at the pot of the expression pedal as long as MIDI CC 0-127 are created. Does the teensy provide enough output voltage to trigger standard MIDI equipment? Will 3.3V output of the teensy trigger the next...
  33. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    BTW I guess I'll need a 5V tolerant teensy ...
  34. C

    Beginner project: MIDI, analog pot turned into MIDI CC, MIDI merge with incoming MIDI

    Hello everybody, I'm new here and an absoute beginner to the programming of the teensy, but quite an expert at soldering etc. I should say that English is not my first language and I do apologize if I do not adopt the right tone sometimes. I've got a commercial MIDI foot controller that sends...