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  1. L

    Pyro channel circuit validation

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    Pyro channel circuit validation

    You are right, my bad there. However can anyone conferm if the mosfet that the gpt suggested are ok. thanks a lot.
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    Pyro channel circuit validation

    Hi, i am building an automated firework launcher with a teensy 4.0, and i wanted to use a mosfet as a switch for activating the ignitor of a firework. This is the circuit i came up with: I was particularly concerned about which mosfet to use since the digital pins of the teensy operate at 3V3...
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    Teensy 4.0 I2C Bus issue (solved)

    BTW i think that i've found the problem. I've might connected the bmp280 with an inverted footprint from the breackout board. I will check and tell you.
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    Teensy 4.0 I2C Bus issue (solved)

    Thank you for answering. I will try adding resistence between i2c and the 3.3 of the teensy. However i don't think that 5V will kill the board because on the website under the power tab it says that the teensy has a regulator connected to the VIN pin that lowers the input current to 3V3, thats...
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    Teensy 4.0 I2C Bus issue (solved)

    I tryed to upload it to the board but it gives me an error saying that it can't be compiled for a teensy 4.
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    Teensy 4.0 I2C Bus issue (solved)

    Thank you for answering. I checked the datasheet of the breackout board i used for the mpu6050 and it sad that it has 4.7k resistors between both sda scl and vin. That's why i didn't addd them in the schematic.
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    Teensy 4.0 I2C Bus issue (solved)

    Hi, i've connected a bounch of components to a teensy 4.0 according to this diagram (i know that on the sd card slot positive and ground are swapped, that was made according to the footprint of the breackout board i used): When i try to use the mpu6050 or the bmp280 i can't get a connection over...
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    Teensy 4.1 - Arduino nano ESP32 Comunication

    Very simple but very effective. Problem solved in under 10 minutes. thanks a lot
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    Teensy 4.1 - Arduino nano ESP32 Comunication

    Hy, i've setted an arduino nano ESP 32 to comunicate with an arduino cloud dashboard to send a message over serial to a teensy, but the teensy doesn't seam to receive it. Here's the arduino nano ESP 32 code: #include "thingProperties.h" int comando = 0; void setup() { // Initialize serial...
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    Teensy 4.1 and Arduino nano 33 IOT

    I checked the output voltage of the 5V pin ov the teensy and it's 4.8V. i've connected it to the Vin of the arduino nano 33 iot
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    Teensy 4.1 and Arduino nano 33 IOT

    Thanks everyone. I'll try to mesure the consumptions of the arduino and if it's too high i'll use an external breadboard power supply.
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    Teensy 4.1 and Arduino nano 33 IOT

    Hey everyone, still me trying to get these board to comunicate. Now the problem is a bit different. When i plug in the arduino in the computer it works perfectly and it responds to the comands in the arduino cloud dashboard, but when i try to power it through the teensy the build int led blincs...
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    Serial comunication between Teensy 4.1 and Arduino Nano 33 IOT

    Thanks everyone, now it's working.
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    Serial comunication between Teensy 4.1 and Arduino Nano 33 IOT

    Here the updated tansmitter code: /* * Transmitter Arduino Nano 33 IOT */ void setup() { Serial1.begin(9600); pinMode(13,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13,HIGH); } void loop() { Serial1.println("Hello World"); digitalWrite(13,!digitalRead(13)); delay(1000); } Here the updated receiver...
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    Serial comunication between Teensy 4.1 and Arduino Nano 33 IOT

    Yes but that line is on the teensy code, the receiver, because i want to use one of the 8 hardware serial ports of that board and not the first one. As you can see in the picture the jumpers are connected to the serial 2 of the teensy
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    Serial comunication between Teensy 4.1 and Arduino Nano 33 IOT

    Thanks a lot, i didn't know that on the arduino the serial monitor was separeted from the Uart. Now i see something on the serial monitor of the teensy but is random numbers that dont make sense. I checked that it was set to the same baud rate of the boards (9600) but it didn't change. I also...
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    Serial comunication between Teensy 4.1 and Arduino Nano 33 IOT

    Hi, i am trying to get a teensy 4.1 to comunicate with an arduino nano 33 IOT over a serial bus but. Here is the arduino code that is supposed to constantly send a message: void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(13,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13,HIGH); } void loop() {...
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    Code debug

    Yes, but now i need i2c
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    Code debug

    The transmitter is always sending eatch time 1 component of the array channels by time. i thought that when the first has arrived to the receiver the others would be coming directly after that. In total it's passing all the 16 integers of the array
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    Code debug

    Hi, I found a library that allows a teensy to comunicate with an sbus receiver. I need to pass the data received (an array of integers) to another board with I2C. I can see things happening on the board connected to the SBUS receiver but nothing on the board that's supposed to receive the array...
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    Voltage regulator issue

    Thank you, you literally stopped me from having an hearth attack. Thanks
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    Voltage regulator issue

    Hi, i built another board and now the voltage is stable but not quite at 5V. Its a little lower like 4.9V. Is it a problem for teensy, servoes and other boards(the say that the VIN should be 5V but pls tell me that 4.9 is good, i don't want to make another board)
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    Voltage regulator issue

    I checked the actual component but i didn't followed the layout guides cause i am a noob i its the first time i am usig this smd kind of components. BTW i don't have acces to oscilloscopes
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    Voltage regulator issue

    In my custom PCB i used this regulator with this schematich that i found on the datasheet but the voltage is unstable (+-1V). What can i do?
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    What happens if i plug more than 5V unto the VIN pin of teensy 4.0 and 4.1?

    Thanks. i knew that that were probably going to happen so i asked first in order to not having to spend more money
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    What happens if i plug more than 5V unto the VIN pin of teensy 4.0 and 4.1?

    What happens if i plug more than 5V unto the VIN pin of teensy 4.0 and 4.1? (like 6V??)
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    Connect MPU6050 and BMP180

    Ok, but maiby i was not clear. I have understood that both sensors can run on the same bus but my question was because they can do that, what should i use the other I2C buses for?
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    Connect MPU6050 and BMP180

    Thank you, but i have another question. What should i use the other I2C ports for?
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    Connect MPU6050 and BMP180

    Hi, i need to conect both mpu6050 and bmp180 to an teensy 4.0 via I2C bus, but i do not know how to connect multiple i2c devices to the same board. How can i interface to the multiple I2C ports of the teensy? Luca.
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    Problem with Teensy 4.1 and HC12 Comunication via SoftwareSerial library

    Hey guys, i have just tested outthe boards and they works just fine. Thanks everybody for the help and have a nice day. Luca
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    Problem with Teensy 4.1 and HC12 Comunication via SoftwareSerial library

    Thank you very mutch guys for your time and at this point i think that the problem with the second code that i shared was a brocken HC-12. the new one is on the way and if it works i will let you know. Luca
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    Problem with Teensy 4.1 and HC12 Comunication via SoftwareSerial library

    I don't know why, but i think that one of the HC12 just brocke cause of a short circuit, (the chip and the power cables were so warm (the one connected to the teensy with a breadboard power suply)). I cant swear it was not broken already before tryin it out but i wil order some more radios and i...
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    Problem with Teensy 4.1 and HC12 Comunication via SoftwareSerial library

    // set this to the hardware serial port you wish to use #define HWSERIAL Serial2 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); HWSERIAL.begin(9600); } void loop() { while (HWSERIAL.available()) { // If HC-12 has data Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor...
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    Problem with Teensy 4.1 and HC12 Comunication via SoftwareSerial library

    I am sure that's not the problem simply because trying the same code on a regular arduino with the same schematic it works corectly. Thanks Paul, Luca.
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    Problem with Teensy 4.1 and HC12 Comunication via SoftwareSerial library

    Hi, i am trying to make a radio comunication beetween an arduino uno and a teensy using HC12 module but i have incountered some difficulties. Following this tutorial on two original...
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    Teensy 4.0 Issue

    Hi, i tryed to use my brand new teensy 4.0 in a PCB that i have developed. I loaded the code as usual (using the latest teensyduino version) but when i disconnect the usb cable from the board and i try to use it with an external power (regulated 5v) it executes the code for around a second and...