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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy 4.1

    Also I am yet to try the code you sent me but will try it once I am back in the lab @AndyA . Thank you for your help so far.
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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy 4.1

    Hi sorry for the confusion I do need FD but my code didn’t work for some reason using canFD I’m not sure maybe a library issue so that’s why I started just trying to use CAN just to problem solve and see that data on the PCAN view which I still haven’t managed to do
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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy 4.1

    Thank you. I will rewire and see if I can see the output of at least CAN1,CAN2 or CAN3 on PCAN view.
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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy 4.1

    Oh ok so please could you tell me what my setup is meant to be ?
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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy 4.1

    #include <FlexCAN_T4.h> //// CAN TEST TO BLINK BASED ON WHAT CAN MESSAGES ARE BEING SENT AND USED. const int ledPin = LED_BUILTIN; // Use the built-in LED pin bool done = false; // Flag to stop the loop after one complete run FlexCAN_T4<CAN1, RX_SIZE_256, TX_SIZE_16> myCan1...
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    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    My setup using CAN waveshare (SN65HVD230-CAN-Board), CAN FD pcan cable, and teensy 4.1. Attachments
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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy**

    My setup using CAN waveshare (SN65HVD230-CAN-Board), CAN FD pcan cable, and teensy 4.1. Attachments
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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy 4.1

    My setup using CAN waveshare (SN65HVD230-CAN-Board), CAN FD pcan cable, and teensy 4.1.
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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy 4.1

    I’m currently working on a Senior Design project that involves real-time motor control using a Teensy microcontroller and CAN FD communication. Here's a brief overview of the project and my setup: ### Project Overview: Our project focuses on controlling a motor via an Escon motor controller...
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    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy**

    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy** I’m currently working on a Senior Design project that involves real-time motor control using a Teensy microcontroller and CAN FD communication. Here's a brief overview of the project and my setup: Project...
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    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    Assistance with CAN FD Communication Setup in Senior Design Project Using Teensy** I’m currently working on a Senior Design project that involves real-time motor control using a Teensy microcontroller and CAN FD communication. Here's a brief overview of the project and my setup: Project...
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    Teensy 4.1 and CanBus

    Hi, I am a new student trying to figure out how to make a code that sends out simple can fd messages to a single teensy 4.1 microcontroller. I need help with a sample code that can do this as the example codes I run. come back with many compilation errors and they are not clear and concise...