Search results

  1. N

    RA8875 and setRotation with 7" Adafruit Screen

    And it worked without any fuss! It is too long ago to remember what problems I had before but whatever they were, they seem to have gone. Thank you again.
  2. N

    RA8875 and setRotation with 7" Adafruit Screen

    I did try it some time ago and failed to make it work. Now that you have reminded me, I will try it again. Thank you.
  3. N

    RA8875 and setRotation with 7" Adafruit Screen

    I have had a great deal of difficulty getting the in-built font to print in portrait mode but I have found a bodge which enables me to do what I want. I document it here in case it is of use to somebody else. It is not a rigorous piece of work. It calls a bodge to set some registers in the...
  4. N

    Disabling program mode when using more than one Teensy?

    I use multiple T3.6s and T4.1s and I find the following check very useful! (note these are code snippets, not reviewed for elegance, supplied just to give an idea of what is possible. Feel free to improve it!) For me it is important to ensure that I am on the correct Teensy before I start...
  5. N

    Teensyduino 1.59 Released

    I was right - I was being thoroughly dense. Thank you for your patience!
  6. N

    Teensyduino 1.59 Released

    The .html file takes me to an IDE 2.0 scenario. The .json file is not it, is it? I'm still puzzled.
  7. N

    Teensyduino 1.59 Released

    Apologies if I'm being a bit dense but I don't see how to install 1.59 for IDE 1.8.19. The instrs on the pjrc website seem to assume IDE 2.x on. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
  8. N

    Searching On Small Words

    I know there is a post on the forum where pjrc has described the limitations on using Pin 13. I need to see it because I'm trying to use every pin on my T4.1 and I need to check that my usage of 13 will not break the rules. So my question is: How do you search for things that have small...
  9. N

    Unable find Teensy Loader after Mac Update to Sonoma

    You're a star! Thank you very much!
  10. N

    Unable find Teensy Loader after Mac Update to Sonoma

    I'm lost. Was running a stable Teensyduino 1.59 Beta 3 (Arduino 1.8.19) locally. Then upgraded my Mac to Sonoma. No other change (I think!). When I do cmd R to compile (not upload) I get Unable find Teensy Loader. (p) Is the Teensy Loader application running? as below: Have I lost any...
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    My understanding (which is very limited) is that the analogWriteFrequency function assigns the nearest allowed frequency rather than the exact frequency passed in the parameter. Would it be possible in a future Teesyduino update for this function to return the value it has set? Apologies if...
  12. N

    PIN Definition

    I think I remember seeing a thread on this forum describing the perils of specifying a pin number to functions in a variable rather than as an explicit digit. If somebody could point me to it I would be grateful. I have used the search function without success.
  13. N

    Relationship between TeensyTimerTool and Pins

    I need to do a lot more work to pin down the problem area and separate it from other possible issues. The difficulty is most likely ignorance on my part. The initial problem appeared to be an unexpected interaction between DMA-generated interrupts and timer interrupts. I can't supply code...
  14. N

    Relationship between TeensyTimerTool and Pins

    Thank you. So if I don't use analogWrite at all, I can use any pin for my project without worrying about the timers I'm using?
  15. N

    Relationship between TeensyTimerTool and Pins

    I am having trouble using TeensyTimerTool timers correctly. I am using T3.6s . My experience level is greater than Arduino Uno but well below the level of many contributors on this forum. My question is: "Is there a relationship between timers and pins? Does my use of timers affect what I...
  16. N

    How to handle divide by zero on a T3.6?

    I have just tried Crashreport & it gives: "CrashReport is not available on Teensy LC & 3.x"
  17. N

    How to handle divide by zero on a T3.6?

    The title says it all - How do you handle divide by zero on a T3.6? What happens if you don't supply any handling? I've been using T3.6s for a number of years and I don't remember bumping into this before.
  18. N

    Query Re Connecting Multiple Teensies Together

    Wow, thank you both. This gives me plenty to work on!
  19. N

    Query Re Connecting Multiple Teensies Together

    I am using a T3.6 [A] to manage 3 stepper motors and a second T3.6 [B] to display data about it. I have connected output pins from A to input pins on B and vice-versa. I have connected the GNDs of A and B together. I power A via a power-only USB cable and B by a USB cable to my laptop. Is...
  20. N

    T3.6 Interrupts Problem

    After a major rebuild of the hardware I discovered that the problem was caused by a defective 74HCT125 that was being used to translate the scale signal from 5V to 3V3. It was hard to discover because 90% of the time it worked correctly. The good aspect was that it was simple to correct.
  21. N

    T3.6 Interrupts Problem

    T3.6 built-in quadrature is not appropriate since the project needs to be aware of signal patterns, it is not just a counting exercise. The patterns observed indicate an extra, spurious, edge, not a missing edge. Multiple ISRs do change the same variable, but the source is not supposed to be...
  22. N

    T3.6 Interrupts Problem

    My project is to move the head of a metal-working mill using a stepper motor controlled by a T3.6, using the mill's built-in DRO to know where the head has got to. (This is not the usual way of doing it.) The DRO display provides power to the Scale which reports the movement by changing the...
  23. N

    Multiple T3.6 Using DMA

    And here is Version 2 // Discover if it possible to do SPI with so few pins free // Target SPI device: Adafruit 2.8" TFT // Changed the 8bit parallel output on PORT C to use bits 11-4 instead of 7-0 // Data transfer now requires one extra shift instruction per byte sent. // Used alt SPI...
  24. N

    Multiple T3.6 Using DMA

    This is a copy of what the dumpDmaTcd() function can produce: *** TCD For Channel 0 [IB] for Event 22 WARNING - values may be changing during reporting "Completion" means end of major loop [DMA] [DMA_CR] : 0x00000482 Control Register [DMA_CR_ES] : 0x00000000 Last Recorded Channel...
  25. N

    Multiple T3.6 Using DMA

    In the absence of shouts of "that's a waste of time', I have cleaned up the code a bit, taken out lots of debugging stuff, and greatly enhanced the dumpDmaTcd() function which Serial.Prints a TCD's details in more readable form. I have now run it in a 4 processor ring and get 0.43 Mbytes/sec. I...
  26. N

    Multiple T3.6 Using DMA

    note Line 20 should read // 1 clock pin in - Pin 34 on Port E not // 1 clock pin in - Pin 3 on Port A
  27. N

    Multiple T3.6 Using DMA

    Please find below my code for linking 2-n T3.6s using DMA 8 bit parallel data transfer a round-robin record transfer using 4-508 byte records identical code on all processors This is just a fun program with no practical application as far as I can see as it uses too many pins leaving few useful...
  28. N

    Teensy + Adafruit FONA Problem - timedRead() is private in Stream.h

    Ok, please ignore this request for now. I'll redo the scenario from scratch and see if the problem still exists.
  29. N

    Teensy + Adafruit FONA Problem - timedRead() is private in Stream.h

    Hi. I have a problem with using a Teensy 3.6 with an adafruit Fona 3G (EU) in that it fails to compile an adafruit fona example because timedRead() is private. I am a retired mainframe programmer with only very basic C skills so my error may be simple, any hints as to where I should go next...