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  1. B

    TEENSY41_NE problem with i2c (wire2)

    I just tried by adding a delay of 1 sec before Wire2.begin() in setup() and a delay of 1sec after too. It did not help. My condition to print ADC data is if(Wire2.available()). It should print any data valid or not, however may be the number of bytes available etc. I will try and see if I can...
  2. B

    TEENSY41_NE problem with i2c (wire2)

    @PaulStoffregen yes, I can do that. I just asked our tech to order this socket I will keep you posted.
  3. B

    TEENSY41_NE problem with i2c (wire2)

    Yes, I can mail you one. Where should I mail it to? FYI, the part you tried to buy has different packaging than the one we use. Ours is
  4. B

    TEENSY41_NE problem with i2c (wire2)

    Our first board, Board #1 has TEENSY41 and it worked fine with no problem. We finished our development and built Board #2 with TEENSY41_NE. We faced this problem with Board #2. We then replaced TEENSY41_NE with TEENSY41 on Board #2 and it worked fine with no problem (and with same program before...
  5. B

    TEENSY41_NE problem with i2c (wire2)

    I just tested with standard i2c library and its the same problem. TEENSY41_NE does not work and TEENSY41 works fine with same code. Here is the code. I made change to look for any byte available from Wire2 instead of exact two bytes to see if any/some data is coming on Wire2. #include...
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    TEENSY41_NE problem with i2c (wire2)

    I think the wire library supplied by PJRC in Teensyduino does not support wire2. At least thats what my understanding is from the table in Hardware requirements section at SCL2 and SDA2 were not mentioned. Anyway, I followed the recommendation in...
  7. B

    TEENSY41_NE problem with i2c (wire2)

    Here it is. I downloaded this exact program in to two different boards one with TEENSY_41 and other with TEENSY41_NE. TEENSY41 prints some ADC reading and does not print the error message. TEENSY41_NE prints only error message. FYI, the external ADC and the wire2 library information is in there...
  8. B

    TEENSY41_NE problem with i2c (wire2)

    Hi, It seems TEENSY41_NE has problem with i2c (wire2). We tried at least two TEENSY41_NE boards and they both show the i2c problem (no messages received from the slave). Exact same code works fine with TEENSY41. Teensy is used to talk to an external ADC on wire2. We do have 2.2k pull ups on SCL...