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  1. V

    Teensy 4 and PropShield

    Will the propshield LC work with the Teensy 4.0 for playing polyphonic audio out? I think not? Any work around suggestions with a wiring diagram would be highly appreciated to get this working similar to (PropShield LC + Teensy 3.2)
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    PropShield LC

    Talk about digital recycling for pins! Many thanks for this info.
  3. V

    PropShield LC

    The PropShield LC pin LED at pin 13 glows dimly without driving it HIGH - apparently when a sound file is played from Flash Mem or something is being read from Flash Mem. Is this possible default behavior? I'm thinking there could be a short on my connections somewhere. I need this LED pin for...
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    Hardware Quadrature Code for Teensy 3.x

    It's 500 CPR/2000 PPR - sufficient for my project, but may go for higher resolution. On a zip wire-line trolley, it gives me results that vary off by at least 1 to 2 full revolutions on returning back so I'm looking for more slow speed precision to overcome the chatter on the surface.
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    Hardware Quadrature Code for Teensy 3.x

    Awesome! Will check this out. Note: Switched the pins to 22,23 on the T3.2 and used encoder.h (teensy lib for encoders). Works fine. Now trying to figure out how to modify the examples in this post to assign ports 22,23 for the Hard Encoder. That is no trivial task. Full disclosure: Am also...
  6. V

    Hardware Quadrature Code for Teensy 3.x

    Same issue seen as in the last post : 1's and 0's Using an US Digital E4T quad encoder 5V supply with channel pins connected to T3.2 pins 3,4 ( no external resistors). Getting only a string of (1,0,1..) Encoder spec: Phase relationship: The voltage measured at both pins goes from 4.3V to 0...
  7. V

    Linear velocity from FXOS8700CQ - Prop Shield

    Found some good hints with the usual error factor caveats here, Positioning technicals included:
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    Linear velocity from FXOS8700CQ - Prop Shield

    I'm looking for some pointers on using the IMU to obtain linear velocity and distance traversed in a flat plane using the prop shield and Madgwick or Mahoney fusion algorithms. I could integrate just the linear acceleration, but that would be very error prone over the 200 feet of distance I want...
  9. V

    Propshiled - polyphonic audio

    Tested Frank's beta test example and sample halloween files, playing one by one. Realized I had not soldered the five pins near the button side due to being in a hurry to get some sound, so I jury rigged wires to connect them. Works fine indeed and dac1.analogReference(EXTERNAL) is tested as...
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    Propshiled - polyphonic audio

    Very useful video tutorial. I assume that only the .RAW format is supported by the PropShield as opposed to .WAV since the design tool only offers PlayFlashRaw?
  11. V

    Propshiled - polyphonic audio

    Awesome. Same code as the T3.2+Audio card?
  12. V

    Propshiled - polyphonic audio

    Is it possible to play Polyphonic channel stereo like the Audio shield for a T 3.2 with the Propshield only? It would be great to have some tested opinions from the experts. I think the T 3.2+ Audio card still holds its own, but then we have the Propshield with built in mono audio Amp, 2W. Can...
  13. V

    ESP8266 Teensy add-on

    Can't find the link on Tindie...
  14. V

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    I'm now trying to Daisy Chain at least 3 of the ILI9341s modules via SPI with one Teensy 3.2 using the optimized library (with or without the Audio Board). To achieve something similar to this example Perhaps someone has already tried this ??
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    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Indeed it does. I'll add a 1K micropot with 100 ohm in series (for safe minimum val to 1k max) for adjustable brightness.
  16. V

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Duh..Ok decided to try without the Audio card, default 3.1 settings and it works for me fine after a whole day of futzing - but only if I connect a resistor (used 940 ohm) between LED pin and vIN. No resistor = blank screen. I presume LED really meant backlight here..
  17. V

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    I'm trying to get the ILI9341 TFT + Teensy 3.2 + Audio Card to work based on the suggested alternate pin routing and the Highly Optimized Library in the documentation, but get a blank screen using USB power to Teensy. Has anyone got this to work using the Audio Card ? Does the SD card have to...
  18. V

    2 Power-related questions Teensy 3.1 + audio shield + TFT + class D amp

    Can you please post the circuit - interesting project Would be great if you could post the schematic that is currently working for you using the Audi card Line Out, TFT LCD and Adafruit Amp. Working on something similar and have some issues with noise. Many Thank You(s)...
  19. V

    Teensy 3.1 possibly overheating somehow

    I've had both - a Teensy 3.1 and 3.0 bricked yesterday. Running the SparkFun regulated 5V->3.3V Xbee regulator adapter that has worked well for years on other boards including the Arduino. Fed by a separate 5V regulated power supply connected on VIN and GND. Serial1 (RX1, TX1) to the...
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    PWM Frequency (was: TimerOne on Teensy 3)

    Fascinating. Battle testing will certainly yield a superior product. There is no substitute (yet) for hard core regression testing. Cheers.
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    PWM Frequency (was: TimerOne on Teensy 3)

    Have to get my scope out and test this coming weekend with the ultrasonic motor drivers. Looks very promising indeed....
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    PWM Frequency (was: TimerOne on Teensy 3)

    What is the point of your post ? It offers no value to anyone seeking help here.
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    PWM Frequency (was: TimerOne on Teensy 3)

    Re-posting as suggested. Many of our motor drivers (combat robots) require a PWM pulse of 32Khz and some older ones use 20Khz and hence the requirement. Sometimes we run different motors on the same robot. The Arduino playground turned up with some simple way of setting PWM frequencies -...
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    Ultrasonic PWM

    Urgently need approx 31KHz on any PWM pin of the Teensy 3.0 Can someone suggest exact settings for the Timers, etc to simply call it in the setup(). Thank You in advance.
  25. V

    Setting up a PWM signal

    I just got my first 3.0 and ordered a couple more. Am in urgent need of two fixed PWM frequency settings on any two separate pins (20KHz and 32 KHz). What would be the easiest way to set it using the Teensyduino IDE ? Thanks in advance.