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  1. R

    Audio shield noise Teensy 4.0 / Raspberry Pi 4

    Thanks, that definitely looks like an option to check out. I might need one that allows for slightly higher output current, but will look into it and update if this solved my issue.
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    Audio shield noise Teensy 4.0 / Raspberry Pi 4

    Yes, the USB cable feeds the power from the RPi -> Teensy so everything on the board is sharing that power. I can't see a way to upload an image here, but you can check out a photo of the board here for reference;
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    Audio shield noise Teensy 4.0 / Raspberry Pi 4

    Hi there, I am experiencing high-pitched noise over both the line-out and the headphone jack of the SGTL5000 audioshield. The sound that is programmed to be there comes through too, but there is just this lasting high-pitch in the back (It seems very much in line with the power supplying my LED...
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    Teensy 4.0 <-> Raspberry Pi 4 serial communication problems.

    It's running a custom application written in C++ using OpenFrameworks. So there is basically a similar structure running on the Raspberry Pi as on the Teensy. Here's some documentation on their embedded serial class; If this is a...
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    Teensy 4.0 <-> Raspberry Pi 4 serial communication problems.

    Hi there, I've been struggling with this for quite some time now so hope someone might have an idea; I have a Teensy 4.0 hooked up with some RX/TX pins (Hardwareserial) through an FTDI converter into a Raspberry pi 4. Communication from the Teensy 4.0 to the Raspberry Pi 4 seem fine...
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    RX/TX question on Teensy 4.0

    Hi there, I'm working on an installation for which I need to use 3x RX/TX pins from the Teensy 4.0. Two of them go to FTDI converters that then connect to two Raspberry Pi, and one goes into an XBee RF controller. On the Teensy 4.0 pin-out sheet I noticed the pins at RX2 and TX2 have an IN...
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    LED matrix questions

    I guess I could also just have (for example) 4 boards per teensy, and then have one 'master' board that sends data over to the correct 'slaves'. The image is not changing that fast in my installation, so a little less speed is fine, I just do need the 8 bit color options :)
  8. R

    LED matrix questions

    Thanks for your reply! Just wondering if you ment to say; 640 pixels * 32 rows (typed 16 in post) * 50-60 times per second. Cause if you actually ment to say 16, I wonder why it would be 16 instead of 32, as the board has 32 rows or am I missing some understanding of the scan lines at the...
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    LED matrix questions

    Hi peeps, I'm planning to make an installation that makes use of a bunch of (preferably daisy-chained) LED matrixes like this Adafruit one; Before I buy anything I'd like to make sure I understand correctly that these matrixes require about 3200 bytes of...
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    Detection time for noteFrequency in teensy audio lib

    The two boards are sending over RGB data that I convert from 8-bit RGB into a frequency range of 85-400hz. This (rather odd) protocol is part of an art installation I'm making. The chosen frequencies are there because those frequencies are most common in human-speech. The fact that this way of...
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    Detection time for noteFrequency in teensy audio lib

    Okay, so I'm trying my best to thoroughly understand this ;) The algorithm will ALWAYS calculate at least 24 blocks, using about 70ms. It will then output the number of frequency that it is most confident of being the sampled frequency. In my case I start the object by using...
  12. R

    Detection time for noteFrequency in teensy audio lib

    I mean; notefreq1.available() is true only 2 to 3 times when i cycle through it, which is when I call and save that value. I do have a 5ms delay in the loop at the moment. But I think that should interrupt the timers as well? The frequencies that are being send are 85 - 400hz
  13. R

    Detection time for noteFrequency in teensy audio lib

    Hey Duff, Thanks for the answer, so far pretty much all code is in place, and saving and such. Basically one teensy works as a sender beeping of sine-waves in different frequencies. Those then get picked up by the other teensy receiver, which decodes those frequencies back into the values they...
  14. R

    Detection time for noteFrequency in teensy audio lib

    I'm making an installation in which two seperate microcontrollers send over data by using frequency values. I've decided to use the notefreq (AudioAnalyzeNoteFrequency object) to do that detection. I want to sample the incoming 'beeps' over a period of time and then average those. Though when...
  15. R

    Audio Lib inits in other than main.cpp

    FIXED; So I've just fixed it by just putting everything inside audioController.cpp as follows; #include "audioController.hpp" // GUItool: begin automatically generated code AudioSynthWaveformSine sine1; //xy=264,299 AudioMixer4 mixer1...
  16. R

    Audio Lib inits in other than main.cpp

    @wcalvert that's what I would expect but it doesn't seem to work. Here's my code; audioController.hpp #pragma once #include <Arduino.h> #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> class AudioController { public...
  17. R

    Audio Lib inits in other than main.cpp

    I've used the audio library before and had trouble when pasting the init code in another .hpp file, other than main.cpp By init code I mean the code the audio library generates: #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> // GUItool: begin...
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    Array of HardwareSerial objects

    Thanks, this is definitely what I was looking for. Just forgot the whole passing by reference thing in C++. Good reminder.
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    Array of HardwareSerial objects

    Could you maybe post a simple example of this? Can't seem to figure it out; I've been trying to push the initiated Serials into an HardwareSerial* serialArray[6]; But doesnt seem to work :)
  20. R

    Array of HardwareSerial objects

    This actually just fixed it; int setPort; // Data-type for correct port-handling setPort = 4; serialArray[setPort-1] = Serial4; // RX31 TX32 - Teensy 3.5 serialArray[setPort-1].begin(9600); setPort = 5; serialArray[setPort-1] = Serial5; // RX34 TX33 - Teensy 3.5...
  21. R

    Array of HardwareSerial objects

    I'm making a project that involves a lot of communication to boards. (driving a lot of octoWS2811). Therefore I'm using the Teensy hardware serial. I was planning to put those into an array and then select which board is being send over in the function as to make it more flexible; Setting the...
  22. R

    16bit gamma correction on Teensy not working as expected

    Thanks everyone for the replies. Fixed the problem and learned something again ;)
  23. R

    16bit gamma correction on Teensy not working as expected

    I've declared it in the code with the PROGREM keyword. Does that mean the Teensy doesn't store it in PROGREM memory anyway? Because taking away the & actually fixed it now... Kind of overlooked that I guess.
  24. R

    16bit gamma correction on Teensy not working as expected

    So I'm running an installation with a Teensy 3.5 controlling 10 TLC59711 LED drivers. I've been wanting to implement some gamma correction for the LEDs (as described in this article by Adafruit And used the processing sketch...
  25. R

    Teensy audio not working with external power

    So after posting this and fiddling around for some time more I managed to fix the problem. Somehow it seems the audio library class instances have to be initiated in the main loop. As I still wanted to be able to use my audioProcessor class (both because the code was working & for organising...
  26. R

    Teensy audio not working with external power

    I've been writing a project for two Teensy's including SGTL5000 audio shields. The code for both teensy's can be found here: They're communicating RGB color data by sending the data converted to frequency back-and-forth between the two of them...