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  1. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    ah ha that sounds like want I need, I'm guessing my sloppy connection methods pushed the 3.1s over the edge and that the 3.2 s will be much harder to kill. thanks for that info, I feel much more comfortable about getting a 3.2 replacement now.
  2. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    thanks paul. I take it this means that Teensy 3.2 is better equipped to handle a voltage spike. Is that correct ?
  3. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    that does sound like fun , I have some clone pro micros around Ill give that a try and report back findings.
  4. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    OK thanks, that explains why it also happens with the lipo. no they are quite dead, attaching power to vin causes them to draw .5A and heat up. Power was off when moving wires around Thanks everyone for all the helpful advise, i learnt a bit as you always do when things go pear shaped...
  5. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    I took this video of connecting the power supply. The meter shows a very brief reading of 8.4v before settling to 4.3. The supply is set to 4.2v. At first I thought that this was it but then I tried the same test using a 4.2 lipo battery supply which still showed an initial spike of 7.4. So...
  6. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    OK finally got a decent shot at a low enough resolution to keep under the 360k limit. I am going to check the voyages on all the pins next , as someone here suggested , perhaps the breadboard has a short somewhere.
  7. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    Frank, Sorry for bad photo but the one I took was 3mb and had to be shrunk to 360k to pass the upload Nazi. I will try again tomorrow, its very late here now. Pretty sure teensys are dead. They got hot and the current draw jumped from a few mA to about .5 A. They are no longer recognized on...
  8. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    Thanks @jwatte, your response has helped. Particularly the link to the article on voltage swings. The first thing I will do is put in a switch on the breadboard instead of just plugging in the wires, which apparently exacerbates the voltage swing. The power wires are short and simply...
  9. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    finally figured it out, converted to a smaller png file.
  10. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    sorry still unable to upload the photo, just get back dialog : " says upload of file failed" file is a jpg and only 3 and a bit mg in size is there a limit or something ?
  11. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    Sorry can't find how to add a photo to this post, sure I did this once before here, but perhaps that has changed. Anyway the main question is : Was my changing the ground set up the problem here ? Thanks. Lynton
  12. L

    This circuit killed 2 teensy 3.1's , what did I do wrong ?

    Hi, I managed to kill 2 teensy 3.1 with the circuit pictured. I had hooked up an adafruit nrf8001 ble to a teensy 3.1 and all was working well for a few hours Then I rewired it to make some room and changed 1 thing only. (I think) The ground from the BLE had been going to a spare ground pin...
  13. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    That interesting because I see it every single time. First connection is always dumped 7-8 seconds after connecting, Perhaps it's to do with the Android device then, it was a Nexus 7 running Android 4.4.4
  14. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    Ok, so on another machine I did a fresh install of Arduino 1.06 and teensyduino 1.20 and downloaded the latest adafruit_nrf lib from here I then ran the "callbackEcho" demo. I can confirm that the '8 second' problem exists in...
  15. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    SdFat still does not work, tested again with all of Pauls updates and with various settings for #define ENABLE_SPI_TRANSACTION 1 #define ENABLE_SPI_YIELD 1 setting these on or off makes no noticeable difference, the registered nrf callbacks stop working after the SD card is accessed. tested...
  16. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    I think the 8 second thing has been happening all along, but I will test tomorrow with a clean install of arduino 1.06 and the Adafruit version of nrf. I'll also have another look at SdFat, I only tried that very briefly and then moved to SD, but since SD is just a wrapper for SdFat it seems...
  17. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    ok, had more time to test and it looks pretty good now. Still lose the first connection after 8 seconds every single time, but after reconnecting then connection seems stable for long periods of time. Now able to read files using SD, without killing NRF, so this fix appears to work. As an...
  18. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    Didn't work with SDFat, but initial test does work with SD now :). Will do some more testing soon (no time right now) and report back.
  19. L

    connecting nRF8001 to Teensy 3.1

    I assume you have already changed pin 13 as mentioned earlier, if not try that,) have you tried it with an arduino ?, this would prove that the BLE is or is not ok. you may have to reduce the number of pixels for the arduino to have enough memory to run the giggen hat example. You could try...
  20. L

    connecting nRF8001 to Teensy 3.1

    Hi Rudyv, Glad to hear it works for you too now. I also want to read a micro SD card in my application but this currently causes conflicts with the SdFat library. Paul is currently working on implementing SPI transactions in the library so that it can work in conjunction with other interrupt...
  21. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    LOL , From those photos I feel pretty confident of that, but please don't rush on my account. Happy to run tests whenever you have something to try out.
  22. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    sorry Paul but still the same behaviour, sd card access still kills nrf. If #define ENABLE_SPI_TRANSACTION 1 #define ENABLE_SPI_YIELD 1 then SDFat cannot read the card and attempting to kills nrf lib. If #define ENABLE_SPI_TRANSACTION 1 #define ENABLE_SPI_YIELD 0 Then SDFat can read the...
  23. L

    connecting nRF8001 to Teensy 3.1

    I had to modify the guggenhat code #define LED 13 -> 3 to get it to work as 13 is being used for the BLE sck pin, but guggenhat uses it to blink the onboard LED, setting this to unused pin 3 made it work for me without the blinking of course.
  24. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    some extra info that may help With the defines in place the SD card functionality was much more flaky and mostly failed to read the card, ( i think it may have succeeded once or twice after adding the defines although not certain ) I also tried the sdfat quickstart demo and this consistently...
  25. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    Tried but seemed to make no difference, as per the document I modified these 2 defines in sdfatconfig.h #define ENABLE_SPI_TRANSACTION 1 #define ENABLE_SPI_YIELD 1 I also then tried this as well as it looked a spossible candiate #define TEENSY3_SOFT_SPI 1 none made any difference, The...
  26. L

    Adafruit_nrf8001 and SDFat problem on teensy 3.1

    Hi, I have an issue when using Adafruit_nrf8001 and SdFat libraries together. Both work fine on there own but when SDFat is used when bluetooth is in use then the Bloothtooth connection is lost and does not come back until the program is restarted. ie the device stops advertising and scanning...
  27. L

    connecting nRF8001 to Teensy 3.1

    For the OP (rudyv) , I can confirm that the adafruit guggenhat example code also works now with teensy 3.1 and the adafruit bluetooth LE breakout.
  28. L

    connecting nRF8001 to Teensy 3.1

    works for me now. Just tried this and it worked for me using android nrf UART 2.0 app with both the callbackecho and echodemo sketches. Thanks paul.
  29. L

    compatability of nrf8001 BLE with teensy 3.1

    thanks Paul, At least I know its not just my wiring :). I was beginning to think I would have to use a different controller, but I want to use the teensy so I can also use the octows2811 lib to control an LED matrix that is accessible by bluetooth via a phone. So the plan is to end up with...
  30. L

    compatability of nrf8001 BLE with teensy 3.1

    Hi, I have been trying to get the adafruit nrf8001 bluetooth adapter to work with a teensy 3.1 without success. I found this thread, where I have added my own similar experiences to it. As per my post...
  31. L

    connecting nRF8001 to Teensy 3.1

    I just looked at the adafruit guggenhat example mentioned by Rudyv in the first post and found this : "Cutting-edge boards like the Arduino Due, Netduino or Teensy 3 are unlikely to work here — though powerful, they’re based on different processors and only “mostly” Arduino compatible." This...
  32. L

    connecting nRF8001 to Teensy 3.1

    Hi, I am experiencing the same thing, I have the same pin connections as the first post and also tried with pin 3 instead of 2 for RDY I tried the library from adafruit , tato and pauls version on github. All worked with an arduino uno but nothing on the teensy. The teensy vusb has been cut...
  33. L

    using ethernet and sd card with teensy 3.1 octows2811 adapter and WIZ820 sd adpater

    Hi, I have purchased these components teensy 3.1 octows2811 adapter wiz820 SD adapter wiz820io module. I have found this diagram here by paul which shows how to hook the boards together for use with the VideoSDCard.ino example code...
  34. L

    configuring octows2811 library for use with 4 16x16 ws2811 ws2812b pixel panels

    Yes the 4 panels I have are rigid 16x16 matricies, Just so its clear please allow me to reiterate : The panels appear to be the same as a 256 ws2812b led strip shaped into a solid 16x16 square in a zigzag arrangement. I want to have the 4 16x16 panels arranged into a 32x32 grid like so [a][b]...
  35. L

    configuring octows2811 library for use with 4 16x16 ws2811 ws2812b pixel panels

    Ahhhh , thankyou jonnyfp. I think I understand now, as long as the LED editing software can display onto the panel arrangement correctly then the captured output will be already mapped to my matrices and the Octows2811 library will not need to do anything extra to reorder the pixels. I think...
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    configuring octows2811 library for use with 4 16x16 ws2811 ws2812b pixel panels

    Hi VideoSound, thanks for responding, I've noticed that approach before, but the problem for me it that when looking at the Octows2811 VideoSdCard.ino example code. the video data is read into the drawingMemory and then a call to is made. So setPixel() is not used, or at least...
  37. L

    configuring octows2811 library for use with 4 16x16 ws2811 ws2812b pixel panels

    Hi all, I am attempting to make a wearable 32 x 32 pixel display using 4 16x16 flexible ws2811 ws2812b pixel panels. For this I have purchased the following hardware : 1 x teensy 3.1 1 X octows2811 adapter 1 x audio adapter 1 x nrf8001 BLE 4.0 bluetooth breakout 4 16x16 flexible ws2811...