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  1. L

    Audio adapter output polarity

    I'm using the teensy 3.6 board with the audio adapter and the teensy audio library. Here's the code to generate a sine wave: AudioMemory(10); sgtl5000_1.enable(); sgtl5000_1.volume(0.9); sgtl5000_1.unmuteLineout(); sgtl5000_1.lineOutLevel(13); waveform1.begin(WAVEFORM_SINE)...
  2. L

    [posted] MIDI Joystick

    I need one of these for my midi controller! Can you post the schematic and code?
  3. L

    Teensy Audio board - how to select line out?

    I have the teensy 3.6 and audio board. How do I select line out as output instead of the headphone out? thanks
  4. L

    platformio support?

    thanks that works
  5. L

    platformio support?

    Hi I have a teensy 3.6 and audio board. Trying to setup a program with platformIO. I created the project for the teensy board. How do I import the audio library? I could not find it for install from platform io. Thanks
  6. L

    Midi control of effect with smooth transitions

    Using the audio board with a midi controller. The controller is to change the values of various effect parameters. In the code snippet below, I am reading the midi channel data in the loop and changing the flanger effect frequency rate based on the control value. This sounds very choppy when...
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    Teensyduino IDE replacement

    Yeah, I switched to also. LOVE IT!
  8. L

    1602A LCD display brightness

    So I tried powering the display with the +5V from the teensy 3.6 board, and the display appears the same as is shown in the picture on this post -
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    1602A LCD display brightness

    Yeah, it is an old display. Thanks
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    1602A LCD display brightness

    Hi. Followed the setup here - connected to teensy 3.6. I am powering the LCD display from the +3.3v output on the teensy board. Test "hello world" is working, but the display is not very bright, even with full contrast. Is that because...
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    rotary encoder does not decrement

    Thanks will take a look
  12. L

    rotary encoder does not decrement

    Awesome! You are the Man!
  13. L


    Actually I was mistaken. My axiom49 controller does have traditional midi in/out. So I got a breakout board to connect -
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    I want to interface a cheap midi controller such at this - to a teensy 3.6 with the teensy audio shield. The control message from the midi device will be linked to various attributes of the audio...
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    rotary encoder does not decrement

    From existing examples below, If I turn the encoder in either direction, position is always being incremented. Encoder has connection to ground, and the two output pins. Any suggestions? #include <Encoder.h> Encoder knobLeft(34, 35); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600)...
  16. L

    errors compiling since wave example.

    Have a teensy 3.6. Using both platformIO and teensyduino. Trying to compile the program - In teensyduino, I am getting the following errors: C:\Program Files...
  17. L

    Effects routing

    Thanks. Got it working now. Pin 33 was also OK.
  18. L

    Effects routing

    Hello, Trying to get an effect to work (flanger) based on sample code. I generate a tone out on Pin 33. It is turned on/off through a button. The square wave then gets fed back in to the i2s input. I had it simply route to the i2s output, and it worked just fine. Now I added a flange...
  19. L

    Teensyduino IDE replacement

    "you point once towards the Arduino installation directory" - Hmm, I did not get any prompt to enter a path.
  20. L

    Teensyduino IDE replacement

    Thanks! I will check it out.
  21. L

    Teensyduino IDE replacement

    I am using teensy 3.6 + audio shield, and LOVE the capabilities. What I don't love so much, is the Arduino IDE. In fact, I hate it. There are several IDE arduino plugin, for exampel for Eclipse c++ ide. Has anyone tried getting the teensyduino tool chain to work in Eclipse? THanks Leor
  22. L

    Board at usb:10003/0/0/8/4 is not available

    oops ingore. User error (how do you delete a posting?)
  23. L

    Board at usb:10003/0/0/8/4 is not available

    I can upload my program to the board, but Serial montior keeps giving error : Board at usb:10003/0/0/8/4 is not available Any suggestions?
  24. L

    Cannot communicate with teensy 3.6

    I ordered some new cables so will try it out thanks
  25. L

    Cannot communicate with teensy 3.6

    Windows 10. installed teensyduino. When I plug in the board to USB, it runs the default blinky program. If I try to upload anything, nothing happens in the teensy loader. Also noticed that when I do plug in the board, there is no notification sound from windows, such as that you get when...
  26. L

    looking for a larger tft screen

    Using the teensy 3.6, I see this screen available on the web site - . I am looking for a larger screen. Has anyone used a larger screen that is supported by the teensyduio libraries? Thanks
  27. L

    Cannot program teensy 3.6

    Never mind. looks like a bad cable.
  28. L

    Cannot program teensy 3.6

    Using arduino with teensy add-on. Status bar in ide shows "Teensy 3.6, 180MHz,Faster, COM1 Running on Windows 10 Plug in usb and default blink program starts. Selecting Sketch/Upload from IDE show: No Teensy boards were found on any USB ports of your computer. Please press the PROGRAM MODE...
  29. L

    audio adapter audio lines

    Please see image. Are the line/in holes compatible with AC97 header?
  30. L

    how to mate the audio card to teensy 3.6

    On this page There is a diagram of the audio card mounted on top of the teensy. Not clear to me how the pinouts align. Does anyone have more details/pictures of this process? Thanks Leor
  31. L

    Teensy Audio Board input voltage requirements.

    Trying to run this board with an STM32f429i-disco dev board. I know your page shows voltage input pin requiring 3.3 V. The "3v" output on my STm32 dev board measures at 2.94V. Is that too low to power the audio board? I see there is a 5V pin on your board. Is that operational as an...
  32. L

    Teensy audio board clock lines

    Hi Paul. So I'm still trying to get the board to come alive. Just trying to send an I2C address writeI am assuming I2C commands to the board can work only with MCLK input?
  33. L

    Teensy audio board clock lines

    I am going to use the PLL on the the board by just providing a single 16MHz clock from my MCU to the MCLK line (pin 21). Can I just leave BCLK/LRCLK (pins 23,24) floating, or do they need to be grounded or something else? Thanks. Leor
  34. L

    Clock source for Audio board

    OK. THanks for the suggestion. I'm going to roll the dice and move on, and see if I can get the board to work.
  35. L

    Clock source for Audio board

    I am working on a project to interface the Teensy audio adaptor board ( SGTL5000) to a different microcontroller. In this case, it is a STM32f429I-DISCO. I am using my mcu to generate the master clock signal (MCLK). The output of the PWM from my MCU looks not that great (16 mhz). Will the...
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    teensy audio board i2c question

    I'm trying to get it to work with a STM32F4 dev board. Lots to learn though, so may be a while!
  37. L

    teensy audio board i2c question

    Thanks! I am not using with teensy board.
  38. L

    teensy audio board i2c question

    Does the board already have pull-up resistors on the i2c lines, or do I need to add them? Thanks!