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  1. kig

    Aurora on SmartMatrix + RF24 Library – Apparently broken :(

    This is a question about Aurora/SmartMatrix project, running on Teensy, and it's integration with RF24 wireless communications. References: OK so I've spent this afternoon trying to...
  2. kig

    Can a USB keyboard be used to control a project running on Teensy 3.1?

    Sorry if this is a noob question, but I have seen a LOT of information about how to use Teensy as a USB host: where it takes over keyboard and mouse of a computer, or controls other hardware via USB. However, what I'd like to do is to have Teensy be connected to a USB input: I will use a...
  3. kig

    +3.3v Line Shorted to GND

    Same thing – 3.3V shorted to GND I seem to have the same problem. I had the thin connectors cut, as the Teensy was being powered from the external 5V source. I needed to flush the software with a new version, and I connected it just to USB. For whatever reason I saw the project come to live...
  4. kig

    Having trouble with IR Receiver and a simple IR remote :(

    I purchased both items from Adafruit, hoping this would save me the headache. Boy was I wrong. I am using this remote: And this receiver (IR sensor - TSOP38238) First, Adafruit's own library seems to be blocking for...
  5. kig

    Teensy 3.1 Audio Shield FFT Problems

    Was having the same issue using Eclipse Arduino plugin. Would compile in Arduino, but not in Eclipse. Solved by adding -larm_cortexM4l_math to extra parameters to "combiner" in project properties, C/C++ Build, Settings, Arduino Combiner, Command Line Pattern. That's where I added it.
  6. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    First of all – here is the video of the project! My first experiment with AfterEffects, so be kind :) Now to answer the questions: Yes I did :) I am on a Mac OS-X, so here is the list of what you would need to repeat what I did: Apple XCode with...
  7. kig

    Teensyduino started crashing at start (Mac OS-X Yosemite)

    OK this is super weird. I rebooted my Mac twice, and on the second time, for whatever reason, it is now working and starts like before, and I just uploaded a sketch. Phew! Still wonder what the hell that was.....
  8. kig

    Teensyduino started crashing at start (Mac OS-X Yosemite)

    Some reports are saying that the source code needs to change to use the new API to get system version.... Is that an easy change to try? If you can either point me in the direction of source, or compile a version of me that uses operatingSystemVersion() instead of gestaltSystemVersion(), I can...
  9. kig

    Teensyduino started crashing at start (Mac OS-X Yosemite)

    Getting this error in the /var/log/system.log: For some reason starting last night my Teensyduino simply does not start at all. I've been using it before then without problems. I do not recall installing any system updates in between. Yesterday it was working, now it doesn't. I tried...
  10. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    It's DONE! (and he loved it :) The project is finished! The code is here: Functionality is as follows: It's a clock, with a separate switch on the back that turns on Amp + LED display. Joystick on the right has a button in addition to X/Y. Clicking...
  11. kig

    Audio Shield + TFT Shield?

    Gotcha... That's exactly what I was thinking of doing. Thanks Paul!
  12. kig

    Audio Shield + TFT Shield?

    Sorry if I wasn't clear – but I meant this board: Basically I wanted TFT display plugged into this purple board, as well as the Audio shield....
  13. kig

    Audio Shield + TFT Shield?

    Is possible to use both the Audio shield AND the TFT shield with the same Teensy, using extra long stacking headers on one of the two shields? I *think* that TFT display assumes "normal" mapping of pins, while a presence of Audio shield requires alternative mapping. So my first guess is that...
  14. kig

    Solution to keeping Teensy 3.1 Serial connection open (reconnect) after a reboot

    Solution found: minicom! Thanks everyone for great suggestions! I should have mentioned that am on Mac OS-X, so Windows only, or Linux only solutions are not for me. But this discussion prompted me to look into two additional solutions, one of which yielded the exact result I was hoping to...
  15. kig

    Teensy 3.1 seems very hot, pulling 140mA, while another one is only 40mA

    Thanks! I haven't had a chance to measure the voltage, but the VIN was at 5V. At this point I have 2 out of 3 teensies out of commission :( I ordered a bunch more from OSH, does anyone have any anecdotal evidence that OSH is more (or less) reliable than the stock green one?
  16. kig

    Solution to keeping Teensy 3.1 Serial connection open (reconnect) after a reboot

    Hey folks! One of the inconveniences of working with Teensy 3.1 compared to Arduino for me, is the fact that after I reboot Teensy, my serial monitor connection has to be manually restarted, which is not the case with Arduino (where it continues to work after Arduino resets). My development...
  17. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    Thanks! I am actually already using it this way: 5V power supply, via a current measurement display, straight to VIN, with the pads cut in between.
  18. kig

    Teensy 3.1 seems very hot, pulling 140mA, while another one is only 40mA

    Just a clarification: I am able to upload sketches and see the LED blink on both Teensies, so from "functional" standpoint they both work. So I wouldn't say it's "burnt out completely" because it's actually working. When connected to my variable power supply, the "hot" one draws 160-170mA...
  19. kig

    Teensy 3.1 & Neopixel Strip not working

    Another update: I connected the + of NeoPixel strip to 3.3V on Teensy instead of VIN, and now do not seem to need level shifter at all.
  20. kig

    Teensy 3.1 seems very hot, pulling 140mA, while another one is only 40mA

    I've had a very frustrating night fighting all kinds of issues with wiring, etc. I won't bore you with this. But towards the end, when I was testing the darn seven segment display from Sparkfun (this piece of crap has been my most hated piece of electronics ever produced). in any case, I...
  21. kig

    Teensy 3.1 & Neopixel Strip not working

    Just to add: I had the same problem with NeoPixels and Teensy 3.1 running with 5V external power. I used level shifter from Polulu, and if the main VIN was under 4.8V it worked, but at 5V it still would twitch. I ran twice through the level shifter (it has 5 channels) and that fixed the...
  22. kig

    2 Power-related questions Teensy 3.1 + audio shield + TFT + class D amp

    Thanks Cartere for the info! I grounded the inputs on the amp, and added a 47uF capacitor right at the amp. Looking at their schematics they had two smaller capacitors already, so perhaps this was unnecessary but I did it just in case. I also connected my headphones jack to the headphones...
  23. kig

    2 Power-related questions Teensy 3.1 + audio shield + TFT + class D amp

    Thanks so much for your reply! I decided to switch LED for the TFT to use secondary circuit (shared with the amp) instead of using a pin. This way it can get as much current as it needs, and it's working great. RE: Audio, I think you are right, and that I have to connect "-" to the ground. I...
  24. kig

    2 Power-related questions Teensy 3.1 + audio shield + TFT + class D amp

    Hello! I for the FilxCapacitor project, I need to power both the Teensy 3.1 + audio shield, as well as the amp with two small 4Ohm speakers. I am using this amp: Stereo 2.8W Class D Audio Amplifier - TS2012 ( from Adafruit, and these 2W speakers from...
  25. kig

    Does Teensy have enough internal clocks for Audio Shield + Real Time Clock?

    I am using Teensy 3.1 with Audio shield, as well as the TFT, and lot of other components. One of the functions I want this project to do, is to be a clock, so I am hoping to be using the internal RTC with the Time library, and a 7 segment display. However, I read somewhere that Audio shield...
  26. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    Powering the internal RTC clock with a backup battery Next on my list: I have a crystal attached to the bottom of the board, and I was able to set and read the internal RTC clock. Right now I am powering Teensy from USB. I have a small audio amplifier that gets a separate 5V line. I think...
  27. kig

    Applying equalizer to boost bass using Audio library?

    Gotcha, thanks so much! I was unaware about audioPostProcessorEnable() call, and yes – in my case it's OK to set this up in the beginning before we I play anything. I am amazed at the capabilities of this chip and the library! K
  28. kig

    Laser-cut box enclosures for your Teensy projects (including 32x32 LED + SmartMatrix)

    Thank you so much for the link! I think that it would work much better for diffuser than what I have. Going to order a bunch and test!
  29. kig

    Applying equalizer to boost bass using Audio library?

    Wow that's amazing! I'll give it a shot. In the function: enhanceBass(lr_lev, bass_lev, hpf_bypass, cutoff); The description is: configures the bass enhancement by setting the levels of the original stereo signal and the bass-enhanced mono level which will be mixed together. The high-pass...
  30. kig

    Laser-cut box enclosures for your Teensy projects (including 32x32 LED + SmartMatrix)

    Yes, I am using milky white 1/8 inch thick acrylic for the diffuse layer, and 3/16 glossy black for the main enclosure. Speaking of, this project (which I called OmniPix) I am just starting to code visuals. But the enclosure is already available on GitHub, if you wanted it...
  31. kig

    New Arduino Eclipse Plugin V2.2 and Arduino Eclipse IDE

    My setup uses Arduino 1.5.8 – somehow I made it work :) I have to point to Teensy's hardware folder in Eclipse, and Teensy-specific libraries (in the global settings). But I am able to blissfully compile and upload sketches all from inside Eclipse Luna, 64bit, using 2.4 version of the...
  32. kig

    Applying equalizer to boost bass using Audio library?

    Hello! I am using Audio library to playback WAV files from SD card, but I am using a very compact setup and the speakers are tiny. When I tested them using my iPhone with "Bass Boost" EQ setting, it sounded much better. I wonder if there is a filter I can apply to boost lower end (any...
  33. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    Thanks for the feedback – I ended up adjusting volume to not go above 0.6 (otherwise it's clipping), and the current function seems to work very well and linearly. Also, I think I hooked up my pot backwards, so hence I am subtracting from 1 :) float maxVolume = 0.6; void adjustVolume() {...
  34. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    Yes, I clearly see that it's not a simple problem, based on the code. Wave format seems tricky :) I now moved on to the next phase: I have both music playing and photo show happening! I noticed that while Audio file is playing, images have horizontal artifacts. So it appears that audio...
  35. kig

    Laser-cut box enclosures for your Teensy projects (including 32x32 LED + SmartMatrix)

    Quick note that I open sourced a ruby gem for creating laser-cut box enclosures, a companion website: and a corresponding blog post that documents the journey. Here are a couple of pictures of the 32x32 LED matrix running on Teensy 3.1, inside my enclosure, that was made...
  36. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    OMG thank you so much for so quickly finding my bug! Thats what I get for changing example code at 3am :)
  37. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    Next set of questions :) UPDATE: I spent a little bit more time trying to get SD card on TFT work, to no avail. It reads the card type, but not the contents. Swapping into the slot on the Audio Adapter works like a charm. I am now able to view BMP files and play WAV files also! But for full...
  38. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    Update – I was able to hook up the TFT screen to Teensy with Audio Adapter, and saw the TFT demo. Phew! Next I hooked up SD card on the TFT screen. I used the same set of alternate SPI pins as for the TFT display: MOSI: 7, MISO: 12, SCK: 14 and I assigned pin 5 for CS on the SD card. In my...
  39. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    Thanks! Got it. So the trick is that I would prefer to use the large SD card that's on the TFT display, instead of the micro card on the Audio Adaptor. The way my box is designed it will be much easier to swap it if on the display. So then the question is, how do I connect displays' SD card...
  40. kig

    Filx Capcitor: MultiMedia Box/Clock/Photo Album for the recovering Fil :)

    Hello! Newbie here, so feel free to point out even the most obvious :) I am starting a new project, and I wanted to run this by the the community to make sure I am on the right track :) Context: A friend of mine (named Fil) who is also a music DJ recently was in a horrific car accident, was...
  41. kig

    New to Teensy... Having troubles with built-in RTC clock

    TeensyRTC :) Phew, ok that totally makes sense, thank you! I packaged up a few routines together and pushed them to my library on github – called TeensyRTC: This makes using RTC on Teensy a complete no-brainer, and...
  42. kig

    New to Teensy... Having troubles with built-in RTC clock

    RTC on Teensy Thanks so much for the help and info! You were right – I just copied my code that was doing RTC.set() and RTC.get(). I did not see/realize about the TimeTeensy3 example. I've incorporated it into my codebase, and I was able to get/set time and see it properly increment. Great...
  43. kig

    Teensy 3.1 and audio shield and wav formats - cant play some wavs

    I am curious what would it take to add mp3 decoding support? I am not that interested in encoding (which is, arguably, a harder problem), but with Teensy's 96Mhz I would have thought you could both decode and playback mp3 in real time. Anyone heard of any projects to do that? Thanks!
  44. kig

    New to Teensy... Having troubles with built-in RTC clock

    Hello! My first post, so be nice :) Quick intro – I am a veteran software engineer with 20+ years, who recently got into Arduino and hardware/electronics from pretty much complete zero. Of course software background helps. I built a few cool things, like BORAT: Bathroom Occupancy Remote...