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  1. S

    Using functions itoa, and dtostrf

    Post your code if still not working
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    Using functions itoa, and dtostrf

    I use iota without including <stdlib.h> with teensy 3.1 and teensydunio 1.21 installed - something else is wrong void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while(!Serial && millis() < 5000) ; // wait for terminal to start or 5s ... char tempText[10] {0}; int tempInt = 0; int maxInts =...
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    teensy 3.1 internal rtc problems

    So this is what works for me, I have a Teensy3.1 with WIZ820_SD_ADAPTOR & module and 32k crystal soldered to the board, I am using Ethernet(with UDP) and Time libraries In setup I do this : setTime(Teensy3Clock.get()); // get intial time from onboard RTC Serial.begin(9600); while...
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    Need some input building Teensy 3.1 Breakout Board for MIDI Project

    So, take a look at this switching regulator module - it what I use for similar needs WPMDH1302401JT, there are available with fixed outputs and variable. They need very little else to make them work and they are robust.
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    Teensy 3.1 serialevent

    So, we have: teensy 3.1 board (purchased last week in Germany) (2 used for testing) Windows 8.1 (running in Parallels) Deleted and reinstalled... Arduino 1.05 Teensydunio 1.20rc2 Settings Board Teensy 3.1 Serial Port... Usb type : Serial Kbd US English CPU: mine does not show 120 ...? - set...
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    Teensy 3.1 serialevent

    Odd - you get the output - I dont ...... let me check again .... I definitely get the "." but it ignores my input totally? Curiouser and Arduino IDE has hung up after entering a few test text items.... I have used an alternate tty emulator and it has the same issues - "."...
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    Teensy 3.1 serialevent

    Using teensyduinio 1.20 rc2 - testing serial event Reference system - Official UNO Test system Teensy 3.1 char tempBuffer[100] = {0}; const int MaxInput = 10; long prevMillis = 0; int loopDelay = 1000; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void...
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    Teensyduino 1.20 Release Candidate #1 Available

    Tested with an UNO (code below) using default USB connection as serial port inn both cases (teensy 3.1 and UNO) - UNO it works - teensy does not - moving this to Bug reports as suggested by Paul below. char tempBuffer[100] = {0}; const int MaxInput = 10; long prevMillis = 0; int loopDelay =...
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    Teensyduino 1.20 Release Candidate #1 Available

    Installed 1.20 rc2 serialevent() still not working - is there anything else to perhaps preconfigure ?
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    Teensyduino 1.20 Release Candidate #1 Available

    Found rc2...installing ...
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    Teensyduino 1.20 Release Candidate #1 Available

    I downloaded v1.20rc1 - so perhaps I need rc2 - anyone got a link for me - above is only rc1 as far I can see?
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    Teensyduino 1.20 Release Candidate #1 Available

    I am trying to get serial event() to work - this code works on AVR but not on teensy - any suggestions (or corrections :-) ) char tempBuffer[100] = {0}; const int MaxInput = 10; elapsedMillis hBeat; // "waiting" starts at zero //...
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    _reboot_Teensyduino() vs. _restart_Teensyduino()

    Thanks neilh20 - this works so well!
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    TFTP Bootloader, update firmware over ethernet?

    I really can't see why this facility would not be a massive boost for using teensy? It would then compete and IMHO be better than spark core! Paul would still sell MINI54 just with a better bootloader than allows OTA. Am I missing something fundamental?
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    TFTP Bootloader, update firmware over ethernet?

    So, this topic seems to come up again and again. Lets make it work! Paul, what would need to get this started - I am happy to contribute time and effort (I dont have huge programming skills, but can architect, design use cases etc and test). My envisaged solution would be (and its open for...
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    CAN Bus Library for Teensy 3.1

    @teachop - Thanks ! I have not yet wired it up yet - any tips and tricks for a newbie CAN user ? My goal is to have a private message system using can to multi drop to a number of teensy's to form a distributed network for redundancy and to share processing load (I suppose not to dissimilar to a...
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    CAN Bus Library for Teensy 3.1

    Hi Guys, What's the final outcome with this library and the PIN assignment Teensy diagram says can is 3 and 4, yet lib says 5/6 are used - does this change the assignment or does it not matter or can I set this somewhere - forgive the newbie questions, but I am trying to build a hardware shield...
  18. S

    Can I use the GSM Library from Arduino?

    Hi, did you get any takers on this problem. I have similar issues