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  1. defragster

    Teensy.exe icon

    That's what led me here - should have linked back - seemed this new clean thread might allow it to get discovered and resolved on its own schedule with beta
  2. defragster

    Increase the EEPROM memory by M95P16-I M95P16-E That suggests it can do QSPI Quad access and has a 4x2 package - as long as it uses common pin ordering...
  3. defragster

    Teensy.exe icon

    Same here on Win 11 The 'Hover' Alternate labels appear and the buttons work - but icons are missing. The do not change when taken out of Auto mode:
  4. defragster

    Issues with the timer Teensy 4.1

    Ideally a complete sketch when posted allows others to copy and run the sketch. Are there other Serial.prints anywhere - that could be conflicting with the _ISR() TimerLoop() printing. Also, when posting code use the " </> " icon on the toolbar to place the CODE for better readability where the...
  5. defragster

    RTC Clock Trim

    Those constants may be T_3.x specific. Forum search using them found nothing except T_3.x refs :( Not sure about similar mechanism for the 1062 MCU ...
  6. defragster

    Freezing the program running for a short time on startup (Teensy 4.1)

    Teensy has native USB and always runs at the hardware supported USB speed 12 or 480 Mbps. With Teensy that (baud) param is ignored - but required to be supplied for compatibility. It is not like those using a UART to USB transfer chip that require a baud rate.
  7. defragster

    Teensy with arduino-cli and make

    Great you got it working with that! Windows Batch file for use in editors looks to be about 6 years old: Running TSET.cmd in sketch folder generates compile.cmd {prompting for which Teensy/speed/usb/optimize} that replicates the Arduino IDE 1.x command line...
  8. defragster

    set_arm_clock() minimum

    Seems the 24 MHz figure was published somewhere as expected/supported.
  9. defragster

    Freezing the program running for a short time on startup (Teensy 4.1)

    Yes, The code will start before USB is connected - and some prints may be lost - but USB always starts when connected if specified
  10. defragster

    Teensy with arduino-cli and make

    I have built with a Windows batch file: set model=teensy41 set speed=600 set opt=o2std set usb=serial Setting those things up from another batch file allows each to be selected. Then the fully formed FQBN is assembled as follows: set...
  11. defragster

    Freezing the program running for a short time on startup (Teensy 4.1)

    translation of p#1 below ... Normally Serial.begin(115200); is used and when USB is seen as 'connected' it can wait for a bit over 2 seconds to see if USB fully connects. It will exit sooner when USB connects. When running from 5V external then there will be no USB detected and that would...
  12. defragster

    Forum server suffering from a denial of service attack

    Hopefully all calm soon. That is a lot of data In and Out ... Seen dead at 1:55 AM pacific and post above at 2:05 PM had to wait for a restart minutes earlier to post that ... Note sure of the time base EST or PST above? - but both seem outside the peak disruption time.
  13. defragster

    Forum server suffering from a denial of service attack

    Server getting badly loaded - when it is up it isn't properly responsive :( - maybe I caught it just before it went 'away' again
  14. defragster

    adding Waits to a sketch

    If the Teensy is online to a computer with SerMon - showing the results? The Teensy could then do a set of readings and wait for incoming USB entry to repeat?
  15. defragster

    Build a Teensy based CDJ - Can it be done?

    Is that display retail available? Or is that the one @Dogbone06 had engineered?
  16. defragster

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    Check this in p#1 - unique JSON - I found the same p#3/#4 with IDE 2.3.3
  17. defragster

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    The 1.8.19 IDE can be unzipped to a NEW folder and then TD 1.59 could be installed there and running the Arduino.exe from that NEW folder will start it up from that folder so you could give it a try without any change to the version in use. If that doesn't work the files could be transferred...
  18. defragster

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    That is 4 years old: Mixing in fixes may or may not work without added work given other CORES changes. Not sure why the current 1.59 wouldn't work as well or better given some key fixes in those years.
  19. defragster

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    Windows 11 : Both IDE 1 & 2 built Code4Code [4,000 func()'s calling func()'s running from Flash)- uploaded and ran on T_4.1 without issue: Memory Usage on Teensy 4.1: FLASH: code:1214588, data:328112, headers:8656 free for files:6575108 RAM1: variables:83424, code:45992, padding:19544...
  20. defragster

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    IDE 2.3.3 package for 0.60.2 installed with updated JSON URL: Tool teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1 already installed Tool teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0 already installed Tool teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0 already installed Downloading packages teensy:teensy-tools@0.60.2 teensy:avr@0.60.2...
  21. defragster

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    Downloaded 1.60b2 for IDE 1 : Did Keep & Keep - skipped the mark safe :( Updating IDE 2 to 2.3.3 and updated PJRC JSON IDE 1.8.19 install went fine Package index update seems to have repeatedly failed to show 0.60.2 ???? I turned off the AUTO check on start as it makes the IDE 2 very slow to...
  22. defragster


    Those 'reply' posts showing the English translation were likely to allow reading of the content by most members not requiring a 'translate' to read the post. English is not the primary language of everyone - but posting in English does allow reading of the posts by most everyone. Many...
  23. defragster

    Teensy 4.1, Serial1, Pin 0, Setting PinMode Issues

    Quite possibly - I had to edit the post three times to get the line before the CODE to show as it does. Though it is odd the first < CODE > post has no italics and the second does ... And intended to make note of posted code needs to use the " </> " code marker.
  24. defragster

    Inserting boards into prototyping adaptors

    Awesome! Glad I saw the post and had the right idea!
  25. defragster

    Teensy 4.1, Serial1, Pin 0, Setting PinMode Issues

    Also this: for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++) { pinMode(sensorPins, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set sensor pins as input with pull-up resistors Should be perhaps more like: sensorPins [ i ] for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++) { pinMode(sensorPins[i], INPUT_PULLUP); // Set sensor pins as input...
  26. defragster

    Inserting boards into prototyping adaptors

    Perhaps this is a standard proto breadboard? Have had them here where from new the internal contacts are individually tight and even pressing in a single dupont solid connector end is hard and takes some effort the first time. Would suggest individually inserting such a hard wire end into each...
  27. defragster

    Teensy 4.1 not responding

    Was each 'factory' part verified to be in place and undamaged? Top image on the top of that page and a bottom view at the end. p#5 notes the 15 sec Restore process. The two blink needs to stop at some point for the Button to have an effect. If holding Button as it is POWERED goes to two blink...
  28. defragster

    T4.1 conflict between two libraries

    Guessed that as well - but asking just in case T_4.1 hardware and the features of this worked as well or better
  29. defragster

    T4.1 conflict between two libraries

    Is there a reason to use the EasyCAT over SPI versus the T_4.1's native ethernet with a $4 adapter? For general use the QNEthernet library offers great functionality and doesn't take fiddly adjustments to work at 600 MHz and no delays. The PJRC forum has slow and active days - to see a...
  30. defragster

    Teensy load propblem

    See this post/thread
  31. defragster

    Teensy Qt

    TyCommander_TYQT Search helper
  32. defragster

    T4.1/MM USB/Serial hangs after modest activity. Even at 12MB/s

    What version of the IDE? Can you recreate with a simple example - or pare down the current code to post for others to test? Perhaps try TyCommander (TyQt) as alternate SerMon and see if it repros.
  33. defragster

    Teensy 4.1: TeensyThreads with NativeEthernet Client

    It does save the effort of speculating ... my preceding post #6 wouldn't have had to recall the proper function to use and infer some relation.
  34. defragster

    Detection of SD card removal

    @KurtE - is this SD.mediaPresent() an item you worked out? Is the p#1 issue possible from what it took to determine card presence? Expected that files closed before calling this?
  35. defragster

    Teensy 4.1: TeensyThreads with NativeEthernet Client

    Thought it was threads.delay()! Indeed that must be used to do a thread switch and not just put the current thread in a wait loop causing the thread to 'stall' until thread time expires.
  36. defragster

    Teensy 4.1: TeensyThreads with NativeEthernet Client

    Reading this goes back to lost time indicated in OP #1. Are there any thread.delay() - or whatever the call is - to say I've done enough for now switch threads. Long times assures a task isn't exited at a bad time - but cycling quicker would keep anything from starving - not sure how seconds...
  37. defragster

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    Pulled p#52 ZIP by @mjs513 and find no use of : IntervalTimer
  38. defragster

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    Opps - would not apply here - though T_3.5 does have some NVRAM bytes that could emulate this behavior ... with user code. Though had this come to mind some time back on T_4.x in some situation - and oddity like this could be assisted.
  39. defragster

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    Seems having the breadcrumb()'s is nice way to have 'static' storage of info across restarts. Even across warm restart and programming. That could work even if the execution results in a HANG instead of a fault - where it would by design print. As long as a non-Fault restart doesn't clear()...
  40. defragster

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    Changes since Teensyduino 1.59-beta1: Add inplace_function for callbacks IntervalTimer use inplace_function IntervalTimer demo callback backwards compatibility Delete unused flags from String Use C++17 to simplify...
  41. defragster

    Stop a while loop by pressing the touch display

    p#2 or p#3 should work. Looking at the example the 'reject bad touch' was used ... not had this active for some time and wasn't sure if a bogus touch would come through. Or how often it is proper to call that ... The only issue might be the delay(50); not sampling often enough if a spurious...
  42. defragster

    Problem Arduino location to install Teesyduino

    The TeensyDuino Installer is for the IDE ONE :: 1.8.19 versions - and only works when those IDE files are found. For IDE TWO :: 2.3.2 the install comes through the Board Manager. For install steps look here:
  43. defragster

    Stop a while loop by pressing the touch display

    Can you run this example? >> "...\libraries\ILI9488_t3\examples\breakouttouchpaint\breakouttouchpaint.ino" Looking at: void loop() { // Retrieve a point TSPoint p = ts.getPoint(); //... // we have some minimum pressure we consider 'valid' // pressure of 0 means no pressing! if...
  44. defragster

    How Do I Disable the SEREMU USB Interface?

    NO USB is an option - though that must not be desired. Looking at arduino-1.8.19\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy4\usb_desc.h: There are a number of the USB options that do not include "SEREMU_INTERFACE" Like this one and others: #if defined(USB_SERIAL) Not sure which was chosen - and perhaps...
  45. defragster

    USB shield to ground ?

    Looking at this item resold by PJRC: Some others only have four not the five pins that one does. DMM shows one of the ground pins a GND pin within the connector and it shows the other GND comes from the metal shield exposed on the USB...
  46. defragster

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1

    70MB instead of 454MB Downloaded Defender BLOCKED - Reported Safe Keep - Keep Anyway Installed like Normal : Win 11 Pro - IDE 1.8.19 Built a couple of sketches to T_4.1 as Normal Good.
  47. defragster

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    I didn't read enough to see the problem came from OTA usage. If normal PRJC bootloader over USB works with the same code then something as @mjs513 ponders is going astray with the OTA usage. @KurtE makes a good point with PRINT_DEBUG_STUFF maybe showing early feedback on startup/resetHandler...
  48. defragster

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    Since it is hanging and not doing the 8 second CrashReport Restart that won't help point out where it is dying. Are the HANGS before setup() {pinmode and blink a pin/LED on entry with a delay} Or does it hang somewhere into setup() or beyond? Can middle or late startup HOOK manage and {pinmode...
  49. defragster

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1

    Pulled the changed Teensy3 7 UART Serial files over 1.60b1 >> For SerialEvent# with: Serial#.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1); T_3.2: Works Serial: 1,2,3 T_3.6: Works Serial: 3,4,5,6
  50. defragster

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1

    Could be separate, but not placed any order or gotten Paul/Robin email lately even with a couple test emails sent. So wasn't sure Forum and Main are unique. Yes, typically after some downloads reported KEEP/SAFE they come without blocking. Just seems they should have marked server/CERT...