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  1. D

    Teensy 4.1 possible to hook up sdram?

    Best will be to have a new Teensy 4.xx or 5.xx board ;) I have do expansion board for a stm32f429 discovery long time ago , but here the pins was available on board (bigger format). @Paul , does your next board have sram + sdram directly soldered in place ?
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    For a TFT display you need to add 'data enable' and 'pixel clock' signals , 'data enable can be tied to vcc but pixel clock have to be generated , it's not needed on VGA screen , so then set the colors , then data enable , then pixel clock :) Now i don't remember if you need to connect the TFT...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    I grab close to everything from Farnell Element 14 ... here the french page with 536 ohm , you can get all quantity you want :) But bigger quantity is better as on all other places :)
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Yes Frank , the resistor value are the same when you add more stage ( 1 x 536 and 1 x 270 ohm ). Just bad that i cant help for the VGA code on Teensy :) , i was more involved in STM32 in the past , and the registers / DMA etc used on teensy are actually black magic up i can learn more on this MCU :D
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi Frank , this schematic is my R2R DAC for get better colors. The original pin description is on Jean Marc Github for the VGA library here : And the pin-out don't have change :) Cheers PS : it's easy to add more bits , here it's for 8bit , i...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi Jean Marc :) Yea , 12bit VGA can be fun to try , but the thing with FlexIO without the right pins coming out will be tricky ;) I get one of the PMOD Digital Video Interface , as you probably have see , they are not allot VGA connector left around on our screens , it can be easier to use...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi :) For HDMI it can be possible to use the PMOD Digital Video Interface ... You can get it here : Cheers.
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    [queued] Teensy 4.1 Atari ST emulation with MIDI & VGA

    Hi Jean Marc , I just fond out for audio , i activated the commented MQS in your code. But it was allot of noise , so i made a filter and now everything goes well ;)
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    [queued] Teensy 4.1 Atari ST emulation with MIDI & VGA

    I forget to ask you about audio :) On github i read that you use MSQ for audio. Do you use MSQR , MSQL or both ? If i understand correctly , all i have to do is to connect a little audio amplifier on this pins (10 & 12) to get sound .... correct me if i'm wrong :)
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    [queued] Teensy 4.1 Atari ST emulation with MIDI & VGA

    That's it :) on gameboy emulator : myTimer.begin(vblCount, 40000); <--- i set it to 20000 and it's more like the expected speed :) VID_FRAME_SKIP 0x1 give a little boost too .... To test the result speed i have test with Sonic game on the sms emulator , it have a second counter in-game , was...
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    [queued] Teensy 4.1 Atari ST emulation with MIDI & VGA

    Hi , i tested some of the emulators , they are working up to one (.... problem.....) , It seems that all emulators are slower than normal , can it be that the T41 is not set at 600Mhz ? In the Arduino IDE it's check for 600Mhz but i don't know if you change something in the emulators :) I tried...
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    [queued] Teensy 4.1 Atari ST emulation with MIDI & VGA

    I found why it was not working correctly :) It was here ... #ifdef HAS_T4_VGA #define PIN_JOY2_A1X A3 #define PIN_JOY2_A2Y A2 #define PIN_JOY2_BTN 14 #define PIN_KEY_USER1 22 #define PIN_KEY_USER2 23 #define PIN_KEY_USER3 35 // Second joystick #define PIN_JOY1_BTN 34 #define...
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    [queued] Teensy 4.1 Atari ST emulation with MIDI & VGA

    Hi , i have do like you said and everything is working up to the joybut and the 3 user keys.(they work on a test sketch i have do just for testing the analog joy and the buttons). The Emulators don't react to the joybut and the user keys , i don't have made the i2c kb because i have made a...
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    [queued] Teensy 4.1 Atari ST emulation with MIDI & VGA

    Hi , thanks for all this information's :) I use the ILI9341 , so i will then not connect the MISO , TFT_RST will then be connected to VCC. For the user button that is conflicting with TFT_CS i will chose another pin , and will do same for other user pins in iopins.h ;) Cheers
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    [queued] Teensy 4.1 Atari ST emulation with MIDI & VGA

    Hello Jean Marc :) I just have a question about pin-out when i want to use a SPI TFT LCD. As i see , the 2 user keys are in conflict with TFT_RST and TFT_CD , the I2S audio data pin is in conflict with TFT_DC. Some NES console use up to 4 buttons , can you tell me what pin was planned for this...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi :) I have made your change , it's strange like this ... he he I check on wiki for the original Amiga res , it is : Games use less to get more colors , it's difficult to create a resolution that will accept all , and change resolution on the fly it's allot of work too .... But for know all...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi Jean Marc :) I found another screen for VGA testing , now it's OK , the auto correction work and the left part of screen is finally filled :) On Amiga workbench , the bottom pixels are off screen , i don't remember the workbench resolution , i will have to test with other soft and games for...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hello Jean Marc :) I'm back home and tested what you say , it change nothing for the drift to right. It's not just on emulator but generic , it do also the same with the demo program. I don't remember what we do in the pas to recenter the picture ..... Cheers.
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi Jean Marc , I have check your VGA driver but i have to admit ,the way it's done, it's too complex for me :D I have then test on STM32 for try to shift the screen to right , i don't have reproduce the same as we have on the teensy but it come from the H back porch + H Sync + H Front porch ...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Just tested on Turrican , it work :D Image quality is great , i just get some horizontal line sometimes , but actually i don't have sound that come out of the pcm5102 , i will check my connection tomorrow. I have see that the screen is right shifted , a picture is here : As you see , just a...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi , I tested your last version from Github , the mouse act correctly this time. Thanks :)
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    It's me again :) Just a question about the Amiga and or ST emulator. Allot of games and apps use 2 or more disk (adf) , is it a way to have more than one adf disk file linked at start of the emulator ? Or is it a way to switch between the adf files if needed ? Cheers.
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    I think i found a bug with the mouse. When you click on a mouse button it release alone and not when you release the button yourself. The 2 mouse buttons act like that , i see this in amiga emulator , try to open the workbench upper bar menu with the right button , and you see what i mean ;)...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi , You where right , it was the 3 buttons , as i used other buttons on this test board connection was inverted ,it was like the 3 buttons was constantly pressed , now everything is ok. Thanks ;)
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Thanks for this information , Arduino output , compiled as smallest code (it's in french) Le croquis utilise 1069568 octets (13%) de l'espace de stockage de programmes. Le maximum est de 8126464 octets. Les variables globales utilisent 500476 octets (95%) de mémoire dynamique, ce qui laisse...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi Jean Marc ;) I'm back to home and finished the teensy test-board , i get your latest source and see you added the mouse , what is the pins to use for the mouse ? Actually the USB port got the USB KB , and i don't see where i can attach the mouse , the Amiga emulator start with a calibration...
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    [queued] DOOM running on the Teensy 4.1 with VGA output

    Hi ;) With the schematic it's allot easier to see how everything is connected together :) But i see that you are using the pins D34 to D37 for the external joystick , this pins are connected to the PSRAM and because of this , i will not use them for something else if the extra PSRAM chip is...
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    [queued] DOOM running on the Teensy 4.1 with VGA output

    Are you going to use the PCM5102 for audio ? If yes , let me know , so i will look to add it on the new test board i have to do later this week :)
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    [queued] DOOM running on the Teensy 4.1 with VGA output

    Hi Jean Marc, Is it possible for you to made a real schematic ? From the PCB it's not really easy to know the connection if we do it on a test board ;) Thanks.
  30. D

    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi Jean Marc :) I will finish some code for my LCD Maximite 2 on STM32 first on this board ( ) and i will try your new emulators , and then , it's time to go back 27 years ago and play ... DOOM...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi Jean Marc :) I just tested your new lib , it work well. But i have to compile for 'smallest code' , in other mode they are more glitch in screen. 640x480 is one of the mode that work at best actually , but i don't have test everything ;) Congratz !!
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Great to ear it finally work :) I have code other project in that time (colour maximite 2 with 1024x600 LCD) Last code was : from post #104. And we have to hope that the next Teensy model will have the right pinouts next time...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi , to overcome the tiny 320x240 SPI LCD , have you consider to use something like this chip ? : I don't know the max res we can get but it's for PAL/NTSC composite , like what was used in the time the computer you emulate was doing. Here is just...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi Jean Marc :) Any news on the project ? , i have work on some other project and hope you advance in your VGA problems ...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi , I finally made the drawfullpolygon , it seem to work now :) Code is here : Cheers.
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    I just get my new scope :) I see that after the last pixel from the last line you just wait 6 lines for the V front porch ... it have to be 11 (for 640 x 480) , the vsync itself is OK with 2 lines. A little pics here ...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi , i continued with functions in VGA_T4 , now you can use polygon too :) draw_h_line , draw_v_line mod to accept negative length value. I will try to do a drawfilledpolygon but i got some problem with the filling algorithm :) New code is here ...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    What you explain with the 2D HW Block is like it work on STM32F7xx / H7xx with the LTDC and DMA2D ;) ... but you need to have the corresponding pins available ...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi , I optimized the drawcircle , the test if pixels x,y was > to 0 is now useless because it's tested in drawpixel. The precalculed sin/cos and ABS declaration are now in VGA_t4.h , so they are accessible from everywhere if #include "VGA_t4.h" is used , and by the way , it make VGA_t4.c more...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    With byte decomposed in 2 parts it will not be easy to resolve for the DMA. And use a little SPI LCD for Amiga emulator it's not the ideal way :) A SPI LCD with more resolution will become too slow at refresh rate .... i just hope that a solution exist on VGA ...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    I just found my Ellipse bug :) replace rad2 = radius1; with rad2 = radius2; that's it :rolleyes:
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi , i've found bug in VGA_T4 , i corrected it , that was the pixel who can go out the screen and it append some time a freeze from the T41. Now it's OK :) I made 2 new easy function : void draw_h_line(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t lenght, vga_pixel color); void draw_v_line(int16_t x1...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi :) I just tested your new VGA_T4 lib , now the 640x480 is perfect , it's just little blue but no more pixel shift ;) Your code is so far away from what i understand on T41 !! , where do you get all information's ? The reference manual is OK for general information but then you have to found...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Well , i'm not good enough with this MCU to tell you if it's ok or not for triggering 2 FLEXIO with only one signal :) But for the FLEXIO3 it's sure that it will slow down everything without DMA. And like Jean Marc , with this pin arrangement from the T41 i don't have allot idea rest in stock ...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    I just got a stupid idea ... but not sure that's so stupid :) and go in a total reverse way than VGA ... As all this emulator emulate ooOOooOOooLD machines , and all this old (computer) have use PAL or NTSC signals to generate composite video , is it not a way to create such signal on MQS pin to...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Pins 48 to 54 are in use for the PSRAM , so , it's not possible to use them :) I have take a look at the LCDIF pins with the nxp pin tool , all what we need is on FLEXIO2 but some pins are not accessible , the T41 just don't have the right pins connected to the world. Is just bad that the...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Some times ago , Bitluni made allot of test about VGA on ESP32 MCU. I compiled all timing and put them in a PDF that you can take here : It will probably help you for all...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi , I don't have try char actually , just have try to have better image , it's like the FlexIO1 and FlexIO2 are shifted on 2 pixels , but i don't understand how all it's done ... If you have some docs that explain how it's working it will be good for me to learn it :) And when your PCB and...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    Hi :) I was involved in the 1st Maximite and Colour Maximite , and was so to say my job to made and fix keyboard for some country. After that my work evolved and i was no more able to stay active in the project. With a German guy's i made the 1st STM32 Maximite , but then he was not able to...
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    [posted] VGA out for Teensy 4.0/4.1

    The VGA Standard say to output vsync every 16.6832mS that is 1000/16.6832 = 59.94Hz I don't have made any PCB here :o , i just take my 8 year old R2R VGA DAC PCB and fitted the some resistances that was needed and pull everything together :) After everything was soldered on a test board i was...