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  1. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    ...: SOLUTION :... Thanks to the good people of this community SAI3 for Audio is possible! 👏 SAI3 can be used by using the files below for Audio Output. Here's how to do it. NOTE: This uses the following pins for SAI3 Audio Output. SD_B1_01: SAI3_TX_DATA SD_B1_02: SAI3_TX_SYNC SD_B1_03...
  2. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    IT WORKS!!! The CCM_CS1CDR was the last caveat!! 😁
  3. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    If it proves stubborn, yes I could provide hardware. Thanks for checking, I hope this will also help others making custom stuff in the future. :)
  4. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    Thanks for these pointers, I've changed that as well but still no audio. Maybe it's some other factor. Or other register that does not have the name to search for. I have now also created: input_i2s3.cpp input_i2s3.h I attach them below, same mods to them as well. But I am not using microphone...
  5. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    This is what I have done: * Audio.h now also includes output_i2s3.h * Copied files: output_i2s2.cpp output_i2s2.h and made them into output_i2s3.cpp output_i2s3.h * Inside the new files I have renamed all names that contain: - SAI2 -> SAI3, a few registers had other changes as well in the...
  6. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    That's actually very cool! I've made the I2S3 files for output, no success yet, but I will do the Input as well for the sake of it. And I added output_i2s3.h as include in Audio.h
  7. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    I have other hardware where I use the original pins. Using a 3W amplifier (MAX98357) and only 3 pins. It works great, so I figure I can do the same here but with SAI3 instead. This would be for Mono audio I believe(?). If I want left and right I need more pins(?).
  8. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    I'll give this a solid try by copying the i2s2 files and naming them i2s3. If I am successful I will share the files here to help others that want to use SAI3 on their custom setup.
  9. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    Thanks for your reply! As I'm not using a Microphone, I could skip the input file, correct?
  10. Dogbone06

    add ethernet to a micromod format teensy

    Hey, nice work! This Teensy MM driver, is it something you can share?
  11. Dogbone06

    SAI3 Audio alternate pins

    Hey! I've been looking into the Teensy Audio library and it's very extensive. Many many files. The original Teensy Audio pins are (SAI2): I am using SAI3 and the following pins, which are alternates from the 1062 datasheet: Image from datasheet for reference: So one must change this...
  12. Dogbone06

    Teensy and ESP32 - for WiFiNina

    It features the chip antenna but that can be changed later on, the idea is to have something custom that works as WiFi for the Teensy. Once it does I will post the Gerber, schematic and all to ease other peoples development.
  13. Dogbone06

    Teensy and ESP32 - for WiFiNina

    I made a custom WiFi module back in the day when this was current. I never ordered the board but I looked it over and I did all the work. I will order it, do you guys one to play with?
  14. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Hey all! I'm playing with a 5" 16 bit screen using eLCDIF together with LVGL which works nicely. Me and @Rezo are a little curious on how to use the Pixel Pipeline to rotate the screen. Seems that Mike made a library. Library: It would be nice to be able to do...
  15. Dogbone06

    EHEX has EOF twice in the file - Confuses FlasherX

    DISCLAIMER: When playing with EHEX there's always a risk if you are not careful! I can finally say with certainty that FlasherX does work fine with EHEX. I've been talking back and forth with @joepasquariello who is the creator of FlasherX, me testing and him giving feedback. With that we've...
  16. Dogbone06

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3

    Support for EHEX in PIO is a great addition, great work! I wish FlasherX could have EHEX support as well, it would bring it all together nicely!
  17. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    I suggest that you read through this thread. Sure it may take a little time but there's a ton of information and knowledge in here that has gathered over the course of time when we developed this. There's code and pin mappings. Which you will need to find the board useful. Atleast read throught...
  18. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    As far as I can remember, I never said they were ordered from JLC, what's that?
  19. Dogbone06

    RTC Clock Trim

    Not sure if this will work but this is what I can find. void adjustRTCTrim(int8_t coarseTrim, int8_t fineTrim) { // Disable the RTC before making adjustments RTC_CR &= ~RTC_CR_OSCE; // Clear the RTC oscillator enable bit // Set the coarse and fine adjustments in the RTC_TCR register...
  20. Dogbone06

    Teensy 4.1, FlexCAN_T4, Filtering

    I've never played with filter ranges. Only message ID filters. But I want to help you so this is my guess of what would work. Can't guarantee anything. #include <FlexCAN_T4.h> FlexCAN_T4<CAN1, RX_SIZE_256, TX_SIZE_16> Can1; CAN_message_t rxMsg; void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200)...
  21. Dogbone06

    Setting up LVGL: fsl_cache.h not found

    Did you ever figure this out?
  22. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Happy to see others take us of this and make cool stuff. Amazing! Making one board is expensive. Making a large batch makes the price waaay less.
  23. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Exactly, now we have high (read higher) speeds which is nice. I really wish the 1062 had MIPI DSI. Oh well. :p
  24. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    I think it’s amazing that the Teensy now has a lot of display options. It’s been long overdue. Great work!
  25. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    All lengths exist but they were out of stock which meant that the boards would have come without any headers. So I went for +4
  26. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Reason there's a long and a short one is that the full length was out of stock when ordering these Gen5 boards.
  27. Dogbone06

    RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing

    That display you use looks like a 7"? That correct?
  28. Dogbone06

    RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing

    I took a peak, it does look very good and structured. Wonderful work! So will 24 bit also be added later? We still don't have it working fully, the interrefence or whatever it is is still there. Once that's fixed then it could be added to this library I suppose?
  29. Dogbone06

    RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing

    Dummy question here but will this display library be sort of a “unified” library that supports most variants? I think that’s a good idea. Having it support 8, 16 and even 24 but with 8080 and others. And then documentation on how to and what pins to use (default pins or suggested pins) for each...
  30. Dogbone06


    Stupid issue that was fixed, I am not able to remove the thread, no delete button. Please delete this.
  31. Dogbone06

    MKL02Z32 required pins

    DEBUG_EN is not used currently, but there is no assurance if it will or will not be used in the future. So do yourself a favor and connect it.
  32. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Can we get a video of this? I really wanna see the performance.
  33. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    The CC pins human error was fixed on the Gen5 board. It's just that CC1 and CC2 on the IP6510 and the USB-C needs to be connected together.
  34. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    528MHz is pretty fast, should be adequate for most applications. I picked the CVL5B because it can do -40 to +105 celcius. While the commercial is like 0 to 95 Celsius. Not being able to handle negative degrees is pretty bad for real world usage.
  35. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Some very strange crashes has appeared on all the devboards. But jmarsh figured out that increased the voltage just a little, seems to solve it completely. I'll let those guys post about it.
  36. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Regarding the package, it’s probably because it’s been weekend. It’ll fly over later today I suspect. Or tomorrow.
  37. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    It’s in this post:
  38. Dogbone06

    Game Console with iMXRT1062

    * I am far from an expert, I've only designed a few BGA boards thus far. It's sometimes hard to route, the 5V is there because it was the easiest way. Going to a 6-layer board would make life many times easier. I just got my first 6-layer board today. And just as you said about yourself, I am...
  39. Dogbone06

    Teensy 4 Audio - i2s alternate pins

    I've found some info on how to change the i2s pins for Teensy 3, but no real forward way for Teensy 4. I think I know the place where it needs to be done, but there's probably more to it. In file libraries\Audio\output_i2s.cpp CCM_CCGR5 |= CCM_CCGR5_SAI1(CCM_CCGR_ON); // if either transmitter...
  40. Dogbone06

    ILI948x_t41_p - a parallel display driver for Teensy 4.1

    I've completely missed this thread. Great work guys, amazing!
  41. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    The CC Pins are supposed to be connected to the USB-PD CC pins on the IC to negotiate. But they are not. The naming of them was wrong (human error). Good thing you catched this, the PCB's for Gen5 are not assembled yet, so I can pull the handbrake and alter them!
  42. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    I don’t have the schematic in front of me now but I’m 99% sure that the CC pins in the host port is connected to the USD-PD chip which negotiates with the client. So it’s all good.
  43. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    5.1k for each CC pin as per the standard on the first port. The second port I’m unsure of now that you mention it!
  44. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    I am unsure actually. The reason why that one is floating by itself is that the pin most likely got moved in the schematic. Never even saw the floating one there. But yes EMC_01 is used by SDRAM.
  45. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    This is no easy task. It will be very cool To see if you succeed. I truly hope so! How do you plan to integrate WiFi and Bluetooth to the Teensy, any library in mind?
  46. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    That should help @sRGB565 with the design atleast. (y)
  47. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Thanks for the kind words. This one has 1x SDRAM. I have not looked into how to add 2x. What do you need 2x for?
  48. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    So I've been working on a dedicated 24 bit board these past days. A proof of concept that can play (hopefully) videos, music (amplifier onboard) on a 24 bit screen. The idea is to 3D print a case and have a 5" screen with touch running LVGL. Powered by a LiPo battery with charger via USB-C. It...
  49. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Bootloader can only be bought at one place, that is here:
  50. Dogbone06

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Post 1124 has it, page 45 in this thread. NOTE: This is the new Gen5, it’s not been tested. But the changes made from previous gen (4.5) is minor so there should be no issues. The SDRAM is untouched, that’s proven to work already in previous boards.