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  1. N

    Speed of digitalRead and digitalWrite with Teensy3.0

    Hi, I was wondering if someone already measured the duration of digitalRead and digitalWrite. In my Arduino Project both commands resulted in a significant delay and it was necessary to directly access the ports. Is this delay also present using Teensy 3.0? Best Nils
  2. N

    delayMicrosceconds limitations using teensyduino?

    Thanks for your hind, but the delays are between 100 us and a few seconds, which is fairly larger than 100's of microseconds. Do you know how to reset IntervalTimer? Probably one has to directly access the microcontroller's counter and interrupts as it is with the avr.
  3. N

    delayMicrosceconds limitations using teensyduino?

    Interrupt context programming might solve the problem, I tried it with the arduino and used the timer and a compare match. I had to preload the timer and start it, when ever the period should begin. Probably it would be enough to stop the timer after one cycle, reset it and with a little math...
  4. N

    delayMicrosceconds limitations using teensyduino?

    Thank you very much for the super fast reply, and all the work you invested, that now allows idiots like me to use fast hardware. Unfortunately, I do not know how else I can program well defined intervals of 200 us - 2 s with us precision, that should start at a certain point and just run once...
  5. N

    delayMicrosceconds limitations using teensyduino?

    Hey, I just found the teensy 3.0 and I am very impressed, so that I ordered 2 of them. I found that many functions are improved compared to the standard arduinos, but I wonder if it is possible to have delayMicroseconds for longer periods? It seems that it only works in [0:16383] us which is a...