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  1. N

    Wii nunchuk/Classic controller

    Glad to know you got it to work I'm still using my code with the classic controller, it's working nice even if I've never been able to make the home button work on the ps3- there's a trick at the hid level Thank you for sharing your code, I will have a look, I plan to use a nunchuk to make a...
  2. N

    teensy usb midi to waveblaster

    Wow thank you very much for your detailed answer, I will look into it !
  3. N

    teensy usb midi to waveblaster

    I am not sure yet. My first idea was to use the teensy to drive the waveblaster, not to behave like a sound blaster (from a DOS point of view). And also using Usb Midi, I'd like to be able to select this new midi device on some emulators like scumm or Dosbox. The bonus part would be to provide...
  4. N

    teensy usb midi to waveblaster

    Thank you for answering. I also got some leads from Vogons forum. I have to think if it's worth the effort, and if its feasible with my current skills :)
  5. N

    teensy usb midi to waveblaster

    Hi I have a waveblaster clone daughter card. Back in 90's i used to plug it on my sb16, and then to a monster sound. I'm out of options on my new rig, but still very fond of those old dos games and their midi ost. Would it be feasible to interface this board through a teensy to get it to...
  6. N

    Wii nunchuk/Classic controller

    I was finally able to complete this project for the electronic part I've put a 3v3 AMS1117 regulator on the nunchuk adapter with a capacitor on the Vout for the software I've used the code from havencking, with some tweaks to get...
  7. N

    Using Teensy 3.1 as joystick, not showing up as game controller

    I had the precise same issue, and i can confirm that deleting all occurrences of VID_16c0 in registry fixed it
  8. N

    Wii nunchuk/Classic controller

    Finally i was able to get a teensy 2.0 and to move on to this side project. I have now my nunchuk acting as a joystick in windows, and it's pretty cool. I'm still concerned about the voltage output, nunchuks and wii classic devics operate on 3.3v, and using 5V could damage the stuff ( not 100%...
  9. N

    Wii nunchuk/Classic controller

    Like i said i'm more a software guy, i got confused with those notices on the teensy LC product page :) Thanks for all the valuable info. I think it will be fun
  10. N

    Wii nunchuk/Classic controller

    Thank you for your answer! Do you know if I have to take care of voltage? I think USB delivers 5v, but teensy supports only 3.3v no? Well of course I will learn this in the manual :-)
  11. N

    Wii nunchuk/Classic controller

    I'm not too much into electronics, more a software guy, so sorry if i say some mistakes I'd like to make a classic controller to usb adapter, to be able to use my wii arcade stick on raspberry/pc/ps3 I've purchased a wiichuck adapter. can i use a teensy LC for this purpose? Is there any...