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  1. E

    Teensy 3.1 and CAN Bus

    Resurrecting this thread: Saw the flexcan library and its pretty cool! Wondering if I can add CANBus even to teensy LC by adding an SPI to CANBus converter Would there be any downsides compared to native CAN support ?
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    Teensyduino 1.26 Beta #1 Available

    Thank you Paul !!!! :D Its all working !
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    Teensyduino 1.25 Beta #1 Available

    Nice thing: why not releasing then, two teensy add ons of the same version; one supporting newer OS X and one supporting the older ones ?
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    Teensyduino 1.25 Beta #1 Available

    Evil Paul Tried 1.25 published on the website on OSX El Capitain but got this error
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    New I2C library for Teensy3

    Start and stop Is there a way to control start and stop bit through the library ? I want to use it to read values from smart batteries on SMBus. I need to repeat the start bit and avoid the stop one.
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    Altium Library Teensy 3

    That's teensy 3 recreated as an altium project and Is very well done but doesn't have a library. Did rick give you the lib as well ?
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    Altium Library Teensy 3

    Amazing ! Thank you Paul I'll try it now Is there also a way I can get in touch with Rick. I would like to ask him a couple of libraries
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    Altium Library Teensy 3

    Did anyone create an altium library for teensy 3 and 3.1 boards ?
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    Teensyduino 1.24 Beta #3 Available

    Doesn't Work :( But i can confirm that the message pops up only with teensyduino installed. Without: it doesn't
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    Teensyduino 1.24 Beta #3 Available

    On OS-X There is still the firewall request everytime I open Arduino
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    Arduino keeps asking for firewall approval after Teensyduino addon

    I'm using a macbook pro retina with OS X 10.10.3 yosemite. I installed Arduino 1.6.4 and everything was fine. Opened several times and never asked for firewall authorisation. Despite this; I still added the exception to the firewall just to make sure. I installed then the latest teensyduino...
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    Programming teensy from Ipad

    Advantage would be being able to write and compile arduino code in a remote location where its easier to bring a tablet rather than a laptop
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    Programming teensy from Ipad

    looking for an Arduino IDE for Ipad; I found this: Was wondering if it works even to program teensy 3. Or... Is there an IDE to write Arduino code and program teensy 3 from Ipad either with cloud or not ?
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    Attiny 85 getting stuck with New Ping library

    Robsoles GOT IT amazing!!! Man YOU GOT IT !!! YOU GOT IT ! :D I tidied up the code a bit for attiny But you got it !! It worked for an hour and was still running when I stopped it. Amazing!! I need to try it with multiple attinys but it seems to work finally After One year ! It seems...
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    Attiny 85 getting stuck with New Ping library

    UPDATE 4 : Rob might be Right you may be right actually. I've done some further test UPDATE 4 I got an arduino instead of the teensy and loaded this sketch on it #include <Wire.h> /* * Divarobot 1.1 Head Controller I2C Single sensor ping * Processor: K20 Teensy 3.1 at 72 mhz Optimized...
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    Attiny 85 getting stuck with New Ping library

    UPDATE 3: On Request is getting stuck In the middle of the frustration caused by this problem: I tried changing the point where the led turns. On the Attiny side I changed it to: the on request function. Basically it will turn on everytime the byte is requested See the sketch #include...
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    Attiny 85 getting stuck with New Ping library

    Yeah Tim Didn't publish the library on his google code. You find it here : from page 38 of the same thread you find the same discussion published here but with other answers.
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    Attiny 85 getting stuck with New Ping library

    UPDATE 2 Ok I think I'm on something. So... I finally placed an Led on PB4 and ran other tests. Its interesting If I run the I2C stress test only (1st post) It keeps running and printing properly on the serial monitor for hours. Instead if I load the sketch using the New ping Library...
  19. E

    Attiny 85 getting stuck with New Ping library

    Nope it didn't but is a great sketch improvement :) If you look at the last sketch of the first post I ran an I2c stress test by cutting out the new ping library and replacing the distance variable with a fake 8 bit one that continuosly increment till 254, on the attiny. It worked for hours...
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    Attiny 85 getting stuck with New Ping library

    Really sorry for the mistake and thanks for noticing this. I fixed it' you can now check :)
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    Attiny 85 getting stuck with New Ping library

    I know is a bit O.T. but the project involves and will always involve a teensy 3.1 and maybe someone here is able to help ( I posted the same on the arduino forum and sent also an email to Tim) So... The Attiny 85 get stuck and very quickly using the New Ping library My setup: Teensy 3.1...
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    Introducing the Pi Watch - We're on Kickstarter!

    This Watch is awesome ! Is there still any chance I can get one ?
  23. E

    Driving bigger Oled screen than 3 inches

    Anyone aware of a project using teensy 3 to drive something like a 5 inch or 12 inch Oled screen ?
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    Netbios Name for teensy 3.1

    Ok Let's go a step further. So: I'm using a teensy 3.1 with a wiz550io as ethernet module and the latest wiznet ethernet library you find on github (still trying to make it work properly with teensy 3.1) I've got the library from this thread...
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    Problems with teensy 3.1 and WIZ550io

    still doesn't work on teensy 3.1 it does However work on teensy 2 ++
  26. E

    Netbios Name for teensy 3.1

    Since the teensy 3.1 has a built in MAC Address and extended network functionalities; I was wondering if there is a way to give netbios name to each teensy you program with a wiznet module attached is there ?
  27. E

    Teensyduino 1.21 Test #2 Available

    you were right it was the beta 10 and yes it gives the error. I wait for the fix on the exe file
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    Teensyduino 1.21 Test #2 Available

    I just installed Arduino 1.6.1 and downloaded teensy 1.21-beta8. But when I try to install I get a popup with supported arduino Versions and there is this error Directory: C:/Program Files (x86)/Arduino/ Checking Arduino 1.0.5: file: "arduino.exe" present file: "rxtxSerial.dll"...
  29. E

    Ws2812 in series

    I'm Using a teensy 3.1 and 22 Ws2812 strips along with octows to build a mobile display. 60 amps at 5 volts are really a lot and require big DC/DC Anyone tried putting the strip in series in order to power them at: 12-15-20 volt ? Will this affect the data line as well ?
  30. E

    New I2C library for Teensy3

    what do you need as info?
  31. E

    New I2C library for Teensy3

    I've got 5 teensy 3.1 linked together on SDA0-SCL0 Each teensy got 11 attiny 85 bootloaded with arduino linked on SDA1-SCL1 I would like to exchange data between the teensys at 2.4 mhz and then having each teensy talking to the tinys at 100 khz on the second i2c line. If i include both i2c...
  32. E

    any chance to get teensyduino on arduino 1.5.7?

    Hi Paul I was wondering if there is any chance 1.5.7 arduino ide could be supported
  33. E

    Renaming teensy 3.1 on usb serial port

    I have 3 different teensy 3.1 all plugged into the same computer at the same time. If i need to program one of them; it often makes it difficult since i cannot easily unplug them to check which serial port is assigned to each one. is there a way to rename the way they appear on serial ? So...
  34. E

    Teensy 3.1 New Ping latency calculation

    So I'm using a teensy 3.1 to read 11 Hcsr04 simultaneosly with the New Ping library. I'm Building a midi controller. Is there a way i can calculate the latency time between when one the sensor is read and when the midi command is received from ableton?
  35. E

    Link 5 teensy 3.1 with 2.4 mhz I2C

    Thanks Paul; I have a similar system working at 400khz over 1.5 meters. And its Actually Working quite well :D Thanks a lot; I'll integrate them in my design and I give you credit of Course ;) Would it actually help if I reduce the link lenght to 40 cm by using the second I2C port on each...
  36. E

    Link 5 teensy 3.1 with 2.4 mhz I2C

    Hi yeah that would help. what do you mean with spinning your own boards? I'm designing my own custom boards if it is what you are meaning....
  37. E

    Link 5 teensy 3.1 with 2.4 mhz I2C

    Thank you for the help. I thought about rs485 but it takes to long for me to implement and the distance is not so significant to require it. I lack of a scope but... If i can afford something like the bus pirate; do you think it will be able to help me diagnose the bus at that speed?
  38. E

    Link 5 teensy 3.1 with 2.4 mhz I2C

    I just noticed that teensy 3.1 supports I2C speed till 2.4 mhz. This could be a great solution for my project but i'm wondering if it will work. Let's say: i have 5 different pcbs equipped with teensy 3.1 and I want to link them in a daisy chain with I2C running at 2.4 mhz. The distance...
  39. E

    Problems with teensy 3.1 and WIZ550io

    Ok this is strange. I updated to teensyduino 19 and the modules started to work on teensy 3.1 and 2++; however; they don't work with traditional arduinos. I know 820io is easier to use but i got these modules and i have to use them
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    Problems with teensy 3.1 and WIZ550io

    I have an Update :D I installed yesterday the new teensyduino update 1.19 and now it works perfectly :D Without no troubles and no errors Thanks a lot for the help
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    Problems with teensy 3.1 and WIZ550io

    Anyone ? still getting random IP's or when cable is connected
  42. E

    Multiple HCSR-04 Ultrasonic sensors on teensy 3

    Yeah i Know that can easily done with this code. But this code doesn't easily allow you to do other tasks while reading the sensor. That's the magic of new ping. Actually.... @Paul if you are reading Would you be happy to write instructions about the timer differences between 8 bit and 32...
  43. E

    Multiple HCSR-04 Ultrasonic sensors on teensy 3

    I was wondering if anyone ever needed or ever thought to use multiple HCSR04 or SRF04 ultrasonic sensors on a Teensy 3- 3.1 or on any other 32 Bit microcontrollers. I'm talking about these sensors: There is already someone that made a very fast...
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    New I2C library for Teensy3

    Your library Solved all My troubles with I2c and Teensy 3.1. THANK YOUUUUUU
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    I2c get stuck with daisy chained Attiny85

    EUREKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I solved it. The problem was quite mixed. First of all i removed all the pullup resistors keeping a 4.7 k pullup on the first and last board of the chain. It started to work much better but still getting stuck. Bootloading the tinys at 8mhz instead of 16 solved the...
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    New I2C library for Teensy3

    Just saw this and is soooo nice :D Is it Still up? I got the 6b version that seems like the latest and I'm gonna try it out now. Amazing! Why you didn't host it on google code?
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    Problems with teensy 3.1 and WIZ550io

    Any suggestions?
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    I2c get stuck with daisy chained Attiny85

    This is interesting. I'm gonna remove the resistors and see what happen. Unluckly i don't have neither an oscilloscope nor a bus analyzer. I'm starting to consider on moving to RS485 in the next version of the boards in order to avoid troubles. How easy is to create a daisychain with...
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    I2c get stuck with daisy chained Attiny85

    Here there are Close up of a board and a pic of the entire chain connected to teensy 3.1 In the pic you don't see the ultrasonic sensors I'm using : (one on each board) and the 5 volt powersupply (Dc/Dc converter) ...
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    I2c get stuck with daisy chained Attiny85

    Following this tutorial: ; i created a series of boards to read the distance from HcSr04 sensors. PRecisely: 12 sensors. I bootloaded each attiny 85 @ 16mhz and Daisychained 12 of them On the same I2c...