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  1. R

    Teensy 5 Dual/Quad Core

    How about a Teensy 5 board with dual/quad core? Wish List: 5V tolerant Low Cost Ethernet USB Host
  2. R

    Teensy 4, Interrupt is blocking USB Sketch Upload

    Many thanks for the answers. Yes, I could change the code, but that is difficult in this case. If I turn the board off and on again, then the upload will start. It's not ideal, but ok. This is better than always pressing the button, as it is difficult to access.
  3. R

    Teensy 4, Interrupt is blocking USB Sketch Upload

    I have this code: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(CLOCK_PIN), interrupt_func, RISING); FASTRUN void interrupt_func() { noInterrupts(); // Waiting for LOW while(digitalReadFast(CLOCK_PIN) == HIGH) { } // wait 4x 280ns cycles inside this interrupt...
  4. R

    Usart interrupt technique on teensy4.1

    Thank you very much for your efforts. This is a very good start to try something with it
  5. R

    Teensy 4.1 USB-Host USB-Hub Mouse-Keyboard Problem

    Found a solution. The problem is, that directly after the "usage=90003" (Wheel button) Value "1" event, 4 more "usage=90003" events with Value "0" follow without the button being released. Thus the value "1" is immediately overwritten again with "0". To me it looks like no 90004, 90005, 90006...
  6. R

    Teensy 4.1 USB-Host USB-Hub Mouse-Keyboard Problem

    Good hint. Where to enable the debug function?
  7. R

    Teensy 4.1 USB-Host USB-Hub Mouse-Keyboard Problem

    I've tested a Logitech B100 Mouse... Wheel Button not working. Can someone fix it?
  8. R

    Usart interrupt technique on teensy4.1

    Can someone post a Teensy 4.x example sketch? Tried the post #14 code ... "IRQ_UART0_STATUS" is unknown.
  9. R

    Teensy 4.1 Wire (I2C) Software Pins?

    These are good hints. Thank you very much. I will test the SoftwareI2C Library.
  10. R

    Teensy 4.1 Wire (I2C) Software Pins?

    Yes, this is the only solution. Can I use the Wire library or another library I do not know yet?
  11. R

    Teensy 4.1 Wire (I2C) Software Pins?

    I don't want to use the standard I2C pins (24,25,16,17,18,19) but 28 and 29 for SDA and SCL (to drive an OLED 1306) Is this possible?
  12. R

    Teensy 4.1 - Copy SDCard Data into Flash Memory

    Yes, this is also a good option :-) Thanks.
  13. R

    Teensy 4.1 - Copy SDCard Data into Flash Memory

    That sounds very good. It is faster than the SDCard (read mode only)?
  14. R

    Teensy 4.1 - Copy SDCard Data into Flash Memory

    The Teensy 4.1 has 8MB Flash Memory. This is a lot. Can I transfer some data (2 MB or so) into it, while the Teensy is running? Because the 500Kb RAM memory is very small. I've found this: LittleFS library Is this a solution to transfer and use Data dynamically?
  15. R

    Teensy 4.x Pins Overview for fast read/write

    Good excel table. About "Max Contiguous bits" ... its not so relevant, because the left and right shifts are damn fast. The whole read write process is very very fast also with a lot left and right shifts also with some direction changes (with 816 Mhz).
  16. R

    Teensy 4.x Pins Overview for fast read/write

    You can see it in the picture... then you can move the GPIO lines in the right direction, in every program. Or you can use a monospaced font, or you can copy it into the Arduino IDE.
  17. R

    Teensy 4.x Pins Overview for fast read/write

    I've added as txt file the Pin Overview of the Fast Ports and Bits for the Teensy 4.x and some read write and direction lines so that you do not have to search for everything in the forum. This gives you a quick overview of how it is possible to read or write numerous pins in parallel as...
  18. R

    Basic question about creating custom Teensy

    Thank you for the note
  19. R

    Basic question about creating custom Teensy

    I'm also interested in this because I'd like to put the chip directly on a PCB, since then everything can be smaller, and the pins are then where they are needed. Here in the thread was mentioned the bootloader chip, which is on an external board, connected to the PCB with the microprocessor...
  20. R

    Teensy 4.1: USB Midi + Touch

    Thank you for the very fast answer (it looks like you are always everywhere :-) ), I've made one for older Arduino boards, then I will make one for the Teensy.
  21. R

    Teensy 4.1: USB Midi + Touch

    I want to use USB Host port with MIDI & TOUCH (for a Touchscreen). But inside the Arduino IDE I can not select these: Is there trick to make that possible?
  22. R

    Teensy LC + USB Host Shield Mini

    I'm an idiot ... forgot to solder 2 pins on the backside of the IC socket (SCK and MISO). Now it's working fine. Damn 8-D
  23. R

    Teensy LC + USB Host Shield Mini

    Thanks for the hint. The pins are correct. As I wrote, with the Pro Micro 3.3V it is working fine. But I need more pins, and I have 4x Teensy LC here, so it would be good if it would also work with the Teensy LC
  24. R

    Teensy LC + USB Host Shield Mini

    I'm using the USB Host Shield mini successfully with an Arduino Pro Micro. Now I wanted to try a Teensy LC. But, it doesn't work. Teensy LC Pins: 9 INT 10 SS 11 MOSI 12 MISO 13 SCK USB Host Mini Pins: RST -> 3.3V Is the USB Host Library 2.0 not working with the Teensy LC, only with the...
  25. R

    Teensy 3.5: Bootloader USB Port only ; "download error" with Teensy Loader

    I've found the bug... It was the USB Connection of the USB 3.0 Hub. For years no problems, but since a few days, it is not possible anymore to flash the Teensy 3.5 with Arduino IDE + MacMini M1 (only with the complicated Blink sketch trick). The solution: USB 2.0 HUB from Amazon directly...
  26. R

    Teensy 3.5: Bootloader USB Port only ; "download error" with Teensy Loader

    Thank you, yes, it seems that the problem has disappeared with the Blink sketch. Interesting. I think it was something with the USB ports, because the problem started with the Mac M1 and USB system crashes. Also, the MacMini M1 with only 16GB has significant memory issues.
  27. R

    Teensy 3.5: Bootloader USB Port only ; "download error" with Teensy Loader

    I have been using Teensy boards for years, including LC, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 4.0, 4.1 MacOS 12.3, MacMini M1 Never had big problems until today. Today I wanted to load a sketch on a Teensy 3.5 again, then I noticed that there is no USB port in the Arduino IDE. After pressing the button on the...