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  1. KurtE

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    SoftwareSerial: Paul, Quick note: As you may have noticed on Arduino forum, I have been playing with your updated SoftwareSerial code, which is pretty nice. Wondering on the RX side, if there was a reason you stuck using digitalRead instead of the Port/Mask type code you do for TX? Or at a...
  2. KurtE

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    In my post #10 in this thread, my older MAC shows: Windows 11: Mine is like @mjs513, which I reported in post #9 on this thread. The First post I saw on it was at:
  3. KurtE

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    Not sure if it helps, but here is another Post that Paul did on the Arduino Forum, that also mentions a closed Arduino IDE issue about it (that has been closed for about a year) And there is another Issue about it...
  4. KurtE

    How does Teensy handle missed interrupts?

    wondering if this is real post or spam
  5. KurtE

    adding Waits to a sketch

    You might wire up a button to an IO pin and use something like the bounce library. For example, suppose you wire up a button to Pin 2, and the other leg of the switch is wired to ground. Initialize pin 2 as: INPUT_PULLUP When the button is pressed doing a digitalRead(2) will return 0... With...
  6. KurtE

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    I assume you posted this as well on the Arduino forum? A few times in the past I ran into issues like this, I sometimes used the sledgehammer apprach to fix. But you might try subsets or the like... Good luck Delete the Arduino15 folder (I usually rename it to start off...), I clear out the...
  7. KurtE

    Need help with compilation error

    That error is because the class is defined in the namespace bfs: Two possible solutions. a) Change the line: SbusRx sbusx(&Serial6, false); //Since Rx and Tx connected to pin 24 (TX6) & pin 25 (RX6) to bfs::SbusRx sbusx(&Serial6, false); //Since Rx and Tx connected to pin 24 (TX6) & pin 25...
  8. KurtE

    Need help with compilation error

    It might help to have additional information, like where is the sbus library located? Did you download it using the library manager? If so which version? Is it this one? Also please when you post code use the code button </> to insert it as it makes it a...
  9. KurtE

    Linux, USB + MIDI, "Unable to open MTP device"

    Actually, they hard coded: any Teensy with MTP+SERIAL USB Type... #elif defined(USB_MIDI_SERIAL) #define VENDOR_ID 0x16C0 #define PRODUCT_ID 0x0489 #define MANUFACTURER_NAME {'T','e','e','n','s','y','d','u','i','n','o'} #define MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN 11 #define...
  10. KurtE

    Linux, USB + MIDI, "Unable to open MTP device"

    Actually, you might want to check for other UDEV rules? Looking up at the net I see: And it does have have MTP support as, the last commit shows: You should check for other rules files that contain 16c0 and if you are not using the Amiga DD and SD...
  11. KurtE

    Linux, USB + MIDI, "Unable to open MTP device"

    I wonder if it has something to do with the UDEV rules, which includes the lines: ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="04*", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1", ENV{ID_MM_PORT_IGNORE}="1" ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="04[789a]*", ENV{MTP_NO_PROBE}="1" Although I think that...
  12. KurtE

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    I don’t think TD 1.59 will install on that version
  13. KurtE

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    This is part of the core code that is released with installing Teensyduino (or the equivalent using the board manager). So far it has not been pulled into the main core. They are up in my branch associated with the PR:
  14. KurtE

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    Installed on older mac: IDE 2.3.3 - appears to run fine. Teensy app has icons: Was able to program MMOD. Shows same message as windows if the teensy serial is not selected
  15. KurtE

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    Installed both: IDE2 2.3.3 Was not clear if this was to add the new URL or to replace the current teensy URL.... I assumed replace. Sort of curious on why new URL? Minor side note: if you should update the picture on the Teensyduino install page, which currently shows Teensy, but the newer...
  16. KurtE

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    Note: I just pushed up changes to what Paul asked for... The example sketches I was playing with the lines like: Serial1.attachRts(17, true); were changed to: Serial1.attachRtsReversed(17);
  17. KurtE

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    Assuming we finalize the API, it would be in the main Teensy code base. The discussion between @PaulStoffregen and myself is about what the API should be. He would prefer it to not have a bool for the inversion... He proposed another API, and I proposed changing the bool to a typedef enum...
  18. KurtE

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    🐕 :D I played with this some. Here are my modified sketches... void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial1.begin(9600); Serial1.attachRts(27, true); Serial1.attachCts(32); delay(10); Serial1.clear(); delay(1000); } void loop() { byte inByte; byte x...
  19. KurtE

    Possible to temporarily disable USB Serial?

    Try picking up the current version of the library as was mentioned up earlier in this thread: Most of the rest of this was picked up I believe for the current beta Teensy beta release... If not, it should be by picked up for the next release.
  20. KurtE

    How to receive raw HID using usb host?

    Here is a sketch that is quick and dirty extracts from rawhid and my hid dumper code... It does show, input from my mouse I plugged in: Received HID data (Usage: 65538): 0 A 2 0 Received HID data (Usage: 65538): 0 F 0 0 Received HID data (Usage: 65538): 0 14 0 0 Received HID data (Usage...
  21. KurtE

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    Maybe it is just me, but since I believe all of this is controlled by software: // Configure RTS flow control. The pin will be LOW when Teensy is able to // receive more data, or HIGH when the serial device should pause transmission. // All digital pins are supported. bool...
  22. KurtE

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1

    Sounds like a real PIA! I hate to ask a dumb question, but have you tried building using gcc 13? If so how bad did it fail? i.e. is it worth trying to migrate to something like gcc 13.3? FWIW - my limited use of my older Macbook pro (2013) running Catalina, these days I only do IDE 2.x...
  23. KurtE

    How to receive raw HID using usb host?

    The rawhid class is setup to handle the PJRC RAWHID setup... That is as explained on the page: The claim code starts off like: hidclaim_t RawHIDController::claim_collection(USBHIDParser *driver, Device_t *dev, uint32_t topusage) { // only claim...
  24. KurtE

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    Yes, other than the caveat I mentioned as some of their dongles may have support for multiple devices (Mouse and Keyboard). I just verified that one of the ones I purchased 5.5 years ago for testing, still works: (Took me awhile to find the...
  25. KurtE

    Arduino 2.3.3 has been released

    I don't believe there are a whole lot of changes since 2.3.2, but I had been running the daily builds. The only things changed since then were some changes for Mac and Translation files.
  26. KurtE

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    Yes, there are several different ones with their own dongles, like some from Logitech and Microsoft and ... Note: with some of them we found you have to experiment with which USB Devices that are included within the a sketch. For example, some of the keyboard only setups are such that their...
  27. KurtE

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    At least at one point we had some bluetooth keyboards working with the USBHost_t36 library. It has been a long long time since I played with this stuff, so I have no idea what things work these days and which ones don't. At one point I know I had one of these working...
  28. KurtE

    T4.1 conflict between two libraries

    Have you tried PWMServo library instead? Assuming you can use PWM pins for the servos, This library is installed as part of Teensy board installation either through Teensyduino (for IDE 1.x) or the board manager for 2.x
  29. KurtE

    Problem of overriding touches in menus selection - TFT display

    Is this a new board? Or has it been working for you for a while? Are there other SPI devices on the same SPI buss as the RA8875? Why I am asking, If I remember correctly the RA8875 does not play nicely with other devices, in particular the MISO pin. On my own boards, I setup it up with a...
  30. KurtE

    Problem of overriding touches in menus selection - TFT display

    Sorry to jump in here again. It has been a while since I played with the RA8875, been playing more with 76... Wondering if you still need to edit the user settings file to enable the touch code within the RA8875. For example, with my current install, I am looking at the...
  31. KurtE

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    I put it up there now as Dogbone_DB4_DB5.xlsx
  32. KurtE

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    I pushed up whatever is currently in my Excel document to my fork/branch: Here is an image of the other side: And the Mux page: EDIT: here is a pdf of it
  33. KurtE

    Recommendations for 10" TFT Display with touchscreen for Teensy 4.1

    Sorry, it looks like my 7” and your 10” BuyDisplay RA8876 displays use different touch controllers… I should have guessed once you mentioned the name of the library you were trying.
  34. KurtE

    NT35510_t4x_p - a parallel display driver for Teensy 4.x boards

    Still experimenting with the touch library... Worst case scenario, I could simply use an existing library, but ... Currently if you specify an Interrupt pin, I will return false if I have not received an interrupt. However once I receive one, I will continue to then check with asking Wire...
  35. KurtE

    Problem of overriding touches in menus selection - TFT display

    With your code: if(state == 0){ if(p.x>=0 && p.x<=400 && p.y>=90 && p.y<=480) { Serial.println("MENU2"); drawMenu2(); } } if(state == 1){ if(p.x>=0 && p.x<=400 && p.y>=90 && p.y<=480) {...
  36. KurtE

    Interrupt End?

    Agree with jmarsh. In addition, saying it is the only ISR really depends on what if anything you are using in the core code. For example: There is a timer interrupt that is used for SYSTICK... used for things like millis()... There are interrupts to handle USB communications Interrupts to...
  37. KurtE

    Recommendations for 10" TFT Display with touchscreen for Teensy 4.1

    @wwatson and all... I figured it out... I have both your normal versions of the libraries as well as your 24 bit version of the libraries and it choose your 24 bit version as they both have the same names for header files and since neither of them are the names of the directory it is in, not...
  38. KurtE

    Recommendations for 10" TFT Display with touchscreen for Teensy 4.1

    I wondered about the colors. I have a different sketch that was using those colors, but did not find them in the header files... But when I clicked on it and asked to show me in sources it showed the same names... At the spot now in header file with 65K... Guessing @wwatson changed the names...
  39. KurtE

    Recommendations for 10" TFT Display with touchscreen for Teensy 4.1

    Here is a quick hacked up version of the finger painting sketch, where I put the touch library files as tabs in the sketch.
  40. KurtE

    Recommendations for 10" TFT Display with touchscreen for Teensy 4.1

    The code is up in our (@mjs513 and my) libraries: Right now it is in that library, could be moved... Showing the usage of it are the two paint programs that are in our two libraries derived from the main class of that...
  41. KurtE

    Recommendations for 10" TFT Display with touchscreen for Teensy 4.1

    I hacked up my own library which I am trying on ili9486 and here on NT35510 soon will try on ra8876
  42. KurtE

    Detection of SD card removal

    That is one usage pattern. Another is that if it has previously detected that there is no media. The code then uses DAT3 pin to detect if a card is inserted. As mentioned in a few places in the reference manual, such as section 26.4
  43. KurtE

    Detection of SD card removal

    I have worked on some versions of it. I believe it SD library version if it thinks you previously had media, it then asks the card does it by asking the card for information (card->status())... Code is in SD.cpp... If it did not previously have media, it use SD_DAT3 to detect if a card is...
  44. KurtE

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    Do we have those on a Teensy 3.5? Again does it make it through any of these calls? #pragma region MPU6050 #ifndef NO_MPU6050 gl_pSerPort->printf("\nChecking for MPU6050 IMU at I2C Addr 0x%x\n", MPU6050_I2C_ADDR); gl_pSerPort->println(mpu.testConnection() ? F("MPU6050 connection...
  45. KurtE

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    Now have you tried to localize down exactly where it is hanging? Like in the call to xyz->abc()... Where maybe before each major call, put in. things like Serial.println("Before call ABC"); Serial.flush(); And find where it hangs? Does the code make it to setup(); If you then know which...
  46. KurtE

    7" display options

    As for 7" displays that support SPI. If you look up at BuyDisplay for 7" supporting SPI, they have a few RA8876 - We do have library @wwatson has a few versions of libraries. RA8875 - We have the RA8875 library, installed by TeensyDuino. I believe that @mjs513 has the most up to date version...
  47. KurtE

    It might be time to change Teensy's Arduino architecture from AVR to ARM

    FWIW - I agree with you, that it would be beneficial to break away from the Arduino avr architecture designation, and then maybe split up the Teensy Arduino install into 2 or maybe 3 different installs (AVR, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x), should 3.x and 4.x be split? Not sure. It would be nice, to...
  48. KurtE

    NT35510_t4x_p - a parallel display driver for Teensy 4.x boards

    Mine is also a Kitchen sink! Today I got up and thought it might be interesting to try out the capacitive touch screen, that I purchased on the 8bit one, did not have include one on the 16 or 18... But I also believe it is the same touch controller on the ILI9488 displays I purchased and I...