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  1. X

    Low volume with autoVolumeControl in Teensy SDR

    Bob, I think the volume code you are looking for is in the 50 ms timer check. Try searching for "ms_50.check()". The next 3 lines of code read the volume pot, scale the value from 0-1023 => 0.0-1.0 and then calls audioShield.volume(vol). if (ms_50.check() == 1) { float vol =...
  2. X

    Low volume with autoVolumeControl in Teensy SDR

    I found the modification described by Rich in the comment section of his blog. Here is the text of the mod. (search for "10k" in the above link) """Note that I increased the audio gain of my softrocks by changing the RX...
  3. X

    Low volume with autoVolumeControl in Teensy SDR

    What QSD board are you using? I think Rich was using the Softrock RXTX. IIRC he swapped out a couple of the resistors in the op-amp feedback circuit to increase the gain. I don't remember the values off the top of my head, but I will check my notes when I get home. I did a similar mod on my RX...
  4. X

    Teensy Convolution SDR (Software Defined Radio)

    I noticed that the sparkfun board you have has a cut trace / solder blob pad option. These will configure the shield header pins for either A6, A7 OR SCL(A5), SDA(A4). If you were to put a solder blob on this jumper without cutting the trace you would effectively jump teensy pin 18->20 and pin...
  5. X

    Mechanics: stacking

    I drew a breakout board to go between the Teensy and the Audio Board. Here is my teensySDR build: At OSH park it cost me $6.40 for 3 of them. The pins I used were your average pin length 0.440". I just slammed the breakout board all the way against the...
  6. X

    Teensy Software Defined Radio Receiver

    Teensy SDR Here is my build of the Teensy SDR. When first built I was running VE3MKC firmware, but have now upgraded to DD4WH. I am using a Softrock II lite for the QSD and RF front end so I am currently limited to just one band (40m). I did pick up a...