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  1. B

    wiz820io max speed ?

    Hey alex, thanks so much. That sounds like exactly the answer i was looking for. I'll check you code later! Your projects looks very nice. Do you have a video as well? I'm just back from the festival I used the tensy controllers the first time. It worked quite well on 10MBit with just 25fps...
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    Teensyduino 1.17 Release Candidate #1 Available

    Hey Paul, how could I partition the memory for 4 times the amount of packet bufferung per socket with just 2 MAX_SOCK_NUM ??
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    wiz820io max speed ?

    Hey manitou, increasing the SPI speed doesn't have any effect. When I try to change the MAC sockets I get compiling errors. / Do you know what I do wrong?
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    wiz820io max speed ?

    Yes, I do transmit the data to LED's with the FastLed Library. But also when I just receive the artnet packages and print them out, like done in the library in the example , I have the same speed...
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    wiz820io max speed ?

    what does it mean? Is there such a driver around? I use the Ethernet and EthernetUdp Library from Paul's GitHub right now. Any other Librarys with block buffered I/O avaible?
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    wiz820io max speed ?

    Hello, I have the same problem with artnet over udp with WIZ820io doesn't push more then 7 universes on 100MBit. I have to push 11 universes. That works fine on 10MBit but since I have about 100 universes in total, I need a 100MBit connection. Is there any solution to the big overhead of the...
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    teensy + LAN + Wifi

    The WIZ820io are using the Hardware SPI-Pins 11 and 13 of the teensy, right? Is there any way to use software SPI's? I actually need the Hardware SPI's 7,11,13,14 to drive pixel-leds.
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    teensy + LAN + Wifi

    Ok, thanks!
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    APA 102 on teensy

    Hey, I aready have some experience with teensy and WS8212B driven by the Okto2811 / FastLed Library. For the next project I use the APA 102 / DotStar Stribes. Since the Okto2811 Library can drive about 8000 Pixels on 30fps with parallel output on 8 pins my question is: How is the performance...
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    teensy + LAN + Wifi

    Hello, For building an "Pixel-LED Art-Net Node Controller" i need a teensy with LAN and Wifi connection. What is the best way to do it? Can I attach the "WIZ820io & Micro SD Card Adaptor" and the "Teensy to XBee Adaptor Kit" at the same time? Is there any disadvantage to use the ESP8266 instead...