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  1. R

    Ant+ libarary and USB driver for Teensy 3.5/6

    Are you using the newest Teensyduino 1.58? Because I believe they have used HRBF’s code changes in that version.
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    Motorola Radio Sending Midi Stop in Teensy 4.0?

    Not sure if you are using a metal case for your midi controller, but that would help shield it. And using ferrite clamp chokes on all wires going to your midi controllers, including power, usb and midi. Chokes are a common way to reduce RF noise on power cables and usb cables. Though I have not...
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    Speech output example by playing phoneme wav files

    New improved TTS example A new example of a speech sketch been posted here. It has some improvements over the previous one, and makes it easier to integrate with your own code. -Removed most delay functions and now relies on isPlaying to determine when each sound file is done playing...
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    Limit on mixing WAV files?

    Frank Boesing's example plays 14 wav files at a time.
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    Smallest Form Factor Teensy 4.1

    I think the smallest form factor for a Teensy 4.1 is a Teensy 4.0 with a SD Card connector soldered to the bottom side. The Teensy 4.0 is a very compact board. I don't see a custom board getting too much smaller. The MicroMod looks very small. But it is 22mm x 22mm, and it needs a little more...
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    Ant+ libarary and USB driver for Teensy 3.5/6

    Thank you HRBF, The example AntPlus.ino locked up on me as well. I used 2.0.4 and TeensyDuino 1.57.2 and also a Teensy 4.1. Using your modifications to antplus.cpp fixed the issue. Over an hour of monitoring HR with no hang ups.
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    Speech output example by playing phoneme wav files

    Thanks defragster, Yes, some words need some new "rules" added to the code, and other words in English are exceptions to rules. Because of this, some words are not intelligible. But new rules can be added, or an exception list could be created. In the newest version compile defines have been...
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    Speech output example by playing phoneme wav files

    I made a Text to Speech example, and updated some phoneme sounds files that needed some help. This example lets you type in any word to the serial monitor, and the Teensy will speak them back to you. The audio files take up about 850 kB on the SD card. Type To Speech is located here...
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    Speech output example by playing phoneme wav files

    Here is a working example of using phonemes to create speech with Teensy 3.6 or 4.1, with a builtin SDCARD attached, and an Audio Shield. The output is I2S, where the Audio library could be used to modify these sounds. To do this, phoneme wav files used for english speech were recorded to very...
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    Text to Speech - Trying to port (multi language TTS) arduino-espeak-ng to Teensy 4.1

    Hello, Recently, Phil Schatzmann succesfully ported espeak-ng to arduino (ESP32). His work is located here: (with some backstory here: I am...
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    TTS (Text-to-Speech) Library Port?

    I know this is an old thread, but has anyone been able to make this arduino port of SAM working on a Teensy 3.2 or 4.x? Ideally, his i2s implementation to Teensy Audio i2s input. An example of SAM speech output, from an Atari...
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    Teensy Prop Shield Increasing IMU Data Rate

    I probably should have posted the code changes to make it easier, in case someone else runs into the same issue. In the library NXPMotionSense.cpp: Change the CTRL_REG1 values as shown below: Set FXOS8700 (accelerometer and magnetometer) rate to 200Hz: //if (!write_reg(i2c_addr...
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    Teensy Prop Shield Increasing IMU Data Rate

    I was noticing the same thing about the speed staying constant, despite doubling the rates of the sensors. I finally noticed that in lines 131 and 181 of the NXPMotionSense.cpp code, there is a timer function that counts counts down in usec. If you halve both these constants 5000 and 10000 to...
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    Speed comparisons for Arduino Uno/Nano, Due and Teensy 3.5

    This was done a while back, but an interesting comparison of the speed of the Teensy 3.5
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    Prop Shield 9dof sensor fusion with XBee wireless for r/c or model rockets

    Thanks, I ended up using a XBee Pro SC2, which has twice the range, and twice the speed of the S1, plus it has the advantage of plugging in an external antenna. The SC2's have an RF baud rate of up to 250,000. For the base station, I used a directional panel mount antenna with 9db gain from a...
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    Prop Shield 9dof sensor fusion with XBee wireless for r/c or model rockets

    I got a chance to put it in a model rocket this weekend and got some good data. The video shows the position of the rocket in realtime, as it receives telemetry at 100 hertz. As the rocket reaches a horizontal position, the parachute is deployed, causing the rocket to bounce around a bit, then...
  17. R

    Prop Shield 9dof sensor fusion with XBee wireless for r/c or model rockets

    I used off the shelf parts to build an orientation (attitude and altitude) transmitter that could be mounted in model rockets or r/c planes. It uses a pair of XBee Pro transceivers which are rated between one and two miles line of sight (depending on which type of pro model used). The teensy...