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  1. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    Anybody ever mess around with Console.h?
  2. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    Everybody, thank you for your help and patience. ...still ill communicado though... Here's where we are: - external controller checks out on receiving commands through Realterm and it turns out the command syntax is pretty flexible (for example play, play0, play 0, play<0>, and play"0" all do...
  3. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    Ah, thanks! WRT the last rev of the code do you see any issues? Just gotta get that play command out. I have ordered 2 different TTL to RS232 converters just in case. From what I have put TEENSYs through in the past I am confident that if it is a hardware issue our little buddy is not the...
  4. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    defragster I appreciate the help. If anybody's confused it's me ;) So: I'm confused. You mention getting a FTDI adapter to go to USB. I need to pull TTL serial commands from TEESNY to a (really annoying) external controller that is RS232 and female DB9 (pin order straight-through) port. The...
  5. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    I appreciate the help but that didn't do the trick. I'm not sure if we're on the same page, you did see the initial program did have have a very similar last line in the loop, Serial.println("play(001)"); I swapped it with your suggestion HWSERIAL.println("play(001)"); No changes in response...
  6. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    before anybody asks, YES the TEENSY's wire for gnd and TX, the receiving TTL is gnd and RX. Using a small TTL to RS232 DB9 converter, this one: TIA
  7. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    I really appreciate the help! Still a bit stuck, though. I have a feeling I'm screwing up syntax...dunno. This is the code I have so far, very simple: //SERIAL_8N1 protocol spec'd by external controller, 8 data bits, //one stop bit, and no parity // set this to the hardware serial port you...
  8. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    Very helpful! I have never used RealTerm. Worked great, and all the suppliers specs were correct re. baud rate, parity, commands: Now, how do I push that into an arduino sketch? STUCK! TIA!
  9. G

    Sending simple "console" commands through serial Tx

    Stupid question I know, but here goes: Using a TEENSY 3.2 serial out (TX) to command another controller to play a track. Their documentation is minimal, so this should be easy, right?? From the other controller's manual: The serial port operates at 19.2kbps, 8 data bits, one stop bit, and no...
  10. G

    adafruit 1.5" OLED pinout clarification for TEENSY application

    OK! Finally up and running. Test code and bmp slideshow from SD card are working. It's the small stupid details that screwed me up. Here's a (crappy) test vid of bmps going through: Details: running this stupid test on an Uno rev3 only because that's what Adafruit...
  11. G

    adafruit 1.5" OLED pinout clarification for TEENSY application

    defragster, thank you! Actually I did ping the wiki link before starting this plead for help, I didn't understand the "Slave Select" part. I have re-wired "CS" to what adafruit's board calls out "OLEDCS" (confusing as the other side of the board calls that pin "SC", cute.). Double checked...
  12. G

    adafruit 1.5" OLED pinout clarification for TEENSY application

    On the bright side you beat adafruit's support team by about a day...still waiting on this simple answer... I appreciate your looking at this though. Limits some of the questions. cheers
  13. G

    adafruit 1.5" OLED pinout clarification for TEENSY application

    ecurtz, thanks, saw that before. so, can you confirm what I think the tiny leftover missing pieces are? missing but here's my guess: sclk = sck (pretty sure about that one!) CS...2 options here: "SDCS" or "OLEDCS" which one sir? thanks!
  14. G

    adafruit 1.5" OLED pinout clarification for TEENSY application

    Hi Gents, I am waaaay confused! I have a new 1.5" OLED display from Adafruit. Project deadline is closing fast, I need this sucker to work. SO I loaded their test.ino (attached). There is an issue between the board's 2 letter labeled pins and what their code calls out. A few of those are...
  15. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    figured it out, knowing taken pins was the key!!! OK guys, just knowing that those pins were dedicated to audio or wire or otherwise TAKEN (I don't feel too incredibly stupid now as it seems that should be pretty obviously noted on the audio shield info, no?) things started working. Michael...
  16. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    Hi Paul, good to know. I need 4 digital outs to control relays and one digital in (pushbutton to start sequence). Which would you recommend? TIA
  17. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    I appreciate all the help gents! QUICK question: pin 23 goes HIGH when any audio is being played. Design feature or broken TEENSY? Paul this also happens in your SamplePlayer sketch. Also I'm seeing fairly constant low voltage "leaking" out of pin 19 (LED barely lit, not a loose connection...
  18. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    Getting better with your help sir! #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <Bounce.h> #include <elapsedMillis.h> // WAV files converted to code by wav2sketch #include "AudioSampleClap_r1.h" // Create the Audio...
  19. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    just quick update: commenting out everything but audio still turns on LED on pin 23...dunno why: void loop() { // Update the button object button0.update(); delay(100); // When the button 0 is pressed, the sequence of events begins with sound, then fan, // then heat, then lights...
  20. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    NOOB here: dumped the delay, thx for the tip. I need all these events to happen in a specifically timed sequence with precise delays in between them. Right now with the code below I have pin2 starting the audio and my test LED on pin 23 ("fan") stays on only during audio playback. Stupid...
  21. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    ....just switched from pin0 to pin2...working fine now...crossing fingers...
  22. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    Hi defragster, thank you for the help! I started with the audio example file SamplePlayer, which has the loop where 5 buttons are being monitored using the "fallingedge" state. I flipped it back to that and even with adjusting the delay you mentioned I'm still in the same boat. Is this not a...
  23. G

    single button starts audio and relays in timed sequence...BUGS!

    I. AM. A. NOOB. I'm missing something very basic and stupid here I know but I would love it if somebody could point that error out. Code is below. TEENSY3.1 using the TEENSY audio shield. Behavior right now: it almost randomly plays the audio file but skips over the relays. It won't stop...
  24. G

    Audio driving servo, auto-talk

    thanks for all the suggestions! still a WIP
  25. G

    Audio driving servo, auto-talk

    Hi All, New to TEENSY and generally noob-ish all around. I have the TEENSY 3.1 and the TEENSY3_AUDIO board. I need to have an "auto talk" system where I drive a servo's position based on the magnitude of the audio level. Ideas? Somebody must have done this before... TIA!