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  1. BriComp

    How does Teensy handle missed interrupts?

    This Forum is for Teensy boards NOT Uno. I suggest that you ask this question on the Arduino forum here.
  2. BriComp

    Best Long Term speed for Teensy 3.5

    Thanks for the explanation Paul and your input @mjs513. It's running in a large plastic box think A4 X 6" deep, so I will just keep going at 120MHz. I've got quite a large (>10) supply of T3.5 so that should satisfy the greater than 10Yr life....see me out!
  3. BriComp

    Best Long Term speed for Teensy 3.5

    Come on gents (and lassies) let's have some help. I am running a system with Teensy 3.5 24/7 with a hoped for at least 10yr life..if not more. Currently it is compiled for 120MHz. Will this be suitable for the objective mentioned, ort should I drop it down to 100MHz? I will make replies easy for...
  4. BriComp

    What specific equipment is needed for the human-machine interaction of the thermostat?

    How much research have you done? Using Google and Searching "Teensy Thermostat" might return some info. Equally Googling "building a thermostat" will return some info.
  5. BriComp

    Inserting boards into prototyping adaptors

    When you want to, removing a Teensy from a prototyping board can be a challenge. There is a temptation to lift it just from one end. DO NOT DO THIS. The Teensy will likely give way quickly and pins will probably be bent. As a better solution for removal, use a small screwdriver placed, from the...
  6. BriComp

    Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts

    I've used Teensy Teensy ---> TTL USB Serial Adaptor ---> PC at up to 2Mb/s without character loss. I grew up with RS232 on Z80 systems and still think that it is imaginable that serial comms can take place at 2Mb/s. I have systems working at 115200b/s over PCB tracks ---> 6" wires ---> pc tracks...
  7. BriComp

    Best Long Term speed for Teensy 3.5

    I know that for Teensy 4.x 24/7 usage that 600MHz is considered overclocking and that 528MHz is a better speed to use for Teensy longevity. Does the same apply to the 120MHz for Teensy 3.5? Should it be reduced to 100Mhz?
  8. BriComp


    It depends what you are trying to turn on/off, and you need something to read the temperature.
  9. BriComp

    Custom audio object causes lock-ups

    You can turn any pin into a reset pin. See the code below: const byte ledPin = 13; const byte interruptPin = 2; volatile byte state = LOW; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(interruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), reset, CHANGE); }...
  10. BriComp

    Problem of overriding touches in menus selection - TFT display

    I should have said that you can experience using a Nextion before buying one. You use the Nextion Editor to create your display/code. Once you have done that you can run your code in debug mode on the PC. This allows you to modify your code if necessary, but also to see how it will look/perform...
  11. BriComp

    Problem of overriding touches in menus selection - TFT display

    I use the Nextion display on a number of my projects. I find them excellent, you can even offload simple routines to the display whilst the Teensy get's on with more complex stuff. I have written a skeletal driver, now up to version 2, for them which can be seen here. I did a write up on this...
  12. BriComp

    Making a shortcut keyboard

    This page should help you.
  13. BriComp

    Best way to modify Teensy cores Arduino board installation?

    Yes it is, if you are using 1.18.9. See post #22 on this thread. If you are using version 2 then you could just copy the ..\1.59.0 folder and rename it 1.59.0 pristine. Make your mods to the current 1.59.0 folder. Copy that folder and name it 1.59.0 modified. When you want to change, delete the...
  14. BriComp

    CS42448 board ( 6 audio inputs / 8 outputs ) ?

    The inbuilt pull up resistors are in the order of 10k. That is too high and the code has to turn them on. 1K is likely too low. Try 2 (or 3) 9.7k resistors in parallel (=4.85k (or =3.23k)).
  15. BriComp

    CS42448 board ( 6 audio inputs / 8 outputs ) ?

    9.7K is too high, 3k3 will be fine with 3.3V. The CS42448 shows 2k resistors, but that caters for voltages down to 1.8V.
  16. BriComp

    Teensy 4 multi-pin TDM

    The CS42448 has I2C ports. These ports require pull up resistors.
  17. BriComp

    Teensy 4.1 reset behaviour

    short press: reload program from PC (must be connected to Teensy)
  18. BriComp

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    To force a New Full compile, select a different Teensy and start compilation...stop compilation after a few seconds. Revert back to the original Teensy and compile. Changing the Teensy Device forces a clean up of previously compiled code. Alternatively you could just clean out your temp folder...
  19. BriComp

    Battery shutoff strategy for LC

    You could use one of these ... see page 27.
  20. BriComp

    Recommendations for 10" TFT Display with touchscreen for Teensy 4.1

    I use the Nextion display on a number of my projects. I find them excellent, you can even offload simple routines to the display whilst the Teensy get's on with more complex stuff. I have written a skeletal driver, now up to version 2, for them which can be seen here. I did a write up on this...
  21. BriComp

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    The way I do it is this: I am assuming that your current Arduino 1.8.19 (A1.8.19) has Teensyduino 1.57 (T1.57) on it. With Windows Explorer: Copy your C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino and paste into C:\Program Files (x86)\ You should now get a folder called C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino - Copy...
  22. BriComp

    I think Arduino IDE V2.3.2 causing problems may need to downgrade to Arduino 1.8.19?

    Any chance you can try with both 1.57 and 1.59 on Arduino 1.8.19. That would clear up whether it is an Arduino 2.x.x or a Teensyduino 1.59 problem. You could also try Teensyduino 1.60b1 which has just been made available.
  23. BriComp

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1

    Installed fine on Arduino 1.8.19 under Win10pro. First compilation under Arduino 1.8.19 / Visual Studio + Visual Micro compiler without error.
  24. BriComp

    RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing

    Agreed, it caught me out for a while. It never used to be like that. I guess the developers haven't got much to do now...and playing with website.
  25. BriComp

    Please remind me of open bugs, hopefully with fixes (but not feature requests)

    I have just tried with 11:57.05 9-9-2024 and I just got: Unix Timestamp 1725879425
  26. BriComp

    RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing

    Yes I was in a similar MarkDown place as you a few years ago and that prog made it almost painless. Glad I could help.
  27. BriComp

    Please remind me of open bugs, hopefully with fixes (but not feature requests)

    The UnixTime reported by ut = now() gives a UnixTime which is different to the UnixTime calculated by various Web Sites. I am not necessarily saying you are wrong, but someone is. The sites I have looked at on the web are here and here. The code I use to demonstrate the problem is as follows...
  28. BriComp

    USB port usage in serial mode with standalone Teensy 4.0 CPU. SOLVED

    You MUST select the Serial port type from the Serial Port menu BEFORE you compile your program. This is what instructs Teensy what sort of serial port to create.
  29. BriComp

    Please remind me of open bugs, hopefully with fixes (but not feature requests)

    As you know there are problems with t5he Time library, in particular the calculation of unix time seems to be in error.
  30. BriComp

    RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing

    I use this Markdown editor (Typora), makes it almost painless.
  31. BriComp

    Reading SPI data very fast slows down Serial2 communication

    If it were me I Serial1: If it were me I would not read serial1 byte by byte but wait until the buffer contains the same (or more) data as the size of the struct. Then read the data into the struct. Set a boolean to true to say new data available. Serial2: Don't check timestamp but respond to...
  32. BriComp

    Time library returns WRONG year.

    EDIT: Sorry @Paul I should have RTFM, or in this case the Instructions. It clearly says "tm.Year Year 0 to 99 (offset from 1970)". Funny how many times you see what you want/expect to see rather than the true answer! @Rezo Yeah a quick solution.
  33. BriComp

    Time library returns WRONG year.

    Not in my code that demonstrated the problem, sorry for NOT including complete code. #include <TimeLib.h> void setup() { tmElements_t t; time_t ut; uint8_t h, m, s, d, mo; int y; h = 12; m = 45; s = 0; d = 4; mo = 9; y = 2024; Serial.begin(9600)...
  34. BriComp

    Time library returns WRONG year.

    Below is some simple code using the time library. Unfortunately the breakTime function returns 54 as the year rather than 24. void setup() { tmElements_t t; time_t ut; uint8_t h, m, s, d, mo, y; h = 12; m = 45; s = 0; d = 4; mo = 9; y = 2024...
  35. BriComp

    Teensy 4.1 hangs using EthernetClient write operation after 10 to 15 minutes

    When supplying software the idea is that you supply the COMPLETE software so that someone can compile the code, confirm your errors (or not) and thereby help you fix them.
  36. BriComp

    Problems with UART communication with ESP32-S3

    This is an ESP32C3 program that I use to receive ESPNo2 data from a partner ESP and send to a T4.1 over UART. Perhaps it might help you. /* ESP32C3: Receive data via ESP Now from other ESP32C3s and Send to T4.1 via UART. SoftwareId: S.0004.0003.001 SoftwareId: S.0004.0003.001a -...
  37. BriComp

    UART logic level

    I see that the Quectel device provides 1.8V pins to be used for pull ups for OpenCollector devices. You need either a level shifter to 1.8V or a buffer with an O/C output.
  38. BriComp

    Teensy 3.2的建议编程环境是Arduino IDE吗?

    Teensyduino is used with the Arduino IDE, it is not a separate IDE. First install the Arduino IDE then install Teensyduino.
  39. BriComp

    Teensy4.1 AuduinoWebsockets NativeEthernet or QNEthernet - WebSocket messages being received over around 1440 bytes are corrupted and crash the Teensy

    The NativeEthernet ethernet library does not seem to be supported by it's author any more. QNEthernet has become the defacto library to use. It is well maintained by it's author who is a frequent visitor to this forum.
  40. BriComp

    Alternative boot loader for WiFi firmware updates on Teensy 4.1?

    There are a lot of FlasherX discussion on this forum.
  41. BriComp

    Teensy 3.2和Teensy 4.0或4.1 的代码兼容吗

    There are many differences between the T3.x and the T4.x but nearly all of them are handled by the Teensy drivers. The T4.x are NOT 5V compatible like the T3.x is the main thing to be aware of. Putting greater than 3.3V on a T4.x pin WILL kill it, certainly the pin, possibly the T4.x
  42. BriComp

    Synchronizing teensies (again)

    What is the trigger signal?
  43. BriComp

    Teensy 4.1 breakout board

    Nothing there, just seems to be a placeholder.
  44. BriComp

    Fast 8 bit parallel I/O for T4.0

    Translation of above: