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  1. A

    Uncertain behavior of Teensy 4.0 board

    Put these lines: = 0x04000001; msg.len = 8; msg.flags.extended = 1; msg.buf[0] = 10; msg.buf[1] = 20; msg.buf[2] = 0; msg.buf[3] = 100; msg.buf[4] = 128; msg.buf[5] = 64; msg.buf[6] = 32; msg.buf[7] = 16; Right before Can1.write(msg);
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    Teensy 3.2

    Teensy 4.1 with heaters is 82+eur (taxes included) in our local shop...
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    Teensy 4.0 / 74HC595N shift register compatibility issues?

    You could also compile the code with lower frequency setting for testing purposes.
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    Teensy 4.1: flashing fails every other time

    It might be not the code, but power. If you have low quality USB cable, it has significant power draw. When you are using extra devices, like display etc, the teensy gets even less current.
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    T4.1 Initializing Ethernet and CAN at the same time does not work.

    You can try with initializing CAN on other Teensy's CAN interface. CAN2, for example. Why not to use FlexCAN_T4 library?
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    Teensy 3.5 boot loop, is it my code?

    You have while (1) in your code. Seems, that sensor is not being initialized.
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    pin 12 dead?

    Was the scope ground ok when measured?
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    Teensy 4.1 bricked

    Do you choose the correct USB mode (USB serial) for Teensy when compiling your project?
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    ILI9341 variable writing over iteself

    Please check the thread: There is some information about how to optimise the situation.
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    Controlling many LEDs (extra analog pins?)

    Consider using shift registers.
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    Analog input impedance and pull-up?

    pinMode function was now used at all. I was just using analogRead(A16) Thanks!
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    Analog input impedance and pull-up?

    Thank you, defragster. Actually, my first post about the problem was in mid 2022, so Your linked topic did not exist yet :) I got exactly the same problem. Thanks for the fix!
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    Analog input impedance and pull-up?

    Thanks you for advice! Will dive into that some day :)
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    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    Try to empty the FIFO buffer with something like while(can0.available()); then you send the query and wait for a responce.
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    an experience trying to buy a Teensy 4.1 from Mouser

    Within EU the best place to buy Teensy is Germany.
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    Teensy 4.x RTC battery life

    BriComp adviced unit might be good solution for you. Especially if the Teensy is installed in the wild and there are many units. I am using 2032 battery, which correcponds to about 1.2 year battery life (1220 is ~ 35mah and 2032 is ~340mah).
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    Analog input impedance and pull-up?

    Hi! Got interesting behaviour of Teensy 4.1 ADC. When the raw value from adc goes above half of the max value (above 500 for 10bit and above ~2000 in 12bit mode), the value it reads is much higher than it should be. I have got a 12V input thru 67k/10k divider. The readed values are quite...
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    Teensy 4.x RTC battery life

    Thanks. For the price i can change the battery for about 15 times :) Just trying to keep the price low and i am pretty happy with built in RTC. I will put the bookmark in case i need more accuracy next time. Thank you!
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    Teensy 4.x RTC battery life

    I was thinking about measuring battery voltage with ADC and give notifications to the user. Is it a good or bad idea? I am afraid, that connecting Vbat to some of the Teensy4.1's pins will cause extra current leakage and the battery will drain faster. Am i right or wrong? The device will...
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    Teensy 4.1 GPIO input voltage concern

    AFAIK Teensy 4.1 must be powered by VIN pin, which can handle 3.6...5.5V. So your stabilizer should be ok for powering Teensy thru VIN pin.
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    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    Thanks. Seems, like FlexCanT4 FIFO + interrupts are what i need and write onto SD right inside interrupt routine.
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    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    Sorry me to ask silly questions. Do I get it right, that if I need received can messages to be in correct order, then I have to use the FIFO mode? I plan to make kind a CAN logger, so that the messages order is very important. The messages could be dumped to SD card using SDfat lib. SDfat is...
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    Ili9341_t3n, speed tests and crappy cables.

    Thank you so much! Thought about using rectangles to hide previous text, but i would never think that setTextColor(text_color, background_color); would be much faster. Very good advice! Some extra blanks are also no problem for me, since my old Arduino and LCD5110 projects have used the same...
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    Ili9341_t3n, speed tests and crappy cables.

    Yesterday tested the same display with this library. Just measured microsecond needed to display one string (about 25 characters long) on the screen. I was shocked with the results. It's about can bus debug. Here is the code: microseconds_start = micros(); tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK)...
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    84 by 48 LCD support (aka Nokia 5110)

    Got it work with 10microsecond delay @ 150 MHz :) Thank you! I see now, that i have choosen the wrong approach. Should really use higher speed displays.
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    84 by 48 LCD support (aka Nokia 5110)

    Thank you very much! I will give it a try and report back. I understand, that all these delays will slow down the mcu. I am thinking about using ILI9341 display instead. There are 3 SPI buses on the T4.1, so there should be no useless delays in cpu load. Thank you very much for help!
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    84 by 48 LCD support (aka Nokia 5110)

    Right, sorry for that. It's LCD5110_Basic library from Rinky Dink electronics. Simple to use, stable. Works on AVR and ARM, but at a slow frequency. I have looked into source code, there are no delays, so the library is fast, but when...
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    84 by 48 LCD support (aka Nokia 5110)

    I was using these 5110 LCD displays with many Arduinos, even with DUE (84MHz?). Was working without issues. Now jumped to Teensy 4.1 and at base frequency the display does not work. The display works only if i put 4.1 frequency to 24MHz. Are there any libraries for 4.1 that support 5110 LCD...