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    Modbus RTU

    Hi i did the modifications but it doesent work: n file included from C:\Users\Perger\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_175523\sketch_sep14a.ino:3:0: C:\Users\Perger\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Modbus-Master-Slave-for-Arduino-master/ModbusRtumod.h: In member function 'void...
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    Modbus RTU

    Hi, the file looks litlebit different, probably there was an update? /** * @file ModbusRtu.h * @version 1.21 * @date 2016.02.21 * @author Samuel Marco i Armengol * @contact * @contribution Helium6072 * * @description * Arduino library for...
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    Modbus RTU

    Hi thanks, i have tried the example but it doesent compile... #include <ModbusRtu.h> uint16_t au16data[16] = { 3, 1415, 9265, 4, 2, 7182, 28182, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4 }; Modbus slave(1,1,0); void setup() { slave.begin( 115200, SERIAL_8N1 ); } void loop() { slave.poll( au16data, 16...
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    Modbus RTU

    Hi, i am trying to setup Teensy as ModbusRTU Slave. Using >this< library i can set up registers up to 250?.. But if i want to set up a higher range of registers, for example register 300 teensy 3.1 freezes. I have to push the reset button to flash it again.. Somone knows a fix or has an other...
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    Upload sketch form commandline

    I use the usb just for flash and debug, the uart is used for data. No problem there..
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    Upload sketch form commandline

    Thanks for the solutions.. I probably try teensy loader, but i have watched some youtube videos about platformio.. I noticed that it supports flashing over the air and some other things. Is it possible to flash the microcontroller connected to the rpi from a remote pc using ssh whitout...
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    Upload sketch form commandline

    Hi have build a system whit a rpi communicating whit teensy 3 using Uart. But it is a embeded system where i need to do the maintainance remotely. Because of this i need to upload sketches on the board but im not sure how to do it. Is it possible to do it from commandline? I am using some...
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    Ok, i try it.. thx
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    I have decided to add a piezo buzzer. Can i connect it directly to teensy 3.1?
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    I measured the current on the relayboard again, i was wrong, there are just 1mA on each relay. I think its ok.. But what about L298, it is connected on IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 GND directly to teensy, the 5V are connected to the same external power supply wich powers teensy, the coils of the relayboard...
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    Hi i want to use Teensy 3.1 on my micro brewery. But im not sure about the current to drive the peripherial devices. I need to connect: 1x 4Channel Relayboard w opto (circuit) 3x DS18B20 1x L298 (datasheet) 1x Raspberry pi w 7" Display on UART ? 28J60 Ethernet Module for Modbus communication I...
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    SimpleModbusSlave library not compiling on Teensy 3.1

    Hi, im new here.. I wanted to ask if it is possible to use this library on usb? Are there some other options to consider?