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  1. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4.1 w/ Zephyr, VSCode, and PlatformIO HOWTO?

    What I do amounts to re-flowing the solder. I'm looking at the bottom of a Pico 2 that just came in today and the solder in those holes looks like it could stand re-flow. I've made the easy mistake of adding too much solder and it flows right into the jack to predictable result. Less is more.
  2. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4.1 w/ Zephyr, VSCode, and PlatformIO HOWTO?

    The jack isn't designed to deform to accept stress. The plug is designed to deform to accept stress. ( mini usb was the other way around ) This is a design change that attempted to reduce the failure of embedded jacks. I hate to be reductive, but what I would do in your specific use case...
  3. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4.1 w/ Zephyr, VSCode, and PlatformIO HOWTO?

    What you are doing, with an improbably high word count, is rejecting any suggestion that doesn't fit the answer you have chosen. I have never had an issue with a loose usb socket. Only one tearing right off. One. A suggestion in general : Gently pry up the tiny tabs on any usb micro *plug*...
  4. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4.1 w/ Zephyr, VSCode, and PlatformIO HOWTO?

    At this point I have to wonder what you expect done.
  5. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4.1 w/ Zephyr, VSCode, and PlatformIO HOWTO?

    I reinforce the jacks with a bit of solder on the mounting tabs., and now check just about everything that has a micro usb to see if it needs the same. This has prevented a lot of problems
  6. ETMoody3

    ornament & crime beta testing

    Having just fallen down the Eurorack rabbit hole ( acquiring parts, building related stuff ) I am waiting to pounce when it is ready to be pounced upon.
  7. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    I have the "alternate" library compiling with zero warnings. My choice was arbitrary. I made the most sane changes my skills allow. Nothing significant, just silencing annoying warnings. Put the device to a torture test for a while, no undesired behavior, even with a fast arpeggio. You...
  8. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    For whatever it's worth, here's the build. Using Adafruit 'seesaw' encoder board, UDA1334 codec, Triad TY-250 transformers ( 20hz-20khz , 2.8db insertion loss )
  9. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    OOf, I made a real mess out of that sketch stripping it down, leaving UI variables in, leaving the testfire function in - and cutting off the last brace when axing the function below it... etc I compiled the sketch that mess came from using the alternative branch, no problems, no difference...
  10. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    That's a holdover from initially testing hardware, it used to fire off the 8 samples at different rates. another holdover would be the audio memory set that high. I have noticed there is more interesting functionality that I haven't yet tried.
  11. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    "Use case" That got narrowed down from 8 files tested to 6 files for the sake of not pushing resources. Then I came to my senses and realized that I would only ever use a single sample at a time. Single sample, midi control, with a "stutter" feature that upon note-off event leaves the sample...
  12. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    I did! It is noteworthy that I put that project aside waiting on improvements to the MTP responder code. I only recently brought it up to date and found that it works with the library as it gets pulled down by the library manager. If your modifications are in a branch, I don't have that but...
  13. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    Sorry for a delayed response... I don't have any information on how this conclusion was arrived at about interest in this library. I use the library. I have used the library through breaking changes, which requires more than a little patience. What I haven't done is be verbose about it...
  14. ETMoody3

    Arduino CLI And IDE now Released - Teensy Supported!

    I downloaded 2.0 on an old notebook running MX linux and gave it a thorough tryout using 1.57. No issues with anything I tried. Surprisingly good performance considering that the machine is really obsolete.
  15. ETMoody3

    Raspberry PI Raspbian 64Bit OS support ?

    I have Arduino 1.8.19 and Teensyduino 1.56 running on "raspian" 64 ( raspberry pi os 64 bit ) on a 8gb RPI 4 ...and while I haven't done much heavy lifting with it, it does seem to work fine. As Kurt says grab the ARM64 / AARCH64 - Jetson TX2 versions
  16. ETMoody3

    Two of the same Teensy "MIDI" devices on Windows at the same time (BUG?)

    Yeah, I dunno. I have one device that's Teensy 3.6 based, MIDI x 16 and another that is Teensy 4.0 based MIDI x 4 and the program I'm using ( gig performer 4 ) gives them both the same device name. It might be noteworthy that the name given is arbitrarily chosen from the two devices... likely...
  17. ETMoody3

    Shepard/Barberpole infinite phaser for Teensy4

    Oh, I like this a lot.
  18. ETMoody3

    PCM5012 I2S DAC with Teensy 4.1

    I've got a bunch of these and they work fine for me with several different microcontrollers. Note on top of the card right by the silkscreen of SCK there is a pair of pads. Bridging them with solder connects SCK to ground. This card has * 2 * low dropout converters, you must power the card...
  19. ETMoody3

    MIDI Clock in.

    Here's more about callbacks:
  20. ETMoody3

    MIDI Clock in.

    Try using the callback MIDI.setHandleClock(doSomethingAtClock); void doSomethingAtClock() { //your secret sauce here }
  21. ETMoody3

    Maximum signal level on audio inputs.

    You can set this with a function in the SGTL5000 control code.
  22. ETMoody3

    Issues with Teensy 4.1

    Well, this is a highly available and common encoder breakout. It may not be what you are using. Some encoders I use only attach to the data pins and ground. This one asks for a supply, ground, and then gives data pins. I use these with 3.3 v on a lot of projects. Powered with 5 volts...
  23. ETMoody3

    Issues with Teensy 4.1

    The encoders might well have been the source of trouble. As for them not damaging it right away... that doesn't seem intuitive. At this point, I'll draw back and see if anyone else has any input in that regard. However out of curiosity I'm going to set up a common encoder with 5v and...
  24. ETMoody3

    Issues with Teensy 4.1

    If those pro minis were 5 volt... they would have introduced 5 volts directly to the Teensy pins.
  25. ETMoody3

    Issues with Teensy 4.1

    But to answer your question yes there are ways to electrically isolate usb devices from the host computer that provide power via an external source. Again, the Jetson is a 5 volt system - I have one - and it seems highly unlikely it was a source of lethal voltage. Search for "ADUM3160 usb...
  26. ETMoody3

    Issues with Teensy 4.1

    I seriously doubt the Jetson over powered the usb system if it still works. You haven't told us what, if any, other things are attached to the Teensy that might have failed and shorted out the 3.3v supply.
  27. ETMoody3

    Issues with Teensy 4.1

    This might also be an issue with USB power management on the hosting computer, but without more information the only thing anyone can do is randomly guess.
  28. ETMoody3

    Teesny audio over UDP

    My personal experience as a musician is that anything over 30 ms latency gets annoying, under 30 ms ranges from acceptable to undetectable depending on context.
  29. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4.1 MIDI iN using 6N138 5V or 3.3V

    As far as I know No, the 6N138 does not work at 3.3 v. Look at the Adafruit midi feather wing which operates directly with 3.3v logic or consider a suitable logic level shifter like TXS0108E Alternative is to use this schematic which powers the 6N138 at...
  30. ETMoody3

    @Kurt: USB_HOST (T4.1) Serial, hardware handshake

    This has intriguing potential
  31. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    I see you have a mathematical method of matching a midi note to a specific playback rate. My math-fu isn't that strong but I knew it was possible. Such solutions come to me better when my consciousness is out of the way, like asleep or under heavy caffeination. :) I went the long way...
  32. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    Updated, thank you. I've lowered the number of streams in my project to 6 leaving overhead for filters + stuff. Works well.
  33. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    8 streams appear to use 70-90% cpu on the T4.1 so I'd say that's a theoretical limit.
  34. ETMoody3

    Teensyduino 1.54 Released

    Seems okay on Raspberry Pi
  35. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    Okay, 8 instances of the same file at once at different playback rates... which is so cacophonous I can't really tell how well it's working. I don't hear any distinct digital errors, no popping or ugly distortion. I'm impressed.
  36. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    So far so good, I've got 4 streams playing the same file at different speeds, without any glitches or errors. I'm using a teensy 4.1, SD card and a UDA1334 dac. Not sure what the theoretical maximum is but Ill report what I learn. I am getting a non critical stop compiler error regarding...
  37. ETMoody3

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    Bookmarked! I look forward to exploring it.
  38. ETMoody3

    MIDI Out as also MIDI Thru? Here's the documentation. Read the whole'll thank yourself later.
  39. ETMoody3

    Using a "real" microphone?

    The mic input on the audio shield isn't just an audio input, there's a biasing source.
  40. ETMoody3

    Using a "real" microphone?

    The mic input on the teensy audio shield is designed to allow easy use of common electret condenser capsules.
  41. ETMoody3

    MIDI Out as also MIDI Thru?

    The MIDI library does a THRU from input to the output by default. You have to shut it off if not needed, or attach the function to a switch or soft control.
  42. ETMoody3

    Using a "real" microphone?

    The chip in the "5$ preamp" is more like $7 but it's still a great circuit.
  43. ETMoody3

    Calf plugins on teensy

    I've used these plug-ins. The sound is up to par with commercial software but the GUI is horribly resource intensive. I'd certainly give it a try if the code were ported to run on external hardware ( i.e. Teensy 4 ) without that GUI overhead. It's more than my brain will wrap around, though.
  44. ETMoody3

    Iconic vintage synths with Teensy?

    After seeing the MicroDexed code, I have given serious thought to porting the Bristol engine to Teensy 4 / 4.1 Admittedly this is a bit beyond my skill set, I simply feel encouraged after seeing the work done to port the Dexed engine to a microcontroller
  45. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4 with Audio Sheild Makes Noise

    There has to be an output circuit of some sort in order to hear anything.
  46. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4 with Audio Sheild Makes Noise

    Too many possibilities to enumerate. We have no way of knowing from your question how you have your project wired, the extent of possible ground loops, and many other factors. Even an external power bank won't eliminate ground loops coming from audio connections. This is why my suggestion...
  47. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4 with Audio Sheild Makes Noise

    Try isolating transformers? Like these EI14
  48. ETMoody3

    Teensy 4.0: Sending MIDI through USB

    fwiw here's what the usbHostt36 debug print has to say with only one of those hubs plugged in USB Host Testing sizeof Device = 36 sizeof Pipe = 96 sizeof Transfer = 64 power up USBHS PHY reset waited 5 USBHS_ASYNCLISTADDR = 0 USBHS_PERIODICLISTBASE = 1FFF5000 periodictable = 1FFF5000 port...