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  1. Y

    An alternative to the obsolescent CS42448: the PCM3168

    Thank you for your advice.
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    An alternative to the obsolescent CS42448: the PCM3168

    How to set 96kHz sampling rate on PCM3168? former CS42448 was set via <AudioStream.h> #define AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_EXACT 96000.0f But, PCM3168 doesn't work with above sampling rate. even though same MCLK 24.576MHz. When I looked at the data sheet, it said that 96kHz should be set to Dual rate...
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    An alternative to the obsolescent CS42448: the PCM3168

    If two PCM3168As were connected to TDM and TDM2 of a Teensy 4.1, will it be able to receive a total of 12 audio inputs? When using two CS42448, which were connected to TDM and TDM2 of a Teensy 4.1. TDM was "7:OUT1A, 8:IN1, 18:SDA, 19:SCL, 20:LRCLK1, 21:BCLK1, 23:MCLK1". TDM2 was "2:OUT2...
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    Yes I tried swapping around the MISO and MOSI wires, too. MOSI-11 to MISO - 12 MISO - 12 to MOSI-11
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    I have tried SPI_MSTransfer_T4 library example, checked the sanity check, and checked the connections. When I check it with an oscilloscope, it shows the waveform keeps disapearing(gone) and appearing repeatedly with a period of 1 second according to the source code. Test Code as below: same...
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    I'm trying to test with Teensy 4.1 SPI Master and Teensy 4.1 SPI Slave communication, but SPI communication is not working. Environment is OS: Windows 11 Arduino 1.8.19 Library: Teensyduino 1.56 After downloading as zip from, I added the...