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  1. techydude

    Audio Library Tutorial

    I attended Saturday's workshop at the Hackaday SuperCon, and it was my stand-out favourite of the 5 workshops I attended. The preparation and attention to detail was massive: - whilst printed notes might seem quaint to some, when you're working from the single screen of a laptop & bouncing back...
  2. techydude

    millis() slowing things down ?

    I appreciate that, but what I'm really responding to is the line "TODO: publish a library for elapsedMillis and elapsedMicros on Arduino boards.", on Of course you're under no obligation to do so, but in the spirit of "Teach a man to fish..." all I was asking...
  3. techydude

    millis() slowing things down ?

    wow, my questions must be so dumb, even a flamer won't bite :-(
  4. techydude

    millis() slowing things down ?

    This would appear to be the answer to this question I posted yesterday ( ). On the Mac I found elapsedMillis.h in here: \\Arduino...
  5. techydude

    Teensyduino code on non-Teensy? (eg. Arduino Uno)

    Hi, I've written a sketch originally targeting Teensy 2.0 using Teensyduino, and happened to want to program an Arduino Uno with the same sketch today, by setting the board to a Uno instead of Teensy 2.0, & associated USBtty port. But compiling failed on my use of the 'elapsedmillis' command...