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  1. C

    Favorite Lead-Free Solder paste?

    Hey all, I'm getting into reflow soldering. Are there favorite brands of SAC or other lead free solder pastes?
  2. C

    MIDI DJ Controller using Teensy 3.6 - am I doing this right?

    Almost! In fact I was very much able to use and extrapolate this code for my project This section is almost right: void setupDigital() { for (int i = 0; i < DN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < DIGITAL_MUX_PINS[i]; j++) { digital[i][j] = new Bounce(DIGITAL_PINS[i], true); // initialize...
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    Bounce & Bounce2 Objects with Multiplexer 74HCT4051 / 4051

    Awesome! Thanks again. Here is what I have been able to get working with the Teensy 3.5. This is a bare bones version of the code which does not include all the other stuff I have going on: display, encoder, interface buttons, and some other functionality that is in development. The trick was...
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    Bounce & Bounce2 Objects with Multiplexer 74HCT4051 / 4051

    That link is very informative. Still trying to digest it. My experience with pointers and arrays is limited. LEARNING! Luckily my project does not use any piezos. Just pushbuttons and knobs. Currently I am reluctant to post my code because it --in my inexperienced style -- is super messy.
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    Bounce & Bounce2 Objects with Multiplexer 74HCT4051 / 4051

    and, does this create 8 or only 1 bounce() object Bounce debouncer_piezos[8] = Bounce();
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    Bounce & Bounce2 Objects with Multiplexer 74HCT4051 / 4051

    3 year bump. Paul are you saying that each pin of each mux needs its own Bounce object? Seems like the same Bounce object could be used repeatedly on the same teensy input pin to which the mux is attached?? I am currently working on something with a LOT of knobs and buttons, and while my code...
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    which is the best and affordable industrial uSD card?

    Hi All, I have been using thes class 4 sandisk uSD cards from adafruit for years with good results: They are plenty fast for my application, and in almost all cases, reliable. I have about 100 of them operational out in the wild and only 3 have had issues...
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    Why Teensy 3.5 or 3.6

    new shiny built-in SD slot 3 SPI busses?!?!?! yes thanks more RAM faster clock. OK
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    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    I've got my new PCB's in with the tlc59711 and 4 high-power LEDs. They work great! I've moved over to the teensy LC as a controller due to the double SPI capability. All that being said...I found a NEW flicker. As per andrew's (catgetnosleep) post above, I modified my adafruit_tlc59711.cpp...
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    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    now on to running two SPIs at once
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    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    flicker potentially solved. the adafruit breakout board has 5 input and output pins: GND VCC V+ CI DI I mistakenly thought I could have the VCC in not connected. The data sheet for the tlc59711 states that, when run from 3.3 to 5 volts, the Vref (v+)pin should also be connected to VCC. The...
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    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    Interestingly, I am unable to affect a change in the SPI speed by changing SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV128); Also unable to change mode: SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE3);
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    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    andycomic: I have not tried the tlc5940.
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    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    Still no luck. I've tried some impedance matching resistors in series with clk and data.
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    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    Just for fun I moved clock and data to the Hardware SPI pins (11 and 13). I am having the same flicker but now much faster!
  16. C

    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    I am thinking it might have something to do with the Software SPI bit banging timing? I am using pins 7 and 8 I would use the hardware SPI pins, but those are reserved for the SD card.
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    teensy3.1 + tlc59711 16 bit led driver timing issue and flicker?

    Hey all, I'm running adafruit's tlc59711 library on a teensy 3.1: teensyduino 1.22 arduino 1.06 (same problem occurs in teensyduino 1.18-rc1 with arduino 1.05) This is a breadboard situation, but I have the tlc59711 powered separately and...
  18. C

    Confounding Flicker with WS2812 strips and OctoWS2811 on Teesny 3.1

    This is mind-numbingly unbelievable. I cannot thank you enough for trying this. It seems to have solved my flicker. I literally tried all the other fixes, my scope read super clean data everywhere, power is solid with tons of headroom... I just couldn't track down the problem. Thank you thank...
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    octows2811 to decaws2811

    So I did the 8 output workaround and the spider is running quite smoothly. I gather by the zero replies that adding additional outputs to the octo library is not trivial. Just bought my 10th teensy.
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    first small scale test of our 160x80 [Video] wall

    Hunter! Awesome man, I love it. Nice work on the audio-responsive code. Works tons better than my attempts.
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    octows2811 to decaws2811

    Helo all, I am new to the forum. I found the Teensy 3.0 recently and have been using it to control ws2811 LEDs. The Octo library is awesome. Thanks Paul!!! I've modified it to read .raw image files of a uSD card and display the colors on LEds. This allows me to capture video into .raw (using...