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  1. P

    Slight tick / pop at the start and end of a sound using a PCM5102a DAC (with workaround)

    I'm working on a polyphonic synthesizer project using a Teensy 4.1 and a PCM5102a DAC (the small cheap purple boards from AliExpress). I noticed a slight tick / pop at the beginning of each note when using a slow attack / release. The volume of the each oscillator is relatively low because it's...
  2. P

    Restarting (the phase of) an oscillator

    The oscillators AudioSynthWaveform and AudioSynthWaveformModulated in the Teensy Audio library currently lack to ability to restart oscillators (setting the phase_accumulator to 0). This feature is important for multi-oscillator synthesizers. There has been some discussion about this in this...
  3. P

    Teensy 4.1 I2C issues when using Audio

    Great to hear this, thanks! I will try it later on, I changed all my project code to teensy4_i2c so I need to change everything back again to test it out. Unfortunately I have some other projects I have to work on at this moment, so it may take a while.
  4. P

    Teensy 4.1 I2C issues when using Audio

    @h4yn0nnym0u5e: I can confirm that your patch, combined with checking the error returned by TwoWire::endTransmission(), solves the issue. Without the patch, TwoWire::endTransmission() will end up in a continuous error 4 "we lost bus arbitration to another master" state. What is next, a pull...
  5. P

    Mixer with more than 4 channels

    Just out of curiosity: why is there an AudioMixer4 but not an AudioMixer8 or more? I know that multiple AudioMixer4s can be chained to effectively create more channels. But the ability to use an AudioMixer8, for example, instead of 3 chained AudioMixer4s would result in cleaner application code...
  6. P

    Teensy 4.1 I2C issues when using Audio

    Sure, I created a new quick & dirty program (using PlatformIO) to contain the minimum amount of code to reproduce the problem. main.cpp contains: #include <Arduino.h> #include "USBHost_t36.h" #include <array> #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include...
  7. P

    Teensy 4.1 I2C issues when using Audio

    Thanks for the swift reply! Do you have any idea why the Audio and I2C code together could cause hangs? And why sandwiching the I2C calls between AudioNoInterrupts() and AudioInterrupts() could be solving the problem? In an attempt to further analyse the problem, I switched Wire.h over to...
  8. P

    Teensy 4.1 I2C issues when using Audio

    I'm trying to build a synthesizer using a Teensy. My current test setup consists of: Teensy 4.1 M5Stack 8Angle (8 potentiometers, 1 switch and 9 RGB leds through I2C) M5Stack 8Encoder (8 rotary encoders, 1 switch and 9 RGB leds through I2C) 20x4 char LCD connected through I2C using a level...