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  1. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    Wow this is great! Thanks for the addition, Paul! You guys can probably answer this question, but I've been goin through the ARM M7 manual trying to understand this a bit more. Joe mentioned the internal clock is 150 MHz. Is this the internal 600 MHz oscillator of the the M7 with a divide...
  2. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    Wow! Now its even better! Its much more stable and looks to behave exactly as FreqCount! I also noticed that pins 2,4,& 7 don't appear to don't work for this. According to the documentation, they are supposed to. This is more of a curiosity, but any idea why that might be? Thanks again...
  3. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    Ah of course! That solved the problem. It doesn't have the 1Hz resolution of freqcount, but definitely in the 10's of Hz. Thank you so much! -Jose
  4. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    Ah sorry. I forgot to mention that. I did confirm the signal generator frequencies with the FreqCount program. I can change the signal frequency at 15 MHz by 100 Hz and the freqcount program will track the same amount of change. It will even do 1 Hz.
  5. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    In my application, the source of the signals are oscillators with an output of about 10-13MHz. When the sense the target VOC, the frequency changes by 100's of Hz so having the kind of resolution is critical. Yes, the code measures frequencies from 100 Hz all the way up to 15 MHz (my signal...
  6. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    Hey Joe! Sorry about that! I ran the script just as you sent it and I get the following: loopcount = 3552560 1: 50000 75021040 10000000.00 2: 25000 75000000 5000000.00 3: 10000 75004208 2000000.00 Similar to yours. However if I put in the code to change the frequency by 1KHz, I...
  7. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    Hi Mart T! The code worked and it can count above 15MHz, however, the resolution is very poor. I need to be able to resolve changes by 100's of MHz. Changing the edgcnt seems to change the upper limit, but not the resolution. Any thoughts on this? I'm guessing this is a fundamental...
  8. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    Hi MarkT! If you could post it, that would be very much appreciated! Are you referring to this? I found this in the readme. I tried this and it doesn't seem to make an improvement, unless I'm doing something wrong. As in the v0.1, an instance can be started with begin(pin). More capture...
  9. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    I did, but it only measures up to 1 MHz. I need to go up to 14 MHz. Can the upper limit be increased??
  10. J

    Teensy 4: Measuring multiple frequencies

    I have a several sensors outputting frequencies that I want to monitor. Is it possible to modify freqcount to measure the frequency of 4 of these sensors? I understand that the counter input pin is 9 on Teensy 4, but could the other timer/counters be utilized as well or can the measurement...